In this issue...
  • Reader Mail
  • New Endurance Specialization Video Cover!
  • KSI CIP 101: Tele-conference Series
  • Ask the Master
  • The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet
  • What the Wealthy Buy on Pay Day
  • Vitamins for the Mind

  • KSI CIP 101: Tele-conference Series
    Starts Fri July 7, 2006
    8:00-9.15 pm EST USA
    Runs for 6 wks
    Requirement for attendance at the KSI CIP (L1) Boot Camp

    Register Now

    KSI CIP 102: Theory of Physical Prep
    Home Study Program
    Starts when you start
    Requirement for attendance at the KSI CIP (L1) Boot Camp

    Register Now

    The Way of the King Coach
    Park City, UT
    Sun 10 Sep, 2006
    Learn the KSI philosophies, meet the KSI Coaches

    Register Now

    KSI CIP 103: Level 1 Boot Camp
    Park City, UT
    M-W 11-13 Sep, 2006
    Requirement for consideration for the KSI CMP

    Register Now

    KSI Athlete Training Camp
    Park City, UT
    Su-Tu 17-19 Sep, 2006
    Open to anyone serious about being trained the KSI way

    Register Now

    KSI Coach Mentoring Program (CMP)
    By selection only

    Learn more

    The Between Sets Newsletter
    Teaching the world how to train!
    No. 79, Mar-Apr 2006


    So much happening! We have sought to summarize some of this as concisely as we thought appropriate in this issue!

    As time does, it's racing by, and we are almost half way through the calendar year.

    Not a lot of time left for each of us to achieve our goals for the year, including for some of you completion of the KSI CIP Level 1 Boot Camp pre- requisites (KSI CIP 101 and 102), so you can join the KSI Coaches at Park City in September 2005. You can check out photos from our 2005 event here.

    We added even more possibilities for 2006! Enough talk - let's do it!

    Ian King and the Team at KSI!

    Reader Mail
    Have your say

    A note of appreciation
    In meeting three King coaches now (Miguel Charles, Michael Pimentel, and Mitchell Kochonda), I am awed and inspired by the consistency and focus of principle and practice each applies to his life.

    All three exude a constant good cheer and constantly strive to do better. I have yet to hear a negative attitude, thought, principle, or even word come from any of them nor have I once heard a hint of blame placed anywhere outside of their own selves.

    In my association with all three, I have left feeling enlightened in my own potential and encouraged that by following the example of each of them.

    I will most surely reach that potential. That one has come through the coaching program would make me ecstatic to continue in the CIP, that all three are King coaches provides a stunning testimonial for the whole program.--

    Thank you all three for the guidance and inspiration.
    --Rachel, Learn more about Rachel

    The Way of the Physical Preparation Coach Book
    I was so touched by the concept that I almost called you this morning. You did a fantastic job compiling all of that great stuff. Everyone should operate in that way!
    --Sandy Riedinger, Beverly International

    New Endurance Specialization Video Cover!

    We have just assembled the Endurance Specialization Video in the latest version of covers. I usually get excited about new developments in our products and services, and this was no exception - this is an really impressive looking program with the new cover!

    The Endurance Specialization is a one day program edited down to about 5 hours, and teaches you my unique and highly effective approach to endurance training, and why it is so easy to out-perform the majority of athletes being exposed to more traditional approaches of 'separation' of the body.

    The new covers are fantastic! Designed the a former KSI athlete and his team (Rod McCall and IPG), this is the new format that will over time adorn all our video and dvd programs.

    The new cover really captures the freedom that endurance can give you - freedom to perform, to play, to get more activity done full stop.

    These new covers are not only on the plastic case housing the videos, but are also on the spines and faces of the videos. A standard of quality taking us even higher!

    They are amazing! Click here to see a full size picture of this new cover!

    To celebrate this release, we are also offering a FREE KSI 20 Year Commemorative water bottle with each Endurance Specialization Video Series ordered between now and 12mn Friday 5 May 2006.

    Learn more about the KSI 20 Year Commemorative Water Bottles!

    This video is a one day seminar that after editing will presents about 5 hours of footage. It is shot on a top quality camera and edited in a state-of-the-art editing suite.

    There are also many additional concepts that I share in this seminar that you may not have thought of or been previously exposed to, and these include:
    * the optimal ceiling of tolerance beyond which damage in injury increase significantly
    * how the athlete and coaches psychology will impact their training approach and how to handle this
    * why so much performance analysis reaches the wrong conclusion
    * why it is not realistic to expect endless increases in volume
    * how many athletes actually lose athletic shape doing what they are told in the GPP, to only have to regain it in the CPP
    * how to monitor effectiveness in your endurance training
    * why playing the game is the undeniably superior way to get 'fit' to play any sport!
    * how to distribute training load through the micro- cycle, macro-cycle and year!
    * what endurance training to do if you are a non- athlete just wanting to lower your body fat

    Hi Ian, In the highly misunderstood area of endurance training for sporting performance, you have once again cleared my mind of all the BS I have picked up regarding this often confusing area.

    You have replaced it with the most commonsense, yet very unique philosophies on how to implement endurance training to achieve the highest levels of sporting success.

    I have also walked away from both endurance & periodization seminars with a much clearer understanding of your unique philosophies on short, medium, and long term periodization of all the physical qualities, as well as the integration and affect each physical quality has on one another when combining.

    This I believe is an area that can produce such outstanding results when implemented effectively, and with myself now armed with this information, have such an advantage over those who haven't been exposed to this material!

    Thanks again Ian, for providing me the opportunity to learn from you, and gain knowledge that impacts my training and coaching so positively.
    -- Marty

    The Endurance Specialization Series is a must for those wishing to win! You’ll be exposed to concepts Ian has created and used to successfully prepare athletes at the highest level. I now use the same concepts and thought processes with great success!
    --Mitchell Kochonda

    If you wish to benefit from this great offer, you need to do so before 12 midnight Friday 5 May 2006!

    This is another of our famous three day (72 hr) offers!

    To order you copy of the Endurance Specialization Video Series click here!

    Asian Pacific residents click here to order.

    KSI CIP 101: Tele-conference Series
    Last opportunity to be eligible for the 2006 KSI CIP 103 Boot Camp!

    There's just one more opportunity to fulfill the requirements for entry to the KSI CIP 103 (Level 1) Boot Camp,and I wanted to make sure you were aware of this.

    I understand time slips by, yet some of you may have set as a goal for 2006 to participate in and complete the first of the four year KSI Coaching Program.

    So in about 7 wks time we are running the final KSI CIP 101: Tele-conference Series. This six (6) week program commences on Friday 7th July 2006.

    This program, the KSI CIP 101, combined with the KSI CIP 102, are the pre-requisites for acceptance into the KSI CIP 103, the three day Boot Camp to be held in September.

    Even if you haven't commenced either of the KSI CIP 101 or 102 programs yet, you could still get them done in time for the September 2006 KSI CIP 103 Boot Camp - but you would need to get going.

    You would need to register to participate in this final KSI CIP 101 for 2006, and get going on the KSI CIP 102, a home study program.

    And of course if you have already commenced the KSI CIP 102, but not yet participated in the KSI CIP 101, this is your opportunity to be ready for the September KSI CIP 103 Boot Camp!

    Register for the KSI CIP 101: Tele-Conference Series

    Ask the Master

    Muscle imbalances, tendonitis, strains, etc.
    Ian, muscle imbalances, tendonitis, strains, etc. What resource or resources do you offer concerning rehab and prevention. thanks,

    Dave - the number one best resource for a deeper understanding of my approach to injury prevention and rehab is without a doubt the video series of the same name. I do touch upon injury prevention in a small way in some of my books, but hands down this video series holds diamonds of information.
    --Ian King

    Which videos to get?
    I already own Ian's video set with the squat, DL, BP, as well as "Killer Leg Exercises for Strength and Mass"

    Would there be much new info if I bought the "How To Teach Strength Training Exercises" video (I'm looking only to learn how to do the lifts myself).

    Also how much overlap is there between Ian King's Guide to the Olympic Lifts and How To Teach Strength Training Exercises i.e. would I get most of the Olympic lift info from the "How To Teach Strength Training Exercises video?

    Thanks for your time.

    Scott - the How To Teach Series would be a repeat in the following areas:

    * The squat, bench and deadlift - you have a more in-depth coverage of those in the videos you have;
    * Some of the different leg exercise variations - these are covered in the 'killer leg' video.

    What the HTT video have which you may not have include:

    * Olympic Lifts and variations
    * Arm and forearm variations
    * May have more variations of benching than you have
    * Will have shoulder exercises which you don't have
    * Will have lat exercises which you don't have
    * Will have rowing exercises which you don't have
    * Will have abdominal exercises which you don't have
    * Will have control drills that you don't have

    In summary, the HTT program covers over 100 exercises. If you wanted to you could count the different exercises you currently have and get a more objective feeling for the number of exercises which you don't have.

    With regards to the 'Ian King's Guide to the Olympic Lifts'. This program and the 'Ian King's Guide to the Powerlifts dedicate 1 hr to each lift, and it's main variations.

    The HTT video does not have this level of focus, covering over 100 exercises in less than 5 hours.

    So if you wanted to get more in-depth info on less lifts you go with the 'Ian King's Powerlifts / Olympic lifts'. But if you wanted to cover more different exercises you got the HTT.

    We trust this gives you more clarity.
    --Ian King

    The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet
    The new 2006 version!

    If you're at all serious about making money with your own online business, then it is essential that you carefully consider this offer.

    Derek Gehl from the Internet Marketing Center has publicly released the newest edition of his famous "Insider Secrets" online wealth-generating system.

    When you order this program Derek will ship you (via Federal Express) a 10 lb. box.

    In this box you'll find 2 DVDs, 6 resource CDs, 2 guidebooks, and 2 thick binders containing in excess of 1,385 pages explaining the step-by-step instructions on how to start and grow a wildly profitable Internet business.

    I have used this program to build my internet businesses over the last 8 years.

    If you feel that after buying this program that the system won't work for you Derek has offered to personally write you a check for $200 as our way of apologizing for wasting your time.

    In other words, the absolute WORST thing that can happen if you take us up on this is that you'll come out $200 ahead!

    The best case scenario is something far, far more exciting... It's up to you! All you need to do today is tell Derek where to send your package by clicking the link below.

    Learn more about the 2006 Version of The Insider Secrets

    What the Wealthy Buy on Pay Day
    Guiding you in the journey from working for a living to having a life!

    Our Paycheck to Passive web site and products are committed to guiding you from working for a living (paycheck to paycheck) to having a life (from receiving passive income).

    We have recently come upon a fantastic financial educational tool and are excited to be able to share it with you!

    You can access this online, on your computer, and without leaving your home office. Its relatively short, less than 10 minutes in duration.

    The presenter is a straight talker who has taken himself from a US Navy Bomb technician to financially free and willing to share his knowledge with others.

    In this online video he will educate you on why the poor get poorer, the middle-class are living in a false economy, and well, anyone can get rich! If they simply understand the basic principles taught in this video.

    Life's to short to spend it working for money. Learn how to make money work for you - how to create passive income and have a life rather than working for a living!

    This video download is free, and come highly recommended.

    Gain great education by simply clicking this link!

    Vitamins for the Mind
    Busy vs. productivity

    Don't mistake movement for achievement. It's easy to get faked out by being busy. The question is: Busy doing what?

    Reproduced with permission from the Jim Rohn Weekly E-zine.

    Learn more about Jim Rohn
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  • About Us
    KSI is teaching the world how to train through it's real world, unique and highly effective approach to physical preparation. KSI has been dedicated to athlete preparation and coach education since 1986.

    Initially, only those elite athletes fortunate to have access to Ian King, could benefit from his holistic and balanced approached to athletic preparation.

    Now 'the master' (as the athlete's chose to refer to Ian) shares his methods in a way that everyone in the world can benefit - through his articles, newsletters, books, DVDs, seminars and his KSI Coaches.

    Learn more about how KSI can help you by checking out the links to the left!

    FREE 20 Year KSI Water Bottle with each order!

    Order the 'new look' Endurance Specialization Video series and recieve a FREE KSI 20 Year Commerative Water Bottle!

    Offer Expires: 12 mn EST USA Friday 5 May 2006
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