Get Buffed!
Ian King's guide to getting bigger, stronger and leaner!
DVD Book and Workout - for a fantastic
I know you hear this all the time, but I divide my years
in the gym into pre-King and post-King. The pre-King
time was almost entirely wasted, I think. Thanks for a
fantastic product. Yours,
How to Teach Strength Training Exercises - does
it cover all the exercises?
I have a question for you. I am anxiously awaiting get
buffed 1 and the dvd. When I am ready for the get
buffed 2 and 3, do your video "How to Teach Strength
Training Exercises" cover all the exercises in those
two book including the stretching and control drills? I
rather buy one video rather than all the individuals
videos. My goal is to be able to design and train my
own self effectively. Thank you,
Edith - The How to Teach covers only the strength
exercises (including control drills). The stretching you
will need 'Ian King's Guide to Individual Stretching'.
Also, the GB Workout DVD will cover the strength
exercises for the GB 1 workout but not necessarily the
GB II and III workouts (or the Control Drills), which the
How To Teach series will look after.
FYI I expect to take the HTT series to DVD early in the
new year.
My goal is the same as yours for you!
--Ian King
The Get Buffed! DVD and book Combo
Dear Mr King, I have bought and received the get
buffed DVD and book Combo and a DVD on drill
control. I realized that on the squat portion you
mentioned something like "squeeze your cheek"
when standing up from a squat. Does "squeeze your
cheek" means squeeze your buttocks? I am not sure
of this slang used.
Also, your dvd contains very good training mentions. I
am blessed by it.
Thanks. Have a great day.
--Henry, Singapore
Henry - great to see you investing in your education!
The abdoms and gluts (cheeks) work together to
control hip position. Going down in the squat I place
prime focus on sucking in the tummy to ensure
control of pelvis into what I call an optimal position
(relatively flat and unchanging lower spine shape)
and contraction of the gluts (i.e. squeeze cheeks) in
the up phase for the same reason.
Thanks for feedback on the DVD. That's more
technical info that I understand but will pass it on to
our suppliers.
I am impressed with your application of gratitude.
--Ian King
Training Program
Hi Ian, I am a bodybuilder and I wish to gain more
muscle but i have done lots and lots of programs out
there including yours twice over.I was wondering if it
would be possible for you to design me a program for
the purpose of gaining muscle? Obviously I would
pay you to do that i am sure we could work out a
price? If this is possible could you please contact me
via email? I understand you would be very busy but
you are my fav coach and your programs have always
worked but recently i seem to have been stuck at my
current weight of 225lbs.
I have tried many different things eg.resting
more,sleeping more,reducing volume,increasing
volume and nothing has worked.
If you could do this request i would be most happy if
not then thank you for your time mr.king
--David, United Kingdom
David – thanks for your email. Great to see your
commitment to your training. I am asking my head
coach to touch base with you to see how best we can
serve your needs. His name is Mike Pimentel and his
cc shows above. I rarely work outside of referred
clients. Also, it may not be cost effective for you to hire
myself, and my personal values are committed to
excellence – I don’t start something that is not
sustainable for a reasonable period of time. I will
oversee the communication between you and my
coach/es. Look forward to the outcome!
--Ian King
Italian B'Ber
Hi Mr King.I'm an italian BBer and I have read many
your writings and specializations on Tmag and I have
used your specializations for arms and chest. But the
problem is my chest! It doesn't improve! or,better,it
improves a little. Have you some exercise for me or
some program,please? Thank's very very much.
Oreste - thank you for your email. When generic
programs such as those posted in my articles/books
don't do the job, you probably need an individualized
My coaches can individualize a program for you if you
wish to hire a KING coach. Learn more at the linke
Anything is possible if you believe it is, and are willing
to take action to achieve it.
--Ian King