I'm a MMA Fighter
Hi, I'm a MMA fighter which in itself causes a number of overtraining problems that can't really be helped due to the amount of knowledge required i.e. stand up fighting (boxing, Thai boxing), ground fighting (wrestling, Brazilian ju jitsu), cardio (running print and long distance) and strength training which probably contradict each other slightly.
My question really is related to the strength training part. I'm pretty knowledgeable about my training generally but at a bit of a loss in the weight lifting.
I have purchased the book Muscle by Ian King as it seems to have the best laid out training system I have found but as I really only want to build strength (mainly explosive) not size (do not want to increase my weight although I know a little gain is inevitable).
I would like to know if there is anything about the book routine I would need to change to meet these aims.
Also as I will still need to do my cardio training (Running mainly) - how will this affect it? Regards.
William - your first line shows you have switched on, recognizing the challenges of overtraining in your sport
With your thirst for knowledge you should go to the professional development publication of mine, 'How To Write Strength Training Programs', from which I expect you will gain more knowledge for your own better decision making
The BOM (thank you for your positive comments re layout) is more about buffing up, although the frequency of the programs in this book (3/wk) will be appropriate for you.
To avoid hypertrophy, the main tip I can give you is to keep the total volume low (total number of sets) and keep away from too many higher rep sets (over 8 reps). Seek to use the lower rep range.
However training response to strength training is determined by the total training volume, so your total program would probably negate much hypertrophy even if using higher reps/higher volume strength training. The main benefit of my tip above is to be cost efficient with you energy and recovery reserves, saving yourself for the most effective methods
Trust this helps.
If you ever want to get professional individually designed training programs, one of my coaches has extensive personal experience in martial arts.
--Ian King
So basically speaking we are looking at heavy weights approx 80% of 1 rep max low sets / low reps (4 - 6) immediate recovery product Recovermax type stuff straight after 3 times a week.
Yes, in general theory. This is overridden however by your training age - this topic is covered in my books.
Cardio type training on other days hopefully will not negate strength increases.
They will but the most damaging thing will be if you overtrain, more so than what you do.
It is difficult to get an accurate opinion as everybody seems to contradict each other but what you saying does seem to tie in with what I've worked out myself.
Excellent! You will see a consistent theme in all my books (especially my self published ones - learn to trust your intuition!
I will also try the book you recommended.
I'm pretty expert at the martial art side of things (debatably hahahahaha) its just accurate weight / strength training methods I struggle to find.
As to the stretching you discuss in the book Muscle much as what seems to be the current thinking about not doing it I have to agree with what you say. I have been static stretching before my training for the past 32 years and it hasn't done any harm to my strength or power and it does stop me getting pulled muscle type trauma.
You show in the above the self-belief to form your own opinions against the dominant paradigms of this decade (they change every decade or so!)
I am desperate for a qualified Ian King Coach in the UK!
Hello Ian, Thank you for email. I received both DVDs from you. Both are in flawless condition. I am pretty happy with it.
I am desperate for a qualified Ian King Coacher who can modify or correcting my error as a feedback because I couldn't see what I did was wrong. That way, I can do it correctly for rest of my life instead of believing what is right is not actually correct.
I will post a forum to find out whether there is one in UK.
Again, thank you very much for looking after your customers so well! I am thoroughly enjoyed it, and I know I have a way lot more to learn, about 99% of it to go!
Mike - great to hear! That's what we aim for - very happy customers!
I wish there was a KING or CMP coach in UK too! But there is not. You can have phone consultations with our coaches in other countries, until we finally have a coach in the UK!
Again, great to hear your gratitude and your recognition of our customer service!
Yes, learning is a journey - my body teaches me something new every day as yours will you!
--Ian King