Tony's Coaching Tip What you resist persists
October 2007


Welcome to the October 2007 issue of Tony's Coaching Tip.

I don't know if you noticed but my September coaching tip never happened. My week in France in August was great fun and extremely enjoyable, but somehow it has managed to disrupt a few of my scheduled activities, one of which was my coaching tip.

What I've found interesting is that I've received a couple of e-mails from colleagues who have struggled to produce their newsletters over the past few months. Maybe there's something in the air or the water?

Anyway, my coaching tip this month isn't about the importance of deadlines or motivation. The seed for this month's tip was planted in a conversation I had in Starbucks yesterday morning. This month's tip is about what tends to happen when you're in a place of feeling stuck, maybe worried, confused and frustrated and what you can do about it.

If you like the tip, please give it to all and sundry. If you hate it, please delete it immediately.

in this issue
  • Quote of the month
  • Feature: What you resist persists

  • Feature: What you resist persists

    Recently, there have been several decisions that I've needed to make where my way forward can best be summarised as stuck, confused and frustrated. One of these decisions, although hardly life threatening I realise, was what the topic of my next coaching tip should be.

    What happens to me in this type of situation is that I know that it needs to be resolved within a certain timeframe, and yet I don't have a solution or even a clear approach to solving it.

    In such a situation my default position is to go straight to - what is the solution here? When no solution becomes apparent, my confusion and feeling of helplessness intensifies. Where do I go to next? Yep, back to - what is the solution? Can you see how easily a classic vicious circle can develop?

    Me too, but when I'm fully immersed in this modus operandi the knowledge that I'm in a vicious circle generally doesn't help me get out of it.

    I am simply resisting being in this situation in the first place. I don't want to be in it. I just want to get out of it as quickly and as easily as possible. From here I have no clarity.

    When I am able to break the pattern (which has been known to take weeks, months or even years in some extreme cases), the most powerful realisation for me is that it's OK to be in this place of "what the hell am I going to do from here?".

    The difference is that from this new perspective, there is nothing to fight. This is not the same as giving up and not facing the problem. Giving up is just another flavour of resistance or postponement of acceptance, because invariably the situation will come back.

    No, acceptance is about being OK that I am where I am right now and that I don't know what to do. Once I can accept this, my mind becomes clearer and open to new ideas, suggestions, and thoughts about new possibilities.

    So, my tip for you this month is to ask what you are currently resisting. What is there in your business, your career or your life that you are not wholly accepting? A good indication is if it is something that keeps coming back even though you thought that you'd buried it several times before.

    Now ask yourself what accepting this situation would look like? Once again, I reiterate that this is not the same as tolerating it unresolved. It is accepting that you are struggling with it and giving yourself permission to be where you are.

    What does that acceptance open up for you? Is there a sense of relief and lightness that it's OK not to be able to solve it NOW?

    Now stay open to what comes up. And don't be prescriptive about where the solution comes from. It may just be a new idea to try a different approach. See where it takes you.

    Thanks for reading. See you in November.


    Tony's Coaching Tip is published at the beginning of each month to challenge, stimulate and inspire people who want to achieve new levels of success for themselves and others. It is written by Tony Phillips, who coaches individuals & organisations to success.

    The names of coaching tip subscribers will never be shared or sold.

    You are free to use material from Tony's Coaching Tip in whole or in part, as long as you include the complete attribution, including e-mail link. Also, please notify me where and when the material will appear. Thanks.

    � 2007 Tony Phillips - All Rights Reserved

    Quote of the month
    Tony (cropped)

    "I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there."

    - Mother Teresa

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