In this issue... 
KING Coaching Program
The KING Coaching Program is the only professional development program of its kind - a multi-year, hands-on mentored coaching program dedicated to the mastery of the KSI way of physical preparation.
The KING Coaching Program consists of the following levels:
1. Coach Intern Program (CIP)
2. Coach Mentoring Program (CMP)
3. KING Coaches
KSI CIP 101: KSI Theory of Physical Prep
Home Study Program
Starts when you start
Pre-requisite: Nil
KSI CIP 101 is a requirement for ntry into KSI CIP 102Camp
Register Now
KSI CIP 102: KSI Holistic Approach to Physical Preparation
Tele-Conference Program
Starts Fri 6 June 2008
8:00-9:30pm EST USA
Pre-requisite: KSI CIP 101
KSI CIP 102 is a requirement for entry into KSI CIP 103Cam
Register Now
KSI CIP 103: KSI Three Day Boot Camp
Live-in three day intense 'boot camp' 
Mon 25 - Wed 27 Aug 2008
Park City, Utah, USA
Pre-requisite: KSI CIP 101 & 102
Completion of the CIP 101, 202 & 103 are required to be considred for the KSI CMPCam
Register Now
KSI Coach Mentoring Program (CMP)
The KSI Coach Mentoring Program (CMP) is a multi-year journey aimed at mastery of the KSI way of physical preparation.
Successful completion of the KSI CIP 101, 102 and 103 are necessary for consideration into this program.
Coaches in this elite program form an international network of coaches providing the worlds #1 physical preparation coaching!
The KSI Between Sets Newsletter
Issue No. 92, May-Jun 2008

As a young single person, with minimal financial responsibility and no mortgage, finding time to train was easy. Finding time to do anything else was the challenge!

If you are in this position and training is high on your priority list you can probably relate to this. But you might not relate to the next bit.

If you are married (young or otherwise!), have kids, financial responsibility including a (one or more) mortgage, finding time to train is not as easy. Sometimes you miss training because you either don't have the time or the energy, because of the other life commitments.

If you are in this position, you will really relate to this. Whether you are training to get buffed or for gold at the next Olympics, it's all the same. I have trained athletes at the elite level with and without families and kids, and they are no different than the person who seeks a PB in the gym or on the scales. It takes the edge off your energy, recovery and time.

So how do you manage the balance between training, money and family? I don't pretend to have all the answers, but I have found a reasonable solution, allowing me to train about 20 hrs a week, and yet still frustrates the 'boss' who I suspect feels I spend too much time in the solace of my private training facility.

Even without training, the challenge to balance family and finance is still a challenge. Even some of the greatest people in modern history struggled with this challenge. I read recently where personal development author (often described as the father of this industry) regretted the balance he had struck in his life between the two:

Q. What did he regret most about his career in life?
Answer : Being human, Dr. Hill did have regrets about his career in life, but he did not let these regrets deter him from his definite major purpose. Dr. Hill regretted that the research required for the philosophy of personal achievement kept him away from his family for long periods of time. His three sons were often without a father while he was on the road gathering information, presenting lectures, and attempting to share the philosophy with the world.

When you favor work, training and or family can suffer. When you favor training, finance and family can suffer. When you favor family, finance and family can suffer.

I'm proud to say that we not only teach this life balance in our KSI Coach Education programs (CIP, CMP etc) but our advanced coaches have developed an enviable balance in these areas - a balance that means no area suffers - they don't disadvantage their family, their finances or their health/training. I am really proud of these coaches.

One of the many benefits of joining us in August 08 at our 5th Annual International KSI Convention is that you get to interact with these coaches, and there is no better way to gain education and inspiration.  If this life balance is not a challenge for you because you are young and have a low cost of living, trust me - it will be an issue one day. Either through gaining family or loosing your ability to generate the income needed to sustain your training.

Enough talk. Let's do it.

Ian King

Media - Fundamentals & Responsibility by Mike Pimentel

We are in the "information age". It seems that the media hype has just what the advanced or experienced athlete is missing in their current training. The purveyors of the missing information present these secrets as "new", "never before seen" and "recent discoveries".

Such is the marketing industry, that in order to sell and therefore rationalize its existence, the information must be "sexy" and trend setting. Understand that trends follow very simple patterns. To use a popular real estate analogy, each trend carries these general characteristics; introduction, growth, prosperity, recession, depression (and dependent on the perceived value of the trend, the trend can drop from existence entirely).

Therefore, in order to continue the life of the marketing machine a number of scenarios are likely to occur: 

Click here to read full article

Five Steps to Success Training the Young Athlete  by Miguel Charles 
Athletes are influenced by the environment, coaches and parents. The younger the athlete the more we can have a positive influence on them. This is especially true with the physical quality flexibility. If you begin a child stretching it is easier to maintain their original flexibility. On the other hand, if an athlete begins stretching as an adult their level of flexibility will be greatly diminished. The athlete will be playing catch up.

I find this concept also works in the mind. By talking to and observing young athletes, I have witnessed the more positive their influences and experiences are the more positive the outcome. The more negativity that surrounds them the more doubt they have. Therefore, we have to teach the athlete how to think for himself not what to think, helping them to rise above any less than optimal situation they find themselves in.

When you teach the young athlete how to make these decisions they take more responsibility for the outcome. Here's five tips for those coaching kids...

Click here to read full article

Coaching: A short Course or Years of Development?
by Mitchell Kochonda

Coaching has become big business. Just ten years ago, the word coaching was associated solely with sport and limited income generally speaking. Today, the word coaching is not only applied to sport, but also business, life, etc, pays big dollars and all of a sudden everyone can be a coach in many life areas!

I was at a business seminar a few days ago and one of the presenters introduced herself as a coach. She was a 'success coach' (because she had done a short course, passed it and had some letters after her name). Unfortunately for her, she lost me and ninety nine percent of the audience in the first few minutes.

When Ian asked me what the seminar was like I said "the content was excellent, but the delivery wasn't".

As coaches (sports coaches, head coaches, assistant coaches, skills coaches, etc) there can be a perceived premium of what you 'know' and a fear of 'not knowing enough' particularly as letters after one's name have become more and more exaggerated!

Click here to read full article

Observations from Austria
by Andreas Scheicher

Since working in a commercial fitness club I have the chance to watch many people training. By doing this I noticed an interesting phenomenon: At a moment in training, a lot of people reach a certain point where the progress stops or even declines and injuries occur. Now, to reach a sticking point and to get injured is not a big surprise when watching them, because it is predictable when you know what to look at. But it's interesting that all this unwanted situations (stop in progress, injuries etc) seem always to occur SIMULTANEOUSLY!

I started working with some of them, analyzed their training and found a concept that I could explain to them in simple words as to what the problem might be. Here I share it with you too...

Click here to read full article

The 5th Annual International KSI Convention
The 2008 5th Annual International KSI Convention is being held in the beautiful location of Park City Utah. We have used this location every year since 2004. Each year gets better and better and this year will be no exception! The 2008 Annual International KSI Convention runs during and including Monday 25 August 2008 to Wednesday 27 2008. There will be multiple tracks running concurrently through this event including

Track #1 - KSI Athlete Training Camp
Track #2 - KSI CIP 103 Course
Track #3 - KSI CMP Education
Track #4 - KSI KING Coaches (CMP Graduates) Training
Limited number of positions available...for the 2008 KSI Athlete Training Camp & Challenge!
In August 2008 in the US we will be running a 3 day athlete training camp and challenge. During these three days successful applicants will be given the opportunity to be trained by KSI coaches, and participate in a challenge to determine the 'KSI Champion Athlete 2008'.  This will be determined on a holistic assessment, not simply a physical one. That's all we will share at this point re the challenge.
A limited number of positions are available subject to applications and then a selection process.
Applications are invited from current KSI clients who train seriously in any physical sport or endeavor. You must have a strong commitment to training and achieving your goals. Preference will be given to KSI forum members and those who have shown a prior commitment to developing their training through the KSI way. If you would like to be sent out an application form email us with a request to have one sent out to you via email. In this email please outline your involvement with KSI and how you have been implementing the KSI way in your training. 
Applications will close Friday 11 July 2008. We will be reviewing applications as they are submitted, and will close off the positions as they get filled. Final selection will be made by Friday 18 July 2008. The camp will be held between Mon 25 and Wed 27 August 2008 inclusive.
Successful applicants will be able to secure this opportunity with a nominal registration fee only, providing an incredible opportunity for those who are selected.

Vitamins for the Mind 

KSI's holistic approach to coach education places significant focus on personal development. One of our mentors that we recommend to others is Jim Rohn, America's leading business philosopher. He has an amazing ability to say so much in so few words. Here's an example of that:

A Dollar and Some Ambition

Capital in your business isn't what matters. It isn't the money that buys you a future; it's your skills that buy you a future. Money and no skills, I'm telling you, you are still poor. Money and no ambition, where are you? Money and no courage, you're broke. A little bit of money and a whole lot of courage is all we need.

Reproduced with permission from the Jim Rohn Weekly E-zine.
Learn more about Jim Rohn 
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About Us

KSI is committed to teaching the world how to train through it's real world, unique and highly effective approach to physical preparation. KSI has been dedicated to athlete preparation and coach education since 1986.

Initially, only those elite athletes fortunate to have access to Ian King, could benefit from his holistic and balanced approached to athletic preparation.

Now 'the master' (as the athlete's chose to refer to Ian) shares his methods in a way that everyone in the world can benefit - through his articles, newsletters, books, DVDs, seminars and his KSI Coaches.

Learn more about how KSI can help you by checking out the links to the left!

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