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Barbells & Bullshit USA Seminar Tour
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The Barbells & Bullshit USA Tour

Los Angeles - Sat Aug 28 - Barbells & Bullshit 9am-5pm 

Los Angeles - Sat Aug 28

- The World is Flat 7.00pm-9.30pm

Los Angeles -Sun Aug  29  - Program Design* 9am - 5pm

Book Now!
* available only to those who have attended the Sat 10 July seminar
Learn from the source - from the worlds most influential mind on physical preparation
Flexibility Specialization Series 
KING Coaching Program
The KING Coaching Program is the only professional development program of its kind - a multi-year, hands-on mentored coaching program dedicated to the mastery of the KSI way of physical preparation.
KSI CIP 101: KSI Theory of Physical Prep
Home Study Program
Start: NOW
Pre-requisite: Nil
KSI CIP 101 is a requirement for entry into KSI CIP 102Camp
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KSI CIP 102: KSI Holistic Approach to Physical Preparation
Starts Fri 27 June 2010
11:00-12pm EST USA
Pre-requisite: KSI CIP 101
KSI CIP 102 is a requirement for entry into KSI CIP 103Cam
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KSI CIP 103: KSI Three Day Boot Camp
Live-in three day camp
Mon 23 - Wed 25 Aug 2010
Park City, Utah, USA
Pre-requisite: KSI CIP 101 & 102
Completion of the CIP 101, 202 & 103 are required to be considred for the KSI CMPCam
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The KSI Between Sets Newsletter
Issue No. 106, Sep-Oct 2010
Performance coach - why the term sucks
An extract from 'Barbells & Bullshit' (the book)

I have noted a trend over the last decade or so for physical preparatiChallenging your thinkingon coaches involved with athletes and sporting teams to refer to themselves as 'performance' coaches or directors. In fact, this title appears to be the pinnacle of employment positions within sporting teams. I don't support this and here's why.

In my thirty year involvement in the industry to date I have watched the slow acceptance of physical preparation coaches by other coaches in sport. From my perspective the formal role of the physical preparation coach in western sport began in the 1970's at the earliest. My point is the industry is relatively young.


As such, it's been pretty easy for the more established coaching roles to manipulate physical preparation coaches. The most common techniques I have seen include:

1. The athletes are getting injured because of what the physical preparation coach is doing

2. The athletes are performing worse because of what the physical preparation coach is doing.


To achieve point 2, you will often hear coaches blame the team's 'fitness' for poor performance. This technique is so entrenched that you will commonly hear lay people make the same statement - 'They are not fit enough'.


Teams and athletes don't lose simply because of their physical preparation. Physical preparation is at most 25% or one of four components of athletic success. When you add culture, equipment, and funding you now have ten components. Physical is one-tenths or 10% of this model. It's a very long bow to suggest that controlling the physical preparation dictates the performance.


All the use of the term 'performance coach' does is play into the hands of those who seek to use the 'new kid on the block' (physical preparation) as the fall guy should one be needed in the event of individual or team failure. Controlling one-tenth of the total athlete preparation gives physical preparation coaches no more rights to claim they are 'performance coaches' than any of those in the coaching and support team who control / influence the other nine components in the 10-part model.


It reinforces the myth that if an individual or team fail to win, it is because they lack appropriate physical preparation.


And no, the flip side is rarely promoted - that when they win it is because of their physical preparation. The same people in the coaching team who seek to shift the blame to the physical preparation coaches in the event of a loss will step up in the event of a win to take credit. Now they seek to be titled 'great coaches'.


This pattern of blame / credit is only outperformed in inaccuracy by the physical preparation coach who controls only one of the four sub-components of physical preparation (e.g. strength training only) - and seeks to take credit for the wins. They control 25% of 10%, or an estimated 2.5% of the generalized preparation.

The only situation I believe a physical preparation coach can even consider calling themselves a 'performance coach' is when they control over 50% of the total athlete preparation. Which means they would have to control technical, tactical, physical and psychological preparation (totaling 40%) - and more - to control over 50% if the total program.


Rarely achieved. I would not need more than one hand to count the number of physical preparation coaches I have encountered in three decades in this industry who meet this criteria.


This also raises the question of how many years back in each athlete's career they had this control


Take the athlete's age minus say 4 years of age, and then divide by 2 - have they been in control for more than half this number? If not it means they haven't controlled the majority of the training process that led to this point. 


Know anyone who would meet these criteria?


Most physical preparation coaches live in so much fear of losing their job they don't have any intention of seeking to alter or control departments outside of their own. In fact, this scarcity mentality - where is my next job coming from? What will I do if I lose this job?- usually means they allow others in the administration, coaching and support team to interfere with the physical preparation program to the extent that I doubt they could be said to

even control that.

The above is an extract from the book 'Barbells & Bullshit' by Ian King, 2010. Learn more about this book at



Your Say!


Barbells & Bullshit (the book) - very entertaining, hilarious, gut-wrenching and scary


Ian, Great book... ...keeping me up late. Very entertaining, hilarious, gut-wrenching and scary as you unfold the reality of this industry, while pairing it with guidance to a conscious way of thriving in the field of physical preparation and life.

Also, you have brilliantly made the book very interactive, which I assume was done purposely, and adds to the suspense and overall enjoyment.  Thank you once again,



Thank you again for over delivering


Ian, Thank you again for over delivering.  Enjoyed the bonus Legacy Tour DVD with your new 'B&B' publication.  I've been wanting to learn the power clean, and your add on offer was just what I needed.


Of particular interest in the Legacy DVD, was the squat episode.  Your explanation of how form relates to performance in sport as well as transfer was particularly insightful.  


You have developed a keen eye, indeed.  Also, I appreciated the contrast between sport and fitness.  Thank you for you all your work over the years.    



Made me chuckle and think of the Barbells & Bullshit lectures


Hi Ian, I just read a book on Zen sayings.  One story made me chuckle and think of the Barbells & Bullshit lectures; I've reproduced it below.  I

thought you might appreciate it.  Regards,



The story is told of Mara, the God of evil, watching with his students a

man discovering a piece of paper with a truth written on it.  The

students asked Mara, "How can you sit there with that big smile on your

face? Can't you see what just happened?  That man has just discovered a

truth."  Mara smiled and said, "Don't worry, just watch and see.  Soon he'll make a dogmatic belief out of it."


Just wanted to say thank you


Coach King, Just wanted to say thank you for you help. I actually started my semester at the German Sport University Cologne a week ago. I am happy to say that even my classmates talk about you and your programs. Its awesome here Coach King all of our studies are 50-50. That means the first half we learn in class than the next half we apply that science to the human performance labs we have here. The facilites here are second to none. As students we have to develop our own projects ofcourse.


I definatly plan on using some of the techniques I have learned from you to test athletes. Speed is my specialty, along with American Football. I cant wait to come up with new and creative ways to get Athletes better. Let me just say that how flexibility is completely ignored in American training couldnt be farther from the truth and I plan on changing that. I will be making a video for family and fellow collegaues showing the Campus and the Labs we have here. If you would like I could send you a copy.


Thanks for all your influence and knowledge Coach King, you are truly one of the world's best.



Time, Money & the Physical Preparation Coach
Article download

There's never been a better time to educate yourself and create options. Access this article, written by KSI Coach Mitcell Kochonda, by going here:


Jim Rohn InternationalOptimizing human performance
Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Jim Rohn
Perhaps the most impacting quote from Jim was:
Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.

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KSI is committed to teaching the world how to train through it's real world, unique and highly effective approach to physical preparation. KSI has been dedicated to athlete preparation and coach education since 1986.KSI 1986-2006

Initially, only those elite athletes fortunate to have access to Ian King, could benefit from his holistic and balanced approached to athletic preparation.

Now 'the master' (as the athlete's chose to refer to Ian) shares his methods in a way that everyone in the world can benefit - through his articles, newsletters, books, DVDs, seminars and his KSI Coaches.

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