In this issue...
Top Performing Coaches
March 2009 CIP 102 Intake
The Perfect Storm
Forum Clean Out
Your Say
PS - Received the Between Sets Newsletter twice?... 
KING Coaching Program
The KING Coaching Program is the only professional development program of its kind - a multi-year, hands-on mentored coaching program dedicated to the mastery of the KSI way of physical preparation.
KSI CIP 101: KSI Theory of Physical Prep
Home Study Program
Starts Jan 2009
Pre-requisite: Nil
KSI CIP 101 is a requirement for entry into KSI CIP 102Camp
Register Now
KSI CIP 102: KSI Holistic Approach to Physical Preparation
Tele-Conference Program
Starts Fri 5 June 2009
8:00-9:30pm EST USA
Pre-requisite: KSI CIP 101
KSI CIP 102 is a requirement for entry into KSI CIP 103Cam
Register Now
KSI CIP 103: KSI Three Day Boot Camp
Live-in three day intense 'boot camp' 
Mon 24 - Wed 26 Aug 2009
Park City, Utah, USA
Pre-requisite: KSI CIP 101 & 102
Completion of the CIP 101, 202 & 103 are required to be considred for the KSI CMPCam
Register Now
The KSI Between Sets Newsletter
Issue No. 96, Jan-Feb 2009
NB. If you received the KSI Between Sets newsletter twice - refer to the PS below to resolve.
Top Performing Coaches on the Fast Track
During the last year we introduced two support tracks for our CIP 101 Coaches - a Fast Track, and a 'Normal Track'.  This doesn't mean we want people to rush through or go slow. At the end of the day individuals will do as they want. We just wanted to support those who were committed to getting it done as well as though with less urgency. 
With focus, determination and commitment, we know the KSI CIP 101 can be done in a short period of time, despite being 15 units in length. We also know from observation over years that those who loose their way, loose focus, take years if at all to finish what could be done in a short period of time.
Needless to say, we respect those who are focused, determined and excited about their involvement in the CIP 101. Keen to get into the 102, then the 103.
To this end we want to recognize two recent efforts:
Carl Sherry (AUS) - took 6 wks and 3 days to complete
John Biolsi (USA) - took 6 wks and 9 days to complete
Well done Carl and John - the personal traits of focus, determination and commitment to complete will serve you well in all aspects of life. And you longer you stay involved with KSI Coach Education the more you will be given the opportunity to change the way you think, the way you act, and the consequences/results you receive in life. 
March 2009 Intake of the CIP 102
We have released the date for the commencement of the first KSI CIP 102 intake for 2009. This course commences Friday 20th March 2009 and runs for 8 wks from that date.

The KSI Coaching Program is the only professional development program of its kind - a multi-year, hands-on mentored coaching program dedicated to the mastery of the KSI way of physical preparation.

The KSI Coach Intern Program (CIP) is the first stage of the KING Coaching Program. It involves the KSI CIP 101, 102 and 103. Typically conducted over a one year period, the KSI CIP provides coaches and KSI the opportunity to review their respective suitability for the next and more demanding stage of the KSI Coaching Program.

It's been almost a year since I joined KSI CIP 101. And it's been quite a journey. In the last eleven months I received a huge amount of knowledge that now sets me miles apart from any of my colleagues here, I am now well able to make a big difference in the lives of my clients. Not that this makes me arrogant, I got educated not only in the field of physical preparation, but much wider, in how to be a well rounded person. This is one thing that I value above the rest, KSI CIP course has given me a perspective, an indication where (and why) I'm now, and where I should be going from here, professionally, personally and financially.
All I can say is, thank you, to Ian, Mike and the whole KSI Team.

For more information about the KSI Coach Intern Program (CIP) go to

The KSI Coach Intern Program (CIP) 102 Holistic Approach to Physical Preparation is an eight (8 week Tele-Conference Call Series that aims to expose you to the holistic approach that is a trademark of KSI's approach to physical preparation.

Thanks, the call yesterday was great! Since I've never been part of a conference call prior I didn't know what do expect but I liked it very much and it helped me to see information that I thought I understood in a different light. I wrote over 3 sheets of paper of notes that I will work through again until next Friday!

To register for the CIP 102 March intake go to

We are also, for the first time, offering a special rate for those who have completed this course (the 102) in the past and wish to repeat it. For more information go to

Remember, successful completion of the KSI CIP 101 is a pre-requisite for this course, as are the following study material.

Required Course Study Support Materials
* The Way of the Physical Preparation Coach (book)
* Winning & Losing (book)

If you do not already have this material you can order them online at the KSI Shop.

The KSI CIP 101 is a pre-requisite for entry into the KSI CIP 102, and both programs are required for entry into the KSI CIP 103.

Successful completion of the KSI CIP 102 allows you to apply for the KSI CIP 103, with the next 103 course running in August 2009 - and guaranteed to change your life forever!

The Coaching Internship Program that King Sports International hosts is a premier event for anyone looking to improve their skills in the Physical Preparation Field. The learning experience is still having effects on my life currently even if it was three months ago. I've walked away from the event learning not only tools for my profession but also how I look at myself and my self beliefs. If your looking for people, role models, or mentors in life that walk the talk: KSI are living examples of what they teach.

There are so many learning experiences to reflect on such as my lessons learned from the physical morning activity, to the two hour stretching, as well as the evening talk with Mr. Carnegie. I'm more consciously aware of what I portray, such as my words, which dictate my actions, which are a reflection of my beliefs. This has been a tremendous help in changing. One of the most memorable parts of the event was during the business / financial evening in which I asked about marketing. The topic of marketing wasn't just of how I wanted to portray my business but also tied in towards reflecting of how I see myself(ie: Maslow's hierarchy of needs). That night made me look at my biggest influences as well as the connections it has financially and professionally.

Some of the challenges I've learned about myself from the event, I currently deal with today but I walked away from the coaching internship more aware and better prepared to handle them. Hearing the truth for betterment was not easy at first but enlightening for helping myself become better in my decisions and actions. KSI brings their wealth of knowledge to expose the interns to real life lessons which it takes to succeed not only in the profession but also in their spiritual personal and financial knowledge.

When talking about my CIP Boot Camp experience in August 2008 I could tell you "what" happened. We started very early (usually my alarm was set at 5:30am), had a training session before breakfast, 1-2 training sessions and some theory before lunch, another training session in the afternoon and so much great theory information that evenings were late - at one time we worked way past midnight, and that after getting up early and a lot of training during the day.

But telling that would only be half of the story. I believe what makes the camp specially is not only "what" is done, but "how" it is done. The coaches do not only tell you about a holistic approach (professional, business, financial, spiritual, personal development) but live it. There is an understand about linking many different part of once life together to create something more than the sum of the parts that I have never seen before.

This very powerful surrounding made me learn more in 3 days than I learned at university in 3 years (at least more useful information). You are exposed to the Master himself who challenges you to rethink your mindset extensively, to coaches who graduated from the CMP program, coaches in the CMP, coaches in the CIP and athletes - and all very positive and generous people! So learning is not limited to someone telling you something but you also see information applied, watch coaches from one level teach another level, do it yourself and have a chance to ask questions. Altogether I saw a complete different lifestyle that is definitely not for everyone! But I'd rather be part of the successful 5% than of the average 95% on this planet....

Beside being a great learning experience this camp is FUN! Tell me one competitive athlete who wouldn't love to spend all day training, eating the best supplements there are, sleeping in very comfortable beds, having cute twins as waitresses and all that in the beautiful mountains of Park City! Thanks to Ian, Mike, and the KSI Team!
The Perfect Storm

As I sat in the audience of our South-East Queensland team sales and marketing meeting last Thursday night I was excited!

I could sense the increased belief and urgency in our team, and the clear focus of our guests.

What's happening in the global financial worlds is really exciting, because it's helping our team understand, value and appreciate what they have in their hand.

"The financial world is a mess, both in the United States and abroad. Its problems, moreover, have been leaking into the general economy, and the leaks are now turning into a gusher. In the near term, unemployment will rise, business activity will falter and headlines will continue to be scary."
--Warren Buffet, New York Times, 17 Oct 2008, p. A33

Change is now being forced on those who are not willing to embrace it. There is no choice - accept and embrace change, get ahead with new ways, or pay the price and left on the scrap heap.

Its happening - mass unemployment (and this is looks set to expand), serious cracks in our global financial, banking and credit markets, an epidemic of home foreclosures, plunging real estate values in some areas....

Since 1994 I have been an avid student of personal development, including financial, personal, business and spiritual. And since reading Harry Dent's original predictions in his book 'The Roaring 2000's' of a possible major economic challenge that will become very obvious in it's affect the US during 2007 and Australia/NZ from 2008, I have been studying this with great intent.

I grew up with stories of the 1930 Great Depression. My grandfather was a young man with kids during this era, and he passed that experience on very effectively to decendants. From this experience, they never took risks. In fact, if I had a dollar for every time I heard the financial world was about to come tumbling down...


[now, so many decades later, people with that view of money and risk can now say 'See I was right!'. This is their 'five years' of being 'right!]

I have a saying - this risk-free approach is right 5 years out of 95. But you miss the opportunity for wealth creation in the other 95 years. So the key is knowing when we are in the 95 and when we are in the 5. And you would all know by now we are in that storm. It could be the perfect storm.

So why does that excite me? Because there has never been an easier time to get ahead!

What we are seeing now is a mass shift to fear and conservatism. I am not saying go and take risks. But you will be a victor if you are prepared and willing to take advantage of opportunities at the right time, that inevitably will be the loss to a person who has not been so prepared.

Famous US stock picker and one of the worlds richest men Warren Buffet is credit with this saying:

"Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful. And most certainly, fear is now widespread."

--Warren Buffet, New York Times, 17 Oct 2008, p. A33

This is the way of the contraries, a philosophy I live by and teach in physical preparation.

The CEO of our partner company recently quoted during his Sydney Australia presentation:

"Fortunes are not made in boom times. This is merely the collection period. Fortunes are made in depressions or lean times when the wise man overhauls his mind, his methods, his resources and gets in training for the race to come."
--George Wood Bacon

There is no better time than NOW to force those who usually resist change, to 'overhaul his mind, his methods, his resources, and get in training for the race to come!

Ian King


 Forum Clean Out
A wise man once said "The only failure is the failure to participate".
The intent of our forum is participation, as opposed to being a spectator. Non-members have access to product related content. The members forum section offers to much more, if one takes action.
We are introducing a new 'clean-out' approach to the forum. Anyone who has not posted for over 12 months will have their complimentary access deleted.
We will commence this from 14 March 2009, so you have a week to check your post status. If you have been incorrectly deleted please email us at and we will fix it up. 
Your Say

Just a quick update:  Next week my son and I will  complete the intermediate workout in the BOM, take a week off, and move into the advanced workout.  In reviewing my training log: 

  • My bench press has increased an average of just over 9 lbs. per month for the last 6 months. That's an average of 2 lbs per week!
  • My squat has increased an average of 26 lbs per month, which works out to a little over 6 lbs per week.
  • My dead lifts have increase an average of 27 lbs per month which is a little over 6 lbs per week.  (I don't use straps so the limit factor here is grip strength)

I'm 48 y.o. Is this normal? I didn't think I could make these sort of strength gains at this age. I have increased my protein intake, but do not take any other supplements. Regardless, I am really looking forward to the advanced workouts. 



Jeff - congrats on your progress. from what I am reading you are a disciplined person who develops and enacts habits that benefit you. So when you ask is this normal, taking into account your age and absence of esoteric supplements, I say yes, incredible things can be gained with a consistent and disciplined approach  the second factor you have in your favour is a great program. Many who employ disciplined consistency are unfortunately working off a flawed program, and the inevitable overtraining or injuries ultimately undermine their consistent efforts  when you match consistent application with a great program,  you get great results  I suggest you are only scrapping the surface, so keep going. Expect great results.  Appreciate your feedback, and the meticulous assessment of your weekly average strength changes. 



6 months ago I began the long-procrastinated job of cleaning out a storage shed on my property.  That is where I found my copy of GB that you guys had sent over to me. Of course I started reading it right away and now I could appreciate how brilliant it was/is.  I actually began using some of the philosophies the next week with a few of my clients and myself.  I have to say that I have read a great deal of material over the years and many of the things Ian published in the late 80's and early 90's are still being copied by guys like xxxx, xxx, xxx and many other 'elite' trainers.  



Mike - great to hear from you! Yes, Ian's writings have been extensively copied by many who have promoted themselves on this! One even copied the bulk of an entire book and simply changed the title and added pics! Those who have been around since the late 1980's and early 1990's know the origin of the info because they recognize the work.


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About Us

KSI is committed to teaching the world how to train through it's real world, unique and highly effective approach to physical preparation. KSI has been dedicated to athlete preparation and coach education since 1986.

Initially, only those elite athletes fortunate to have access to Ian King, could benefit from his holistic and balanced approached to athletic preparation.

Now 'the master' (as the athlete's chose to refer to Ian) shares his methods in a way that everyone in the world can benefit - through his articles, newsletters, books, DVDs, seminars and his KSI Coaches.

Learn more about how KSI can help you by checking out the links to the left!

1135 Terminal Way STE 209
Reno NV 89502-2168
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