In this issue...
Reader Mail
KSI Coach Intern Program
Ask the Master
KSI Coach Mentoring Program
KSI in Germany
Get Buffed IV
Nutritionals you can trust
Upgraded KSI Product Checklist
Personal Development
Yiour Guarantee
Follow up Links
About Us
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KING Coaching Program
The KING Coaching Program is the only professional development program of its kind - a multi-year, hands-on mentored coaching program dedicated to the mastery of the KSI way of physical preparation.
The KING Coaching Program consists of the following levels:
1. Coach Intern Program (CIP)
2. Coach Mentoring Program (CMP)
3. KING Coaches
KSI CIP 101: KSI Theory of Physical Prep
Home Study Program
Starts when you start
Pre-requisite: Nil
KSI CIP 101 is a requirement for ntry into KSI CIP 102Camp
Register Now
KSI CIP 102: KSI Holistic Approach to Physical Preparation
Tele-Conference Program
Starts Fri 8 June 2007
8:00-9:30pm EST USA
Pre-requisite: KSI CIP 101
KSI CIP 102 is a requirement for entry into KSI CIP 103C
KSI CIP 103: KSI Three Day Boot Camp
Live-in three day intense 'boot camp' 
Mon 20 - Wed 22 Aug 2007
Park City, Utah, USA
Pre-requisite: KSI CIP 101 & 102
Completion of the CIP 101, 202 & 103 are required to be considred for the KSI CMP
KSI Coach Mentoring Program (CMP)
Multi-year mentoring based from your home town
The KSI Coach Mentoring Program (CMP) is a multi-year journey aimed at mastery of the KSI way of physical preparation.
Successful completion of the KSI CIP 101, 102 and 103 are necessary for consideration into this program.
Coaches in this elite program form an international network of coaches providing the worlds #1 physical preparation coaching!
The Between Sets Newsletter
The KSI Newsletter
No. 87, Jul-Aug 2007

Before we launch into a summary of what's in this newsletter, I share some reflections.  Writing the finishing touches to this newsletter from my hotel room, reflecting on this trip - my 19th year of visiting this great country, I have many reflections on what I see is happening for those in the US.
I believe it has never been more important for Americans to embrace new and better ways of conducting themselves and their businesses. There are signs that this country (and perhaps the world) may soon be going through interesting times. Times that require change for the better. Better ways of treating the body in training, better ways of doing business.
We are proud to say we offer guidance and mentoring in two businesses with an approach that will help all who move forward with us cope and thrive in this period.
Now back to the present! So much going on!
* I will be sharing the day with a small group action taking in San Francisco  tomorrow - 25 August 07!
New Flexibility Specialization Series DVD released recently.
* New version of the KSI Product Checklist-PROv5 released!

* New Ian King's Guide to Injury Rehabilitation - Knee,  Lower Back and Shoulder (DVDs)! released.

* New Get Buffed! IV Book released!

* New Get Buffed! book packages - select any 2, or any 3, as well as the 4 book package!

* New Interview with Ian King Audio CD! ('The great audio CD give away'! We gave away over 100 CD recently during the Get Buffed! IV promotion!)

Enough talk - let's get into it!
Ian King
Reader Mail 
Have your say
I thought I knew of the top trainers around!

I have been meaning of buying the original GB books for a year or so after reading all of Ian's work on T-nation and being completely impressed by his methods. Yes I was only exposed to his work about 18 months ago, and I thought I knew of the top trainers around, but my reading material mainly consisted of bodybuilding sport.  Looking forward to reading and applying his material and building a relationship with KSI.  Thank you!




Thanks for all of the great specials you guys have been putting out.



That's a positive person! We like these kinds of clients!


Hello King Sports, I received my order and realized I must have pressed the wrong button as I wanted to order "How to Write Strength Training Programs".  So back to the order board for me!!  Guess it is a good mistake because this is a great book.  Thank you for the fast service!



The Get Buffed! book is so much better then I imagined!


Hi, I just wanted to thank you for the fast service and great customer service!  The Get Buffed! book is so much better then I imagined, and want to thank Ian King for creating a great book and to keep up the great work he has been doing.

Also, I liked those little lollies - they were a nice touch!  Thanks!



BOM - I have had great success so far!


I have bought many workout books over the couple of years and none have been as instructive and given such clear direction as this one. I am currently in the 10th week of the intermediate program and I have had great success so far. I am looking forward to getting the next book that Mr. King puts out. I have noticed that as I have progressed when I focus more on the form and tempo of an exercise the results come more quickly. As today I increased on weight in every exercise. My weak spots are my shoulders and my in ability to do more than six chin-ups with correct form. Of course a couple of weeks ago I could do about 4.


I must say that this is the first real well rounded program and I believe it will take care of itself. Thanks!


Want to have your say? Send us and email at!

KSI Coach Intern Program
Preparing for 2008

The KSI Coach Intern Program is being prepared for the 2008 intake. We know a number of you have plans to join in that program. Here is some feedback from KSI CIP coaches:

Thanks to you and your outstanding coaches!


Ian, first, my thanks to you and your outstanding coaches for a consummate eight weeks of superior course content.  Personally, I will treasure the calls devoted to personal development.  For me, personal development simply charts our course in life to scale the challenges that come before us.  Again, Ian, thank you for making your life's work available to those who desire to learn.  I am, indeed, most thankful.


Second, I have been inspired and motivated and plan to attend CIP 103 in 2008.  My plan and goal have been to complete one KSI educational step each year while continuing to learn through training myself the KSI way and studying KSI's published material plus other referenced / suggested readings to expand my knowledge.


To be exceptionally prepared for CIP 103, I plan to acquire your "Specialization" DVD series soon.  I have found thus far that the time spent doing your programs has provided a bountiful opportunity to learn through doing.  For me, I need that part of the educational process, learning by doing and experiencing.  Next year, I will be ready for the next step on my KSI journey, Park City.  See you and your coaches in 2008. 



I have learned so much so far through your teachings


From time to time I like to review all the material to make sure it stays fresh in my memory. It would be greatly appreciated. The material you have provided me is invaluable. I have learned so much so far through your teachings. As every unit passes I am always excited to see the next. Thank you for such a great opportunity.


Keen to learn more about the CIP? Click here! 
Ask the Master!
Q & A with Ian King

Steer me in the right direction


As a fan of Ian King and his work (I have purchased and read several of his books) I was hoping that you could help me or at least steer me in the right direction


I have had difficulty with my right SI joint (pain, etc) for several years and am looking for a way to resolve it.  I have seen numerous chiropractors, MD's etc and have not seen any changes


I am hopeful that you or someone else affiliated with Ian King could help me resolve this.  I do not know if you and your coaches deal only with improvements in athletic performance or if they address rehab issues too


Are you able to help me with this?  If not, can you steer me towards someone who could?  Thank you for your time



John - glad to help! We appreciate your support of KSI.  Firstly, it is great that you are aware that the pain has been there for a too long. I believe you know it could and should have been resolved by now, if the total rehab approach had been effective.


I am very confident that we can guide to you a better result, either through an appropriate visual aid or by individualized coaching.


Coincidentally, we have just released a series of short DVDs titled 'Ian King's Guide to Injury Rehab', and one of them is focused on the lower back.


Your situation is one of the examples where our effective approach to educating the injured person has great application.


So I guess I have answered your question about whether our coaches deal with rehab - the KSI way is unique in the world of athletic preparation in that our entire approach is based on preventing injuries.


Because of my experience and the way our training philosophy has evolved, we not only understand how to avoid injuries but we also know how to rehab them when they occur. I confidently state that my coaches are the most effective injury rehab/prevention physical preparation coaches in the world.


I can assure you that you will receive guidance in your injury needs far in excess of what you realized could happen.


Your travel would be fully rewarded. People travel across states on a regular basis to receive service from KSI coaches - and they keep coming back because no where else can they get that kind of service.

--Ian King


Ian, Thank you very much for the very fast and very detailed response.  I am always impressed when dealing with you and your company.  Your service truly is second to none.


For now, after so much time and effort I think I really need someone to take a "hands on" look at me. I have MRI films and X rays if that would be helpful.


I really want to resolve this asap. Thank you so much for your help.



Can I just jump in or should I just be 3 weeks behind him the whole 12 weeks?


Ian, I want to join my friend on the limping program and 12 weeks to super strength for chest and back.  Problem is he is already 3 weeks into it.  Can I just jump in or should I just be 3 weeks behind him the whole 12 weeks?  Thanks. 



Anthony - you can jump in but you will not get the same benefits as you would if you did it from the beginning, possibly.

--Ian King


Free Gift


After doing everything the site asked me to do to receive the free gift it said thank you for subscribing.  I would like to know what I just subscribed to and will the subscription stay free or will I start to get charged for it?



Robert - hopefully over time you will come to know that the way we do business is straight up and down, no hidden surprises. What we say is what we do.  I assume you are referring to the KSI Forum? That is free to you as a client and you will not be charged for this now or in the future. If you have any further questions or if I misinterpreted your question just ask. Thanks!

--Ian King


Situps have been given the thumbs down?

Exercises such as situps have been given the thumbs down by xxx xxxx, can you comment on thin tummies, crunches, ab movements? Should they all be avoided and what should they be replaced with?  Thanks.



Sherief - you are asking me to comment on some else's opinion. I don't do this. Also as I don't share the opinion as described below I cannot assist you with discussions about avoiding them or what to replace them.


I encourage you to post your questions on the KSI forum, as you will also get response from my coaches and other forum members.  Thanks!

--Ian King


Interested in the Professional Package


I'm interested on buying the Professional Package.


And I'd like to have some info - are the following DVDs are included?

  • Ian King's guide to abdominal training
  • Ian King's Guide to Control Drills
  • Ian King's Guide to Individual Stretching
  • Ian King's Guide to Knee Injuries
  • Ian King's Guide to Lower Back Injuries
  • Ian King's Guide to Shoulder Injuries
Another question is about the internship with coach King. I'd like to do some training with him, and I'd like to know the price. Regards.



Tim - thanks for your inquiry, and I answer your questions with some background. The KSI product range, which is all included in the professional pack, is our top end professional development material. The Get Buffed! range is our end user range. The professional material addresses all aspects of physical preparation, whilst the Get Buffed! range address mainly strength training for size and strength.


* The IK Guide to  Abdominal training, controls drills are footage taken from the How To Teach Series DVD, included already in the Prof Pack.


* The IK Guide to Individual Stretching is footage from the Lability Training Series DVD, included already in the Prof Pack.


* The IK Guide to Knee, Lower Back and Shoulder Injuries is footage taken from the Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Series DVD, included already in the Prof Pack.

As for the intern program - after my years of experience, I have created a system that sorts out those who deserve to be close to me and those who want to kick the tires and grab my material and copy it etc.


I only put energy into those who use the system I have created - the CIP. Even then, only after a number of years to they have the opportunity to see me work. For example only two people in the last 2 years have made that grade. I don't do business like most - you can go America and pay anyone to watch them work. That is not my style. I look for long term commitment with a planned, long term result. Few people live their lives with such discipline and long term commitment.

 --Ian King


Got a question for Ian King? Email us at Coach Mentoring Program
The 2007 KSI Coaches Annual Conference
We have just completed the 2007 KSI Coach Mentoring Program Annual Coaching Conference. For the fourth year in a row we have used the beautiful location of Park City.
No doubt there will be information provided to you about this event once the coaches get back to their homes and send in any feedback they have on their experiences.
Personally, there were so many great moments, including being out on the tartan track at dusk, with the cool fresh mountain air on the face, the mountain backdrop, the moon in the sky, the sun settled over the mountains!
The enlightened group of coaches experiencing an event like no other (even though more attempt to imitate over the years, none will achieve the amazing experience provided these coaches!).
They know it's not about who talks the most, or who position markets themselves the most - they know they cannot and will not get this kind of education anywhere!
For now, I share with you feedback from the client of one of our coaches. This feedback was not solicited (as per our approach to testimonials).

KSI Coach Feedback


Hey Ian, it's Brandon and I am currently working with Jason Pobega ( and have been since January last year. I just wanted to let you know that it is unreal what you have showed him and taught him!

I couldn't believe the results I got working with him for the short period I did before the football season. I will continue to be working with him all year until next year when I plan to try out for the Gryphons football team, and I am excited to help him reach my goals and get me where I want to be.
Jason is phenomenal at what he does and he has told me that he learned it from you, so I just wanted to give you a quick thank you, and keep doing what your doing because I haven't seen anything like it.  Thanks Again,


KSI in Germany
Auf Deutsch!

The following is a 'report' on how KSI is travelling in the German strength training culture, from a friend in Germany:


I/we read all your articles at the T-nation. And all your other articles, be it excerpts from SWIS, interviews from other platforms, articles from your Get Buffed! page, et cetera. I don´t know when the book of muscle appeared, but I was one of the first reader of the German translation (Das Kraftpaket by Men's Health) I was the first in the German internet forums who mentioned your name, and the command to order your book(s).


I also linked as the first to all your articles, and quoted your articles a lot. Simply because the info is just the best, as I think, and could approve it in the gym. This is the book I recommend to all who are interested in my opinion, I talk about it as "the bible of strength sports, the best German book you can buy". It´s just sad, that your other books aren´t available in Germany.


I think that all my forum members have your book. Some of them even bought some English books from your homepage. The readers that have access to the public part of my board, can read all the (book) recommendations and the article links. My ideas and recommendations are quoted in many other forums, so the word gets some weight. The community that buys your books, reads your words, trains with your ideas, is relatively big.


Many logs are out there, that deal with your series, for example: the guns series, the super strength, the limping. Your stretching guidelines are known, your "periodization of everything", "the 4 seconds", et cetera. And the active members are also active members in other forums, and recommend your lines/products.


I think we know all your products, and I often mention that the Ian King books and DVDs are the only that makes sense to buy. If you own them, you know everything and are independent from industry nonsense. Therefore, I often say that the big packages should be bought as best and with the best price/offer relation.


In short:

We know your stuff. We bought your stuff. We shout it out loud. Said more than I wanted, just a little introducing to let you know what´s happening in Germany. We just have idiots as bodybuilding authors.


People that sell supplements and support their sales via stupid "programs". The literature of sports as in the 80s or 90s, is not any more. A translated King, as with the Men's Health, that would clean up the market!


I´m hot for get buffed 4! Regards.



Check out Semchem's forum (in German)!

Language, country: german, Germany Buffed IV!
Feedback following it's recent release!

We recently released the latest addition to the Get Buffed! sequel of books in Get Buffed! IV: Get Seriously Buffed!

Here's some of the feedback we have received to date!

Commenting on the whole Get Buffed! book range


The books all look fabulous; the group put together looks unbelievable, really!

--Laree Draper, whose husband Dave (the Blonde Bomber) Draper is a contributor to this book


Top 10 books in my list!


Man, Ian every book that you have written has become one of the top ten books in my list, I am sure this one will too!

--Dr Eric Serrano, another contributor to this book


Just leave one in awe!


Ian and Teresa - As always the amount of info that Ian provides through his materials can just leave one in awe!  What an Awesome Book!  Oh did I mention I barely made it through the first chapter :)  This just reminds me of the time when I saw his book titled "Ask the Master" it was one of the rare times that I totally thought it was deserving for someone to call themselves Master. 


I have decided to start a coaching group with 6-12 people with the goal being for the entire group to go through Ian's coaching program in 2008.  So be on the lookout for NORCAL King Coach Interns.


Appreciate the speedy response!


I appreciate the speedy response. I am very excited to be receiving these books, I just took a peek at IV and it is full of good information and listened to Ian's interview CD and he makes perfect sense it has made me rethink and question my training methods especially when it comes to flexibility.



On the GB IV and the Interview with Ian King Audio CD


Thanks Teresa! I got the package earlier this morning. Looks like a good read! (and listen!)



Can't wait to receive GBIV!


Can't wait to receive GBIV!  Thanks, again, for continuing to make your life's work available to those of us who have found you.  You are a diamond of a find! 

--Jeff partner company  - Nutritionals you can trust! 
20th consecutive quarter of record sales!
We have just come back from the international convention held by the health sciences company whose products we use and endorse, and with which we have build an international distribution business.
More on this event and the new releases shortly! For now, we want to share with you the standard of excellence at which this company operates at, supported by their 20th straight record quarter!

That's five years of record-breaking growth!


By sharing our world-class products and the business opportunity, we have contributed to $107.4 million of sales for the quarter! 


We achieved excellent results in both our North American and Asia Pacific regions, but our newest market, Malaysia, deserves special mention. In the few short months that we have been open there, Malaysia has shown steady growth, with 11,000 business associates choosing to get involved to share the vision.


For more information on the products and business click here!

Upgraded KSI Product Checklist   
Your gift for choosing KSI!

As some of you would know, when you order from KSI you receive a number of emails and gifts, including the KSI Product Checklist, which gives you clarity about what percentage of the total KSI Catalogue you have and what you would like to order in the future (if you have purchased KSI products in the past and would like to receive this automated spreadsheet, go to  and order it).


We have recently updated the spreadsheet to include the new Get Buffed! IV Book and the new Interview with Ian King Audio CD. If you have the older version of the KSI Product Checklist and would like to get the newer version, go to the link above.


Ian, regarding KSI product checklist...great tool. Simple, yet very powerful. Great way to keep track of what I've already got what I'm missing when it comes to your material. In my case, I'm missing a whole lot! .  What's also good is, the order of future purchases. My future number one is Injury prevention and rehabilitation series. Can't wait. Take care!



I have found the product checklist to be a good tool. I purchased a range of KSI products back in 2001 that I've been very happy with. I look to add to my KSI library because I think they are a great resource and Ian is a great teacher. One aspect I appreciated was the notes section so that I wouldn't duplicate resources. The follow up emails and making yourself available for questions is also appreciated. I wouldn't expect anything less from Team KSI or Ian. Thanks!


Personal Development
Vitamins for the mind 

KSI's holistic approach to coach education places significant focus on personal development. One of our mentors that we recommend to others is Jim Rohn, America's leading business philosopher. He has an amazing ability to say so much in so few words. Here's an example of that:


Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.

Reproduced with permission from the Jim Rohn Weekly E-zine.
Learn more about Jim Rohn
Your Guarantee
A risk free offer!
You have our guarantee that you will be totally excited about our products or have your money back!!

So you can place orders with us knowing that you are not taking the risk - we are.

Our no-questions-asked refund policy is clear - if you are not totally satisfied with any of our products simply return them for a full refund! (conditions apply).

Read our approach to refunds and your satisfaction
Follow up Links
About Us

KSI is committed to teaching the world how to train through it's real world, unique and highly effective approach to physical preparation. KSI has been dedicated to athlete preparation and coach education since 1986.

Initially, only those elite athletes fortunate to have access to Ian King, could benefit from his holistic and balanced approached to athletic preparation.

Now 'the master' (as the athlete's chose to refer to Ian) shares his methods in a way that everyone in the world can benefit - through his articles, newsletters, books, DVDs, seminars and his KSI Coaches.

Learn more about how KSI can help you by checking out the links to the left!

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Receive a FREE 1 year membership to the KSI Members Forum when you order KSI products and or services!
Valued at $97 USD!
Offer Expires: End of this month!