In this issue...
  • KSI CIP 101: Tele-Conference Series
  • Use the KSI Forum!
  • Get Buffed!
  • Champion Athlete!
  • Coach Education
  • KING Health International
  • Personal Development

  • KSI CIP 101: Tele-conference Series
    Starts Fri January 26, 2007
    8:00-9.15 pm EST USA
    Runs for 6 wks
    Requirement for attendance at the KSI CIP (L1) Boot Camp

    Register Now

    KSI CIP 102: Theory of Physical Prep
    Home Study Program
    Starts when you start
    Requirement for attendance at the KSI CIP (L1) Boot Camp

    Register Now

    KSI CIP 103: Level 1 Boot Camp
    Park City, UT
    Mon-Wed 20-22 Aug, 2007
    Requirement for consideration for the KSI CMP

    Register Now

    KSI Coach Mentoring Program (CMP)
    By selection only

    Learn more

    The Between Sets Newsletter
    Teaching the world how to train!
    No. 83, Nov-Dec 2006


    As we close on 2006 we now look forward to 2007. Here's some news we wish to share with you about what's in store for 2007:

    Reflecting on 2006, here are some of the highlights for the year gone

    * Understanding Plyometrics was released in DVD for the first time.

    * Foundations of Physical Preparation was released in DVD for the first time.

    * Flexibility Training Series was released in DVD for the first time.

    * The 'So You Want to Become a Physical Preparation Coach' was released, an updated version of our prior book with a similar title, with a new cover also.

    * The 'Foundations of Physical Preparation Book' was released, an updated version of our prior book with a similar title, with a new cover also.

    * A number of new DVD/book packages were released including 'Foundations of Physical Preparation' and 'Plyometric Training'.

    * KSI CMP Coaches attended an intense training week in Australia with 'The Master' live with elite athletes - first time ever held, and a rare opportunity for those who stepped up into the CMP and preserved.

    * KSI launched it's health division, King Helath International. * KSI launched its complimentary KING lollies for all who purchased our educational products.

    * KSI released its new forum site. * KSI released an limited time merchandise range of towel, water bottle, T-shirt and polo shirt. * KSI CMP and CIP Coaches met in September 2006 for the annual KSI Coaches training week, during which the new range of exclusive CMP Coach clothing was released, including the 2007 version track suits (in 2 styles!).

    Now we are not going to release all 2007 developments at this stage, but here's a taste of what's to come this year:

    * The 2007 Intake of the KSI Coach Intern Program (CIP) takes off in a few weeks time.

    * We will be releasing a DVD program in January that was only available in video till now.

    * The 2007 KSI CIP 103 Three Day Boot Camp is scheduled for August 2007.

    * We plan to continue with our complimentary KING lollies, based on the positive feedback we have received from those who have purchased product from KSI during 2006.

    We trust 2006 was a great year for you, and you have plans to further fulfill your potential in training and/or coaching during 2007!

    Perhaps during the upcoming year we will meet new faces in person at a KSI Seminar, or on tele- conference in the KSI CIP 101, or via email. And we look forward to catching up with our loyal long term customers and clients at some stage in 2007!

    Enough talk - let's do it!

    Ian King and the Team at KSI!

    KSI CIP 101: Tele-Conference Series
    Commences January 2007

    The Coach Intern Program (CIP) Tele-Conference Call Series is a six (6) call series held once a week for six (6) weeks, commencing at the start of January and July. The next program commences in January 2007, just a month away.

    The CIP Conference Call Series aims to expose you to the holistic approach that is a trademark of KSI's approach to physical preparation. The calls are interactive, and typically held on a Friday night. The topics covered in this program include:

    Business Development

    • How to market yourself and your business.
    • How much, when and how to charge for your services.
    • How to negotiate contracts and agreements.
    • How to structure your business entity.
    • Tax minimization and asset protection.
    • Intellectual property protection.

    Professional Development
    • The Ian King approach to the physical qualities.
    • The Ian King approach to training principles.
    • Training macro- and micro-variables.
    • How to identify and select appropriate training methods.
    • How to select your mentors.
    • How the KSI CMP is conducted.

    Financial Development

    • Understanding your relationship with money.
    • Understanding the three types of income.
    • Using your past to predict your future.
    • How physical preparation consultants can earn six figures in this industry (if they want to).
    • What to do with your money.
    • Planning for retirement.

    Personal Development

    • Understanding who is responsible and why.
    • The relationship between the mind, words, actions and results.
    • The power of personal development.
    • Key traits for personal development success.
    • Time management skills.
    • Creating and maintaining balance in life.

    There are no pre-requisites for involvement in the CIP Conference Call Series.

    Get started now on the KSI educational path!

    Register for the KSI CIP 101: Tele-Conference Series

    Use the KSI Forum!
    The best way to chat with me!

    Wtih the increased traffic of spam emails, the chances your question emails to me are being caught up in my spam deletion programs.

    I encourage you all to get onto the free KS forum. This is the best way to chat with myself and my coaches, as well as other dedicated KSI members.

    You won't get better advice and support anywhere - and iit won't cost you a thing!

    Join the KSI forum NOW!

    Get Buffed!
    Ian King's guide to getting bigger, stronger and leaner!

    Are the programs in the book the same as the online ones?

    I have been looking over the your program on T-mag site. Are these same programs included in your get buffed books, like the great gun routine, the super strength, limping series, and the advanced upper body training. Thank you,

    Edith - the Get Buffed! books 1, II and III all have programs in them. You may see some similarities in the GB 1 book to the T-mag workouts, but the book programs are more complete, and of course there are chapters and chapters on training education.
    --Ian King

    I'm 50 years old. I've been training for 26 years

    Mr King, Sorry about the e-mail. I'm 50 years old. I've been training for 26 years or so. I've never competed. I just enjoy the challenge and feeling of being in good condition.

    For years I followed the teaching of Mike Mentzer. I asked my wife to get me your books for Christmas last year after reading your articles on Testoserone Mag. I just did a major interior up- grade to my home, so did not train for 12 weeks. Im ready to get after it again. I work for U.P. Railroad. I have to be there at 6 A.M. Ive trained at 4 a.m.

    in the past. I like it in the sense that it keeps me from missing workouts, but I dislike in the sense that It takes me awhile to get awake and ready to train hard. I am level 1 certified by I.A.R.T. , which is no big deal although it required some study and thought to complete.

    It was through taking that course that I begin questioning some of the things I so strongly believed about Heavy Duty training. I do believe Mike Mentzer was on track about intensity, and recovery being very important. Anyway, I f you would be so kind to offer some advice on the vitamin supplements you recommend, a restart program for someone who has had a 3 month total layoff, and what do you think if I took Spike or something like that to get me mentally going for early morning workouts?

    Before the layoff I was doing a routine like the ones you suggest in your books. Your books are very good. I weigh about 185, and I'm 5 foot, 9 inches tall. I'm not fat but I look and feel awful. I have a home gym with a full array of free weights and some nautilus eqipment. My best peice is the Pendulum machine by Tyler Hopson. Its a plate loading machine that allows me with use of different handles to do many different exercises.

    Thank you for your time and I will gladly pay you for your help. You have been a very helpful force in my life. Thanks again.

    Leon - great to hear you are committed to your training. Yes, training first in the morning ensures it gets done. The downside is as you know the level of arousal and body temperature.

    My no. 1 recommendation to this would be to use excessive clothing to raise the body temp. You can try some supplements to 'wake you up', and they may work, but you are against the bodies clock in this one. However a carb based drink may spike the blood sugar helping you to feel better. I would be using amino acids throughout the work out (eg. Beverly International) and definitely a mixed carb/protein drink postwork.

    As for the
    vitamins i recommend - I take all of their supplements - the multi's and all the optimizers . Not much more I can add to that - what I do should be a stronger message than what I say. If you want to become a preferred customer I can have my closest sales team member touch base with you to set you up on the products.

    Start up program - sometimes that may be as short as a 2-4 week program to get your body back into the groove. Use my books to devise this. Key is to stay light and not push it too much, or risk injury or short term burn out.

    I agree - Mike Mentzler did bring some great things to the table. More importantly he achieved things himself in training that many of his detractors will never, leaving them little ground to judge him on.

    If you would like a personalized program I will arrange for one of my team to work with you. Let me know.

    All the best with your training - glad my books have given you so much value to date!
    --Ian King

    Improve your training results with the Get Buffed! products NOW!

    Champion Athlete!
    Milk -so my intuition was right!

    One of the first things i learnt about training was to drink milk - a lot, often, and in particular after training. Finally, some academic support ! Milk ingestion stimulates protein synthesis! Read on.:

    Milk Ingestion Stimulates Net Muscle Protein Synthesis following Resistance Exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 38(4):667- 674, April 2006.


    Purpose: Previous studies have examined the response of muscle protein to resistance exercise and nutrient ingestion. Net muscle protein synthesis results from the combination of resistance exercise and amino acid intake. No study has examined the response of muscle protein to ingestion of protein in the context of a food.

    This study was designed to determine the response of net muscle protein balance following resistance exercise to ingestion of nutrients as components of milk. Method: Three groups of volunteers ingested one of three milk drinks each: 237 g of fat-free milk (FM), 237 g of whole milk (WM), and 393 g of fat-free milk isocaloric with the WM (IM). Milk was ingested 1 h following a leg resistance exercise routine. Net muscle protein balance was determined by measuring amino acid balance across the leg. Results: Arterial concentrations of representative amino acids increased in response to milk ingestion. Threonine balance and phenylalanine balance were both > 0 following milk ingestion. Net amino acid uptake for threonine was 2.8-fold greater (P < 0.05) for WM than for FM. Mean uptake of phenylalanine was 80 and 85% greater for WM and IM, respectively, than for FM, but not statistically different. Threonine uptake relative to ingested was significantly (P < 0.05) higher for WM (21 +/- 6%) than FM (11 +/- 5%), but not IM (12 +/- 3%). Mean phenylalanine uptake/ingested also was greatest for WM, but not significantly.

    Conclusions: Ingestion of milk following resistance exercise results in phenylalanine and threonine uptake, representative of net muscle protein synthesis. These results suggest that whole milk may have increased utilization of available amino acids for protein synthesis.

    Hire a KING Coach

    Coach Education
    A balanced approach for a global future!

    KSI CIP 103 Three Day Boot Camp was life- changing!

    I want to thank you again for all you did during the Boot Camp. I can't even begin to tell you how much I learned and how it has changed my perspective on life. I look forward to continuing my growth as a person and hopefully as a KSI coach! Sincerely,

    So You Want to Become book - an updated version?

    Hello King Sports; I was wondering if the book, So you want to be a physical preparation coach is updated version of So you want to be a strength and conditioning coach. Thanks.

    Ernesto – you are correct – it is an updated version. You should also look to place questions about products on our forum, and you may receive multiple responses from other King coaches and forum users. Thanks
    --Ian King

    CIP or books?

    Hello coach King, I am following your work now for some time on t-nation (you are missed over there!) and have also you BOM. I'm also studying sport science at the university. Since I am a student I really don't have a lot of money, but I decided to spend the little bit I have on education, as I believe it definitely will pay back.

    Considering that I have a very limited budget, what would you suggest me to do: I calculated that I have either the money to attempt to the CIP 101 and 102 (103 is right now impossible as it would involve a flight from Europe to USA), or spend the money on some of your books/DVDs? And if books/DVDs is the way to go, in which order?

    BTW, I'm a 20 year old basketball player, have a light kind of rheumatism (so far no other injuries), and definitely need to pack on some quality mass! Thanks for your help (and also for your great articles!)

    Andy – great to hear from you. Yes, it’s been a while since I appeared at t-mag!

    I will cc this to our Director of Educating for him to share his thoughts also.

    I believe that if you are planning to be a student and pursue professional development, that the CIP 101 and 102 should be your priority. In these programs you will be exposed to so much. And in the 102, you will receive a number of my books in ebook format, and a dvd, so it is great value for money. You will also be exposed to my coaches and the KSI director of Education in Mike Pimentel. These exposures/associations could prove invaluable.

    Trust this helps. Now lets see what mike has to say!
    --Ian King

    Andy, I agree with Ian. There is tremendous value in the CIP 101 and 102. The personal interaction in the 101 will give you higher understanding of the philosophies and methods that Ian and his coaches have employed to be so successful. (you will find it includes so much more than simply reps and sets!).

    Ian has already expressed the value of the 102 which includes supporting ebks and a DVD – what he forgot to mention was email interaction with myself to assist with any questions you may have as well as access to the restricted areas of the KSI forum, where you can source other KSI students from around the world as well as the KSI CMP Coaches.

    As you can see, our goal is to really look after KSI students who demonstrate the commitment and level of action to become the best in physical preparation and life. We do this through exceptional programs, high standards of value, innovation and excellence. You will see this consistency in all the KSI products and educational offerings.

    We look forward to working with you in the near future. If you have any questions on the programs and products we offer, please do not hesitate to contact me. All the best,
    --Mike Pimentel
    KSI Director of Education

    KING Health International
    Expanding into Malaysia

    King Health International provides these world leading health products to thousands of customers and has a sales of marketing team also in the thousands throughout these countries.

    We are pleased to announce that the KING Health will continue its international expansion with the opening of its 13th market—Malaysia—in the first quarter of 2007.

    With a population of more than 25 million people, Malaysia offers an excellent opportunity for our sales team members worldwide to expand their businesses. As we welcome this exciting new market we encourage you to grow along with us by sharing the companies vision of health and freedom with our new Malaysian friends.

    Learn more about KING Health International

    Personal Development
    Vitamins for the Mind

    KSI's holistic approach to coach education places significant focus on personal development. One of our mentors that we recommend to everyone is Jim Rohn, America's leading business philosopher. His has an amazing ability to say so much in so few words. Here's and example of that:


    All disciplines affect each other. Mistakenly the man says, "This is the only area where I let down." Not true. Every let down affects the rest. Not to think so is naive.

    Reproduced with permission from the Jim Rohn Weekly E-zine.

    Learn more about Jim Rohn
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    KSI is teaching the world how to train through it's real world, unique and highly effective approach to physical preparation. KSI has been dedicated to athlete preparation and coach education since 1986.

    Initially, only those elite athletes fortunate to have access to Ian King, could benefit from his holistic and balanced approached to athletic preparation.

    Now 'the master' (as the athlete's chose to refer to Ian) shares his methods in a way that everyone in the world can benefit - through his articles, newsletters, books, DVDs, seminars and his KSI Coaches.

    Learn more about how KSI can help you by checking out the links to the left!

    Receive a sample of the NEW KSI lettered candy!

    Every product order received for 7 days after the sending of this newsletter will receive a handful of specially produced KING passionfruit flavored 'Roc Lollies'!

    Offer Expires: 12 mn EST USA Friday 29 September 2006
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