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Update on Chair/Director Search & Upcoming Events
Spring e-NewsletterApril 2010
In This Issue
Candidate Open Forums
Grape Day on August 10
Meet the Candidates
Vino Italiano on April 15
Class of 2010 Dinner
 Candidate Open Forums
April 12 and April 19
Seminar Presentations will be held from 1:00 - 2:00 pm in the Viticulture and Enology Building, second floor Conference Room at Fresno State on April 12 and April 19.
Meet the Candidate Receptions will also be held for each candidate at 5:00 pm in the Fresno State Winery, Enology Building on April 12 and April 19.
Join Our Mailing List 
Fresno State Grape Day on August 10, 2010
09 Grape Day registration
Mark your calendars to attend Fresno State Grape Day on Tuesday, August 10th!
Grape Day is an informal field day for growers, pest control advisors, winery personnel and individuals interested in learning more about grape growing and winemaking.  It is held every other year and showcases Fresno State's viticulture and enology research and educational programs. 
Grape Day will begin at 7:30 am at the viticulture and enology facilities on campus and will include vineyard, lab and winery tours, as well as presentations by faculty, staff, students, and industry partners. 
Watch for details on our department website or contact Cynthia Wood.
Supporting Fresno State Viticulture & Enology  
 Viticulture & Enology Alumni's 
June 6, 2010
Central California's Most Prestigious Wine Event & Wine Auction  
 San Joaquin Valley Winemakers 
May 21, 2010
Supporting Viticulture & Enology Students
Meet the Candidates to fill our Chair/Director position
Fresno State Viticulture Enology imageAlumni, friends, and members of the grape and wine industry are welcome to attend the following open forums on the Fresno State campus featuring two candidates who have been selected by the Search Committee to fill the Chair and Director position for the Department of Viticulture and Enology and the Viticulture and Enology Research Center.  
Monday, April 12:  Dr. Peter Cousins, USDA/ARS NY
Seminar Presentation: Fresno in the Vanguard: Viticulture and Enology Teaching and Research for California and Beyond
Monday, April 19: Dr. James Kennedy, Australian Wine Research Institute
Seminar Presentation:  Fresno State Department of Viticulture and Enology: My Vision for the Future
See side-bar for presentation and reception times and locations.
Off-campus guests attending the presentations and/or receptions  on April 12 and/or April 19 may obtain a complimentary parking coupon code to park in any yellow or green lot on campus.  The parking code is listed on the Department of Viticulture and Enology's web site.
Links to brief candidate bios are also available on the Department of Viticulture and Enology website. 
Comments may be submitted in writing via email to Dr. Roy Thornton, Search Committee Chair by noon on April 22.
Vino Italiano! at the Fresno State Winery on April 15
09 Vino Italiano students pouring wine to guestsThe essense of Italy comes to California State University, Fresno every spring when the Vino Italiano! wine tasting celebrates Fresno State Winery's student-made, award-winning Italian varietals.
The tasting will be held on April 15 from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm at the Fresno State Winery, and is open to individuals 21 and older with a valid ID.  The Fresno State Winery is located at 2369 E. Barstow Avenue, between Cedar and Maple, in Fresno.
Taste our 2008 Muscat Canelli, 2006 Zinfandel, 2008 Pinot Gris, 2006 and 2008 Sangiovese, the 2008 Barbera, and enjoy a special barrel tasting.  Light hors d'oeuvres, including Fresno State's award-winning olive oil and ice cream samples, will also be available.   All guests will receive a commemorative Fresno State Winery glass and plate with paid admission. 
  • General Public: $15 each, payable at the door
  • Fresno State students, staff, faculty, & alumni with ID:  $10 each
  Find out more about Vino Italiano!
Class of 2010 Dinner Celebration on May 20
2009 Graduate DinnerOn May 20, the Department of Viticulture and Enology will hold its annual dinner celebration to recognize this year's graduating class of 2010. 
 The dinner is conveniently held the evening before the Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology's Convocation Ceremony, so families and friends can join the festivities. 
 Alumni and industry friends are also invited to attend the dinner  and help us toast to the newest group of viticulturists and winemakers from Fresno State!
Where and When
Fresno State's Viticulture and Enology Gazebo and Lawn Area
2360 E. Barstow Avenue, between Cedar and Maple, Fresno
Thursday, May 20, 2010
5:30 pm    Social and Hors d'oeuvres
6:30 pm    Dinner by Grand Occasions, featuring Fresno State wine*
RSVP by May 12 - Reservation Form 
The cost to attend or sponsor a student dinner is only $25 each.  
Each year, our graduates receive complimentary dinners and we also offer a discount to our viticulture and enology students who wish to attend.  These discounts are made possible because of the generous support we receive from organizations and individuals.
2010 Sponsor Acknowledgements
The Viticulture and Enology Alumni Association and the San Joaquin Valley Winemakers are among the growing list of sponsors.  Their continued support of this event is appreciated.
Sponsorship Opportunities
If you would like to make a donation to help sponsor our graduates and students, please contact Cynthia Wood or complete the reservation form.
* Must be 21 or older to consume alcoholic beverages.