KING Coaching Program |
The KING Coaching Program is the only professional development program of its kind - a multi-year, hands-on mentored coaching program dedicated to the mastery of the KSI way of physical preparation. | |
KSI CIP 101: KSI Theory of Physical Prep |
Home Study Program
Starts Jan 2009
Pre-requisite: Nil KSI CIP 101 is a requirement for entry into KSI CIP 102Camp Register Now |
KSI CIP 102: KSI Holistic Approach to Physical Preparation |
Tele-Conference Program
Starts Fri 5 June 2009
8:00-9:30pm EST USA
Pre-requisite: KSI CIP 101 KSI CIP 102 is a requirement for entry into KSI CIP 103Cam Register Now |
KSI CIP 103: KSI Three Day Boot Camp |
Live-in three day intense 'boot camp'
Mon 24 - Wed 26 Aug 2009
Park City, Utah, USA
Pre-requisite: KSI CIP 101 & 102 Completion of the CIP 101, 202 & 103 are required to be considred for the KSI CMPCam Register Now | |
The KSI Between Sets Newsletter
Issue No. 97, Mar-Apr 2009
NB. If you received the KSI Between Sets newsletter twice - refer to the PS below to resolve. |
The 2009 KSI Training Camp will be held between Monday 24th and Wednesday 26th August 2009 inclusively. KSI has and continues to lead the world in physical preparation and this event is no exception - you will not have experienced an event like this. Three days that will impact you for life.
This event is open to anyone who trains for any purpose. If you take your training seriously and you value the training approach of KSI and Ian King, this event will reward immensely. In addition to the education, you will rub shoulders with the full range of KSI Coaches at our 6th Annual International Get-Together. Ian's opening it our 3 day training camp to general people instead of only coaches / athletes as it's been done for over 10 years, something I've wanted him to do for a while. The unique thing is it's a 3 day live in program, long days, early starts and late finishes, incredibly impacting. You will see the 'be-ing' of the BE - DO - HAVE philosophy immersed in this environment, see how we operate on a daily basis. At this event you will be exposed to the holistic teachings of KSI - physical, personal, business, financial and spiritual development. --Mitchell Kochonda, King Coach If you would like to learn more about this event - including who we believe is the type of person this three day KSI Training Camp is aimed at - complete the fields at www.kingsports.net to receive further information.
CIP 102 June 2009 Intake Planning to take your career, life and or business to a new level this year by attending the 2009 KSI CIP 103 Boot Camp? This is the final chance in 2009 to qualify for the KSI CIP 103 by completing the KSI CIP 102. The final KSI CIP 102 intake for 2009 commences Friday 5th June 2009 and runs for 8 wks from that date. Note this is the final opportunity to complete the KSI CIP 102 in time to participate in the 2009 KSI CIP 103, the three day boot camp. The KSI Coaching Program is the only professional development program of its kind - a multi-year, hands-on mentored coaching program dedicated to the mastery of the KSI way of physical preparation. The KSI Coach Intern Program (CIP) is the first stage of the KING Coaching Program. It involves the KSI CIP 101, 102 and 103. Typically conducted over a one year period, the KSI CIP provides coaches and KSI the opportunity to review their respective suitability for the next and more demanding stage of the KSI Coaching Program. It's been almost a year since I joined KSI CIP 101. And it's been quite a journey. In the last eleven months I received a huge amount of knowledge that now sets me miles apart from any of my colleagues here, I am now well able to make a big difference in the lives of my clients. Not that this makes me arrogant, I got educated not only in the field of physical preparation, but much wider, in how to be a well rounded person. This is one thing that I value above the rest, KSI CIP course has given me a perspective, an indication where (and why) I'm now, and where I should be going from here, professionally, personally and financially. All I can say is, thank you, to Ian, Mike and the whole KSI Team. --Igor For more information about the KSI Coach Intern Program (CIP) go to http://www.kingsports.net/SearchResult.aspx?CategoryID=5. The KSI Coach Intern Program (CIP) 102 Holistic Approach to Physical Preparation is an eight (week Tele-Conference Call Series that aims to expose you to the holistic approach that is a trademark of KSI's approach to physical preparation. Thanks, the call yesterday was great! Since I've never been part of a conference call prior I didn't know what do expect but I liked it very much and it helped me to see information that I thought I understood in a different light. I wrote over 3 sheets of paper of notes that I will work through again until next Friday! --Andi To register for the CIP 102 June 2009 intake go to http://www.kingsports.net/detail.aspx?ID=72. We are also, for the first time, offering a special rate for those who have completed this course (the 102) in the past and wish to repeat it. For more information go to http://www.kingsports.net/detail.aspx?ID=124.
Remember, successful completion of the KSI CIP 101 is a pre-requisite for this course, as are the following study material. Required Course Study Support Materials * The Way of the Physical Preparation Coach (book) * Winning & Losing (book) If you do not already have this material you can order them online at the KSI Shop. The KSI CIP 101 is a pre-requisite for entry into the KSI CIP 102, and both programs are required for entry into the KSI CIP 103. The Coaching Internship Program that King Sports International hosts is a premier event for anyone looking to improve their skills in the Physical Preparation Field. The learning experience is still having effects on my life currently even if it was three months ago. I've walked away from the event learning not only tools for my profession but also how I look at myself and my self beliefs. If your looking for people, role models, or mentors in life that walk the talk: KSI are living examples of what they teach. There are so many learning experiences to reflect on such as my lessons learned from the physical morning activity, to the two hour stretching, as well as the evening talk with Mr. Carnegie. I'm more consciously aware of what I portray, such as my words, which dictate my actions, which are a reflection of my beliefs. This has been a tremendous help in changing. One of the most memorable parts of the event was during the business / financial evening in which I asked about marketing. The topic of marketing wasn't just of how I wanted to portray my business but also tied in towards reflecting of how I see myself (i.e.: Maslow's hierarchy of needs). That night made me look at my biggest influences as well as the connections it has financially and professionally.
Some of the challenges I've learned about myself from the event, I currently deal with today but I walked away from the coaching internship more aware and better prepared to handle them. Hearing the truth for betterment was not easy at first but enlightening for helping myself become better in my decisions and actions. KSI brings their wealth of knowledge to expose the interns to real life lessons which it takes to succeed not only in the profession but also in their spiritual personal and financial knowledge. --Robert | |
CIP 103 August 2009 Intake
Successful completion of the KSI CIP 102 allows you to apply for the KSI CIP 103, with the next 103 course running in August 2009 - and guaranteed to change your life forever!
When talking about my CIP Boot Camp experience in August 2008 I could tell you "what" happened. We started very early (usually my alarm was set at 5:30am), had a training session before breakfast, 1-2 training sessions and some theory before lunch, another training session in the afternoon and so much great theory information that evenings were late - at one time we worked way past midnight, and that after getting up early and a lot of training during the day. But telling that would only be half of the story. I believe what makes the camp specially is not only "what" is done, but "how" it is done. The coaches do not only tell you about a holistic approach (professional, business, financial, spiritual, personal development) but live it. There is an understand about linking many different part of once life together to create something more than the sum of the parts that I have never seen before. This very powerful surrounding made me learn more in 3 days than I learned at university in 3 years (at least more useful information). You are exposed to the Master himself who challenges you to rethink your mindset extensively, to coaches who graduated from the CMP program, coaches in the CMP, coaches in the CIP and athletes - and all very positive and generous people! So learning is not limited to someone telling you something but you also see information applied, watch coaches from one level teach another level, do it yourself and have a chance to ask questions. Altogether I saw a complete different lifestyle that is definitely not for everyone! But I'd rather be part of the successful 5% than of the average 95% on this planet.... Beside being a great learning experience this camp is FUN! Tell me one competitive athlete who wouldn't love to spend all day training, eating the best supplements there are, sleeping in very comfortable beds, having cute twins as waitresses and all that in the beautiful mountains of Park City! Thanks to Ian, Mike, and the KSI Team! --Andi |
The Economy
By now I imagine you would be aware of the economic challenges facing the broader international community. Perhaps these have even impacted you in a person way. I know some who are waiting and hoping that things will go 'back to normal'. I suspect that those who 'need' this to happen and are waiting and hoping are going to be in for some challenges. I read a great saying recently about the economy and share this with you here: Some people are waiting for the economy to come back. I say the economy is not coming back. The economy has moved on. --Robert Kiyosaki I am teaching my entreupreurship group that now is the time to implement those new skills. Those who move in the right direction now will be rewarded. One of these business partners is doing just that and will double or more his income during the month of May. Find out how you can expand your business and income - http://www.kingsports.net/buspartners-dti.htm. |
Your Say
My perspective on training has changed! Hello Ian. I just wanted to share something I've been meaning to say for a while. I was in a head-on collision a year ago this week, and after months of back and neck pain, the chiro and the physical therapist both said I should forget about squatting, deadlifting, or any kind of overhead pressing. I was 31 at the time, and it was not what I wanted to hear, but tying my shoes was painful, let alone any kind of loading. The stretch at your seminar in October was the first time since the accident that I felt good. After dedicating at least three hours a week just to flexibility work, I just finished Stage 1 of the GB II program, and squatted, deadlifted, and military pressed for a month, pain free. The weights I'm lifting are nothing to brag about, but it just really brings home the point you make about being responsible for your own health. I also wanted to say 'thank you'. I've been lifting since I was twelve years old, and training people since I was 22, and I can't believe how much my perspective on training has changed in just these last few months. It has been eye-opening, to say the least. The only regret I have is that I didn't enroll sooner. So, thanks again!
--John Which book should I invest in and study? Hello there my name is Jordan and i currently have Ian Kings book of muscle. I must say Ian has an excellent reputation and I'm impressed by him. I'm training soon to become a personal Fitness Trainer,after just qualifying as a Fitness Instructor. To help prepare me for my personal Trainer Course, Would you recommend in your opinion i just keep reading "The Book of Muscle" by Ian King and Lou Schuler" or perhaps read " Foundations of Physical Preparation Book" or "Get Buffed!". I just want to prepare for my qualification before i take my Personal Trainers diploma, and be the best of the best. Thank you for your Time. Warm Wishes --Jordan Jordan - all the books will ultimately serve you. Our KSI range is our professional development range, and the Foundation book and DVD are literally the foundation of this range. The Get buffed! Range is for end users however also serves to educate the professional. You say your aim is for the material to help prepare you for your certification course/exam. In that case the Book of Muscle is more likely to contain politically correct info. Our professional development range is not a conformist content range. Our professional development extends into our Coach Intern Program (CIP), which whilst not a certificate or 'approved' by any organisations, is a next step for those who want to be as good as they can be, vs. those who just need/want to get a certificate. Trust this helps. --Ian King Is the "Get Buffed" Training Dairy the same as Get Buffed the book? Is the "Get Buffed" Training Dairy the same as Get Buffed the book but with areas to record you progress etc. Thank you, --Brian Brian - if you are the proud owner of a Get Buffed! Book you are eligible for complimentary 12 months KSI forum membership, where you can ask endliess questions and interact with my coaches and other forum members. The GB training diary has minimal text - it is not a book or a program - it is simply a comprehensive training diary, where as you describe, you record your progress in all areas --Ian King |
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