In this issue...
Reader Mail
New Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation DVDs
Ask the Master
New King Lollies!
Paycheck to Passive - Introduction
Get Buffed! Total Pack
Personal Development
Yiour Guarantee
Follow up Links
About Us
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KING Coaching Program
The KING Coaching Program is the only professional development program of its kind - a multi-year, hands-on mentored coaching program dedicated to the mastery of the KSI way of physical preparation.
The KING Coaching Program consists of the following levels:
1. Coach Intern Program (CIP)
2. Coach Mentoring Program (CMP)
3. KING Coaches
KSI CIP 101: KSI Theory of Physical Prep
Home Study Program
Starts when you start
Pre-requisite: Nil
KSI CIP 101 is a requirement for ntry into KSI CIP 102Camp
Register Now
KSI CIP 102: KSI Holistic Approach to Physical Preparation
Tele-Conference Program
Starts Fri 8 June 2007
8:00-9:30pm EST USA
Pre-requisite: KSI CIP 101
KSI CIP 102 is a requirement for entry into KSI CIP 103C
KSI CIP 103: KSI Three Day Boot Camp
Live-in three day intense 'boot camp' 
Mon 20 - Wed 22 Aug 2007
Park City, Utah, USA
Pre-requisite: KSI CIP 101 & 102
Completion of the CIP 101, 202 & 103 are required to be considred for the KSI CMP
KSI Coach Mentoring Program (CMP)
Multi-year mentoring based from your home town
The KSI Coach Mentoring Program (CMP) is a multi-year journey aimed at mastery of the KSI way of physical preparation.
Successful completion of the KSI CIP 101, 102 and 103 are necessary for consideration into this program.
Coaches in this elite program form an international network of coaches providing the worlds #1 physical preparation coaching!
The Between Sets Newsletter
The KSI Newsletter
No. 86, May-Jun 2007

There's a lot of content in this issue so I won't slow you down in the intro. Just take enough time to hint that two new Get Buffed! products will be rolled out of KSI in the next week or so - one of them re-shaping the world of publications, and the second - well, we might just give you a copy of it for a limited period of time. Keep an eye on future emails from KSI!
Enough talk - let's get into it!
Ian King
Reader Mail 
Have your say
Can't put it down!


I received your book, "Get Buffed", in the mail a few days back and have not been able to put it down. Great info! Thanks again,



How (not) to write (your own material)


Ian, Came across a book recently by another author.  Interestingly there is massive similarity of content and concept (I estimate greater than 90%) to your book!  Comparing the year of publishing is 'interesting'!


It is indeed tragic that someone would take your material and make it "theirs".  


It would make an interesting case study in human psychology or better yet a great novel to observe someone reading a book or having an association with someone and as a result that person makes the delusional assumption that what he read, heard or observed was their own -oh that's already been done in the movies and books.


Thank you many times over for separating yourself from the mainstream and providing honest, original, result based material in the absence of bullshit.



I wish I had this book when I first started!

Ian, I've been busy reading Get Buffed. The book arrived in about 2 weeks - not bad for coming half way around the world.  I read it through and am now reading through a second time.  I wish I had this book when I first started!


Your book is confirming what my body has been telling me for some time.  1. 

I need to change my workouts more often; and  2.  I need to pay more attention to recovery.  Thanks again!



The books arrived in very good condition


Ian - The product I ordered was the Get Buffed book package which arrived promptly at my door 2 days after I ordered it. It was wrapped and packaged very well by the way. The books were in very good condition - unlike some books I've ordered elsewhere on the net which have been delivered with about 3mm of protective wrapping around them and look like an elephant has sat on them. Thanks!



I'd like to see a program for 3 days or 5 days


I want to share with you the impression that I have about The book GET BUFFED, I found the material very useful and interesting, now I'm testing some of yours advice and later I can tell you how they help me, the only think that I don't like is that the book only have one program for 4 days a week - I'd like to see a program for 3 days or 5 days, but this is not more important I was very happy with the book. Thanks for your interest.



Pepe - great to hear of the benefits and approach you taking the time to share your feedback


Re. programs 3/wk - this is available in my book 'Book of Muscle'. Also look out for future GB sequels where this may also be addressed


As for 5/wk, I am not likely to provide a generic program of this frequency, as only limited number of the population should be doing this (eg. Drug users, professional weightlifters etc) [except of course if I was to write/produce/release a book for advanced trainers!]

--Ian King


Want to have your say? Send us and email at!

New Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation DVDs
Two levels produced

We recently released the new Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation DVDS.
In the KSI (Professional Development range) this is a 10 hour program converting the prior video of the same name to DVD - the Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Series.

The advantages of DVD are obvious - including the chaptering available for faster navigation.

For the end user we took three extracts from this longer program and created three single, stand alone programs in the 'Ian King's Guide to' Get Buffed! Range.

These included:

  • Ian King's Guide to Knee Injuries
Ian King's Guide to Lower Back Injuries
  • Ian King's Guide to Shoulder Injuries
    Ian King's Guide to Knee Injuries

    Knee injuries are more common than need be, and if allowed to degenerate, can prove be a major limiting factor in the enjoyment of life and free movement.  Too often minor knee pain becomes something greater, and can even lead to later surgery - something that could be avoided in may instances with the implementation of the philosophies and methods outlined in this program.


    Ian King's Guide to Lower Back Injuries


    Lower back injuries are perhaps the most common injury throughout the wider as well as the athletic population. Failure to prevent or minimize lower back injuries can have significant costs to the athlete in lost training or competition. At worst, it can become a debilitating limitation in everyday life.


    Ian King's Guide to Shoulder Injuries


    Shoulder injuries appear to be almost for anyone who lifts weights over a number of years. It doesn't have to be this way - however the way most training programs are designed will ultimately result in a shoulder injury.  For many the first time they are aware of the limitations in their training program is when they have developed a shoulder injury. Most shoulder injuries hang around for too long! If you want to get rid of a shoulder injury you will benefit from the guidance in this program!


    Unfortunately I don't think one can appreciate the value of your injury rehab programs until youactually get hurt like me. If only I had been exposed to your teaching when I was 15-16 years of age!--Mark


    One year ago, I was near crippled with lower back pain and dysfunction.  Thanks to Ian's guidance in lower back injuries and individualized stretching, I function optimally - as do all of my clients!--Ash

    The injury rehabilitation programs  are intelligent, well presented, and extremely practical.  I've gone from hardly being able to walk to excellent and still improving) levels of pain free living, and that with my still developing understanding of the concept! --Travis

    Great work on the injury rehabilitation programs!  I'm moving forward in  my journey to a pain and  injury free physique thanks to your services!--Anthony


    Get your injuries sorted out- order your copy now!


    Ian King's Guide to Knee Injuries


    Ian King's Guide to Lower Back Injuries

    Ian King's Guide to Shoulder Injuries

    The three pack - GB Ian King's Guide to Injury Rehabilitation Pack.

  • Ask the Master!
    Q & A with Ian King

    I'm a MMA Fighter


    Hi, I'm a MMA fighter which in itself causes a number of overtraining problems that can't really be helped due to the amount of knowledge required i.e. stand up fighting (boxing, Thai boxing), ground fighting (wrestling, Brazilian ju jitsu), cardio (running print and long distance) and strength training which probably contradict each other slightly.


    My question really is related to the strength training part. I'm pretty knowledgeable about my training generally but at a bit of a loss in the weight lifting.


    I have purchased the book Muscle by Ian King as it seems to have the best laid out training  system I have found but as I really only want to build strength (mainly explosive) not size (do not want to increase my weight although I know a little gain is inevitable).


    I would like to know if there is anything about the book routine I would need to change to meet these aims.


    Also as I will still need to do my cardio training (Running mainly) - how will this affect it? Regards.



    William - your first line shows you have switched on, recognizing the challenges of overtraining in your sport


    With your thirst for knowledge you should go to the professional development publication of mine, 'How To Write Strength Training Programs', from which I expect you will gain more knowledge for your own better decision making


    The BOM (thank you for your positive comments re layout) is more about buffing up, although the frequency of the programs in this book (3/wk) will be appropriate for you.


    To avoid hypertrophy, the main tip I can give you is to keep the total volume low (total number of sets) and keep away from too many higher rep sets (over 8 reps). Seek to use the lower rep range.


    However training response to strength training is determined by the total training volume, so your total program would probably negate much hypertrophy even if using higher reps/higher volume strength training. The main benefit of my tip above is to be cost efficient with you energy and recovery reserves, saving yourself for the most effective methods


    Trust this helps.


    If you ever want to get professional individually designed training programs, one of my coaches has extensive personal experience in martial arts.

    --Ian King


    So  basically speaking we are looking at heavy weights  approx 80% of 1 rep max low sets / low reps  (4 - 6) immediate recovery product Recovermax type stuff straight after 3 times a week.


    Yes, in general theory. This is overridden however by your training age - this topic is covered in my books.


    Cardio type training on other days hopefully will not negate strength increases.


    They will but the most damaging thing will be if you overtrain, more so than what you do.


    It is difficult to get an accurate opinion as everybody seems to contradict each other but what you saying does seem to tie in with what I've worked out myself.


    Excellent! You will see a consistent theme in all my books (especially my self published ones - learn to trust your intuition!


    I will also try the book you recommended.


    I'm pretty expert at the martial art side of things (debatably hahahahaha) its just accurate weight / strength training methods I struggle to find.


    As to the stretching you discuss in the book Muscle much as what seems to be the current thinking about not doing it I have to agree with what you say.  I have been static stretching before my training for the past 32 years and it hasn't done any harm to my strength or power and it does stop me getting pulled muscle type trauma.


    You show in the above the self-belief to form your own opinions against the dominant paradigms of this decade (they change every decade or so!)


    I am desperate for a qualified Ian King Coach in the UK!


    Hello Ian, Thank you for email.  I received both DVDs from you.  Both are in flawless condition.  I am pretty happy with it.


    I am desperate for a qualified Ian King Coacher who can modify or correcting my error as a feedback because I couldn't see what I did was wrong.  That way, I can do it correctly for rest of my life instead of believing what is right is not actually correct.


    I will post a forum to find out whether there is one in UK.


    Again, thank you very much for looking after your customers so well!  I am thoroughly enjoyed it, and I know I have a way lot more to learn, about 99% of it to go!



    Mike - great to hear!  That's what we aim for - very happy customers!


    I wish there was a KING or CMP coach in UK too! But there is not. You can have phone consultations with our coaches in other countries, until we finally have a coach in the UK!


    Again, great to hear your gratitude and your recognition of our customer service!


    Yes, learning is a journey - my body teaches me something new every day as yours will you!

    --Ian King


    Got a question for Ian King? Email us at

    New King Lollies!

    As those of you who have ordered materials from us would know we throw something extra in. Of late it's been in the shape of KING lollies, candies with the lettering KING on them. When those who have been indoctrinated to believe they eat 'clean' (yet live near high voltage power lines, under heavily polluted skies, have their cell phones in their pocket and sleep with their electric radio near their head) pick themselves up off the ground in horror - yes, we think its ok to do the 'bad' things a little bit!
    Any way, we have new lollies - bigger letter, bigger lollies - something for our more broad minded clients to enjoy!

    Paycheck to Passive
    The Introductory Program

    Regarding the Paycheck to passive intro, here are my thoughts:


    Once a week format is fine, gives one a  chance to do practice the course content. The content of the course was fine, I wish there was more of it though.


    Many of the things mentioned were covered by the KSI CIP Teleconference part, so the philosophy is known to me, but all this has helped me realize that getting financially well off is pure maths, rather than alchemy (don't have to mention how empowering this realization is).


    Opening a savings account this week will be the first thing I will do, and there will be money coming into it every week, no matter how small of an amount.


    Upping my income is the second goal, I feel that the realistic goal is to increase it by 50% by the end of the year (I am actively working on it right now).


    I feel that I will have to create more disposable income first before continuing with the full Paycheck to passive course.  Best regards,


    This course is a two month course covering six lessons.  The material is delivered weekly by email, allowing you to work at home at your pace. As the title
    suggests this is introductory material yet you will find it unique to the PCTP approach to financial education.

    The lessons covered include:

    Welcome to Paycheck to Passive - An Introduction!
    Lesson 1 - Improve your Financial Defense!
    Lesson 2 - Get your money working for you!
    Lesson 3 - Improve your Financial Offense!
    Lesson 4 - So Why Don't More People get rich?
    Lesson 5 - It's time you experienced true wealth!
    Lesson 6 - Where are you now?
    Conclusion to the Introduction to PCTP

    For a limited time you can participate in this short course at no cost. Learn more by clicking here! Buffed! Total Pack - price remain unchanged!   
    A temporary opportunity
    We recently realized that despite adding three new DVDs to the Get Buffed! range, we have not adjusted the Get Buffed! Total Package price.
    So for those who want to take advantage of this opportunity, the window remains opens for an unknown period of time!
    To learn more or order the Get Buffed! Total Pack click here!
    Personal Development
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    So you can place orders with us knowing that you are not taking the risk - we are.

    Our no-questions-asked refund policy is clear - if you are not totally satisfied with any of our products simply return them for a full refund! (conditions apply).

    Read our approach to refunds and your satisfaction
    Follow up Links
    About Us

    KSI is committed to teaching the world how to train through it's real world, unique and highly effective approach to physical preparation. KSI has been dedicated to athlete preparation and coach education since 1986.

    Initially, only those elite athletes fortunate to have access to Ian King, could benefit from his holistic and balanced approached to athletic preparation.

    Now 'the master' (as the athlete's chose to refer to Ian) shares his methods in a way that everyone in the world can benefit - through his articles, newsletters, books, DVDs, seminars and his KSI Coaches.

    Learn more about how KSI can help you by checking out the links to the left!

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    Offer Expires: End of this month!