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  Dog Beach Dog Wash News

            Because your dogs deserve the best  


                                  June 2012    

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Sat., June 9, 2012, 9 to 11 a.m. -- Dog Beach Cleanup, with Friends of Dog Beach, at the pawprint entry to Dog Beach.  Bags & gloves, plus toys & treats will be provided for you and your friendly dogs

Sat., June 9, 2012, 4 p.m. -- Fiesta del PAWS, at 1048 Myrtle Way in Hillcrest, San Diego, to support PAWS' mission to provide veterinary care subsidies and monthly pet food/supply delivery to hundreds of low-income elderly, disabled and chronically ill pet owners.  Tickets are $85 and up.

Sunday, June 10, 2012, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. -- 4th Annual Doggie Street Festival -- Robb Field, at the North end of Bacon St. in Ocean Beach.  Pet adoption event, with pet information, products & services, and good food and music.  Last year 130 pets found new forever homes.  



Loews Surf Dog June 16, 2012

Sat., June 16, 2012, 10 a.m. -- 7th Annual Loews Surf Dog Competition, at Dunes Park/Beach, 700 Seacoast Drive, Imperial Beach. Competition for small dogs, large dogs, tandem rides & celebrity dogs, starts at 11 a.m. 




Fri., June 22, 2012 -- 14th Annual Take Your Dog to Work Day, to celebrate the great companions dogs make and to encourage their adoption from humane societies, animal shelters and breed rescue clubs.  Enter the photo contest, too. 




Fri., June 22, 2012, 7 to 10 p.m. -- National Dog Party Day San Diego, at 4030 Sports Arena Blvd. (Camp Run A Mutt) to benefit the Spay and Neuter Action Project (S.N.A.P.) with games and K9 Karaoke and "pawsome" prizes.

Tickets $25 



 OB 2012 Street Fair logo

Sat., June 23, 2012, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. -- 33rd Annual Ocean Beach Street Fair and Chile Cook-Off Festival, on Newport Ave. from Sunset Cliffs Blvd. west to the ocean. 

Dogs are discouraged from attending the Fair because it is often very loud, crowded and hot.  If you take your dogs, plan to come in the morning and bring your own water, then let them rest at home for the rest of the day.  




Sat., July 21, 2012,  9 a.m. -- Bark for Life San Diego with the American Cancer Society (ACS), at the Ocean Air Recreation Center, 4770 Fairport Way, San Diego, in Carmel Valley.  A noncompetitive walk event tor dogs and their owners to raise funds and awareness for the ACS's fight against cancer. 



 Hounds for Hope

Sat., July 28, 2012, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. -- Hounds for Hope, at Dusty Rhodes Park, Sunset Cliffs Blvd. between West Pt. Loma Blvd. & Nimitz.  The 2nd Annual Canine Cancer Awareness & Wellness Festival is designed to promote healthy care for our furry friends.  Sponsored by Labrador Harbor, with proceeds to benefit Labs in Need. 



Hotel for Dogs 

Fri., August 3, 2012, Dusk -- Free showing of Nickelodeon's 2009 comedy, "Hotel for Dogs," at Dusty Rhodes Park (Sunset Cliffs Blvd. between West Pt. Loma Blvd. & Nimitz).  Sponsored by the Dusty Rhodes Recreation Council.  Donations to benefit the Dusty Rhodes Dog Park.   




Sat., August 25, 2012, 6-11 p.m. -- The San Diego Humane Society and SPCA's 26th Annual Fur Ball - "Polynesian Pawradise" (black tie optional) at 5500 Gaines St., San Diego 92110, with sumptuous dinner, silent & live auctions, and activities for dogs and people, to benefit the Humane Society's programs and services. 




"Pet Lounge," a new television show about dogs in San Diego, airs Saturdays, 1 and 5:30 p.m., on Cox Cable and Time Warner Channel 4.  The show is produced by Jude Artenstein, founder/organizer of Doggie Street Festival, and is hosted by Jeff Krapf.


"Dogs in the City," starring comic and dog trainer Justin Silver, airs on Wednesdays at 8 p.m., on CBS.  Also catch re-runs of Cesar Millan's "The Dog Whisperer" on the National Geographic Channel, and Victoria Stilwell's "It's Me or the Dog" on Animal Planet.


HBO will premiere a documentary, "One Nation Under Dog:  Stories of Fear, Loss & Betrayal" on Monday, June 18, at 9 p.m.


Every other moment you or your dogs can watch DOG TV  

on Cox 2065 and Time Warner 148.  It's now free but eventually will cost $4.99 a month.   

What you should know about dog bites and how to prevent them 

Even though National Dog Bite Prevention Week was last month, dog owners and those living around dogs should be aware of the potential risks every day of the year.

There are nearly 80 million dogs in the United States, and last year nearly five million of those dogs bit someone.  About 800,000 people seek medical attention for dog bites each year, and 12 to 20 people in the U.S. die from dog bites.  For those affected, it's a public health crisis.

The U.S. Postal Service last month reported 5,577 postal workers suffered dog attacks in 2011 in more than 1,400 cities nationwide. Medical expenses for the Postal Service were nearly $1.2 million last year.   Los Angeles topped the list with 83 dog attacks, and San Diego was second with 68 attacks.  Other cities with more than 40 dog attacks on postal workers last year were Houston, Cleveland and Dallas.

In San Diego, there are nearly 500,000 dogs, but only about 140,000 or 30% are licensed by the County's Department of Animal Services (DAS, which covers the cities of San Diego, Carlsbad, Del Mar, Encinitas, Santee, Solana Beach & the unincorporated areas).  In the last fiscal year, 2,699 dog bites were reported to the county's DAS.  The most common breed in reported dog bites in San Diego was the pit bull (389 bites), followed by Labrador Retrievers (199 bites), chihuahuas (174) and German Shepherds (136).  More than 100 breeds were noted for at least one bite.

  • "Any dog can bite," said Dr. Ren� Carlson, American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) president. "If it is physically or mentally unhealthy, is in pain, feels threatened, or is protecting its food or a favorite toy, it can bite. It is important to understand how dogs behave and how our behavior may be interpreted by a dog."
  • "Dog attacks accounted for more than one-third of all homeowner insurance liability claims paid out in 2011," said Dr. Robert Hartwig, Insurance Information Institute (III) president and chief economist. The cost of claims for dog bites has risen 52 percent since 2004, even though the number of dog bites has remained roughly flat, Hartwig added.

    High payouts on dog bites are happening because more people own dogs, they live closer to one another, and parents are more likely to get advanced medical care for their children after a bite, according to Robert Skow, an independent insurance agent in Iowa.  "Forty years ago, a kid got bit, Mom and Dad didn't take him to a plastic surgeon," he said.  "Nowadays they do."


    State Farm, the largest writer of homeowners insurance in the U.S., paid more than $109 million on nearly 3,800 dog bite claims in 2011.  California was the state with the highest payout in dog bite claims with 527 claims costing $20,265,466.   



      *  Carefully select your pet.  Puppies should not be obtained on impulse
      *  Make sure your pet is socialized as a young puppy so it feels at ease around people and other animals
      *  Don't put your dog in a position where it feels threatened or teased
      *  TRAIN YOUR DOG.  The basic commands "sit," "stay," "no," and "come" help dogs understand what is expected of them and can be incorporated into fun activities that build a bond of trust between pets and people
      *  Walk and exercise your dog regularly to keep it healthy and provide mental stimulation
      *  Avoid highly excitable games like wrestling or tug-of-war
      *  USE A LEASH IN PUBLIC to ensure you are able to control your dog
      *  Keep your dog healthy.  Have your dog vaccinated against rabies and preventable infectious diseases.  Parasite control and other health care are important because how your dog feels affects how it behaves
      *  Neuter your pet
      *  If you have a fenced yard, make sure the gates and the ground surfaces are secure


      *  Be cautious around strange dogs, and treat your own pet with respect
      *  Because children are the most common victims of dog bites, NEVER leave a baby or small child alone with a dog
      *  Be alert for potentially dangerous situations.  For example, don't put your face in front of an unknown dog or look directly in its eyes...

    Kyle Dyer, Denver's 9News anchor, was bitten in the face by a dog during a live broadcast, Feb. 1, 2012. Dyer was conducting an interview about the rescue of Max, an 85-pound Argentine Dogo that fell into freezing cold Smith Reservoir in Lakewood, Colorado, on Jan. 31, while chasing a coyote.
    Dyer was bitten as she "tried to kiss/snuggle with the dog," according to the animal control report. She was taken to the hospital, where she underwent reconstructive surgery.

      *  Teach your children -- including toddlers -- to be careful around pets.  Children must learn not to approach strange dogs or try to pet dogs through fences
      *  Teach children to ask permission from the dog's owner before petting the dog - and wait for the dog to approach you
      *  Don't pet a dog on the top of the head (it may feel threatening to the dog).  Offer the dog the back of your closed fist (under his chin) to sniff, then gently scratch the cheek or chest
      *  Don't try to take a toy or food away from a dog
      *  Don't make loud noises or sudden movements towards a dog
      *  Don't touch a dog that appears to be sleeping
      *  Don't approach a dog whose hair is raised, is growling, has their ears back and erect, and appears stressed


      *  If under attack roll into a ball & cover your face.  If the dog retreats, avoid looking at the dog, keep your arms & hands close to your body, and slowly back away
      *  If the dog's owner is present, request proof of rabies vaccination, and get the owner's name and contact information
      *  Clean the bite wound with soap and water as soon as possible
      *  Consult your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room if it's after office hours
      *  Contact the dog's veterinarian to check vaccination records
      *  Report the attack to the County of San Diego Department of Animal Services  619-236-4250, or FAX the completed report form found here:

    It bears repeating that any dog can bite.  But just because a dog has bitten once does not mean it's a vicious or bad dog.  It may be in physical pain, or be afraid or feel threatened.  Learn to read and understand a dog's body language, so you can avoid uncomfortable or dangerous situations.  The best source for illustrated books and DVDs on canine body language can be found at 
    with our favorites from Turid Rugaas, Sarah Kalnajs and Brenda Aloff.  Please be safe, not sorry.
    Keeping Your Dog Safe From Rattlesnakes
    This time of year venturing out of urban habitats with your dog may mean encounters with rattlesnakes.  San Diego, as well as other southwestern areas where encounters with rattlesnakes are frequent, had trainers who offered "snake aversion training" classes. 

    These training sessions taught dogs to avoid snakes by scent, by sight, or by sound of the rattle coupled with a punitive shock from an electronic or E-collar.  This worked for some dogs.  For others, the shock was so traumatizing that the dogs became aggressive or fearful of groups of people and even of their owners.

    This training is now moot in San Diego.  San Diego County's Department of Animal Services is enforcing its longtime ban on the possession or ownership of venomous reptiles, including rattlesnakes, even if the snakes are defanged or muzzled.  The ban does not apply to zoos, scientific or educational institutions.

    So how can you protect your pets from rattlesnakes?
    Here are seven helpful tips from blogger Jennifer:

    1. Get your dog the rattlesnake vaccine
    2. Walk your dog on 6-foot leash
    3. Avoid rocky or dense brush or grassy areas
    4. Snake-proof your yard
    5. Know a dog's rattlesnake-bite symptoms
    6. Leave the area calmly if you & your dog encounter a rattlesnake
    7. Get your dog to a vet immediately if your dog is bitten by a rattlesnake

    Or go to the beach.

    Enjoy Your Summer in San Diego!
    photo of Jane & Mindy and their pets
    Jane & Mindy (with Chipper, Juno & Zydeco)

    Coupon Books (5 washes for $50) go on sale June 20, 2012 through the 4th of July (Summer Solstice through Independence Day).  The next sale begins Thanksgving.

    "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."