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  Dog Beach Dog Wash News

            Because your dogs deserve the best  


                                  May 2012    

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Sat., May 12, 2012, 9 to 11 a.m.--Dog Beach Cleanup, as part of San Diego River Days, with Friends of Dog Beach, at the pawprint entry to Dog Beach.  Bags & gloves, plus toys & treats will be provided for you and your friendly dogs


Pet Day on the Bay  

Sat., May 12, 2012, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.--Pet Day on the Bay by Hornblower Cruises, to benefit the Helen Woodward Animal Center.  Tickets for the 1-hour cruise are $23 a person, and dogs cruise free.  Begins at North Harbor Drive between Broadway and Ash.   




Sat., June 9, 2012, 4 p.m.--Fiesta del PAWS, at 1048 Myrtle Way, San Diego 92103, to support PAWS' mission to provide veterinary care subsidies and monthly pet food/supply delivery to hundreds of low-income elderly, disabled and chronically ill pet owners.  Tickets are $85 and up.

Sunday, June 10, 2012, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.--4th Annual Doggie Street Festival -- Robb Field, at the North end of Bacon St. in Ocean Beach.  Pet adoption event, with pet information, products & services, and good food and music.  Last year 130 pets found new forever homes.  




Loews Surf Dog June 16, 2012

Sat., June 16, 2012, 10 a.m.-- 7th Annual Loews Surf Dog Competition, at Dunes Park/Beach, 700 Seacoast Drive, Imperial Beach. Competition for small dogs, large dogs, tandem rides & celebrity dogs, starts at 11 a.m. 




 OB 2012 Street Fair logo

Sat., June 23, 2012, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.-- 

33rd Annual Ocean Beach Street Fair and Chile Cook-Off Festival, on Newport Ave. from Sunset Cliffs Blvd. west to the ocean. 

Dogs are discouraged from attending the Fair because it is often very loud and crowded, and very hot.  Plan to come in the morning and bring your own water, then let them rest at home for the rest of the day. 



 Hounds for Hope

Sat., July 28, 2012, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.-- Hounds for Hope, at Dusty Rhodes Park, Sunset Cliffs Blvd. between West Pt. Loma Blvd. & Nimitz.  The 2nd Annual Canine Cancer Awareness & Wellness Festival is designed to promote healthy care for our furry fiends.  Sponsored by Labrador Harbor, with proceeds to benefit Labs in Need. 




Hotel for Dogs 

Fri., August 3, 2012, Dusk-- Free showing of Nickelodeon's 2009 comedy, "Hotel for Dogs," at Dusty Rhodes Park (Sunset Cliffs Blvd. between West Pt. Loma Blvd. & Nimitz).  Sponsored by the Dusty Rhodes Recreation Council.  Donations to benefit the Dusty Rhodes Dog Park.  


Is Your Pet Suffering from Separation Anxiety, or Just Boredom?  

 Separation anxiety is a common but serious problem for many dogs and their owners.  Anxious dogs often do things when you're not in the house, such as digging and scratching doors or windows in attempts to escape, destroying things, non-stop barking and howling, defecating/urinating in the house (even when housebroken), pacing, panting and drooling.  These behaviors occur within 30 minutes of your leaving.

Destructive Dog

 When you are home, they follow you room-to-room, never allowing you out of their sight.  They show sadness and anxiety when you prepare to leave the house, whether you're gone for 5 minutes or 5 hours.  When you return they frantically greet you.

 "It's easy to distinguish a case of separation anxiety from doggie boredom," says Dr. Karen Becker, a Chicago Integrative Veterinarian.  "The behaviors that result from separation anxiety happen only when you're not around and every time you're not around."
 The tendency toward separation anxiety may be genetic or biochemical, and may be influenced by early separation from mother and litter mates (before 8-9 weeks), abandonment to a shelter, living through a disaster such as an earthquake or flood, or simply a move to a new home or apartment, or the loss of a family member or other pet.

 There are a number of positive things you can do to quell your dogs' boredom, and to relieve the tension and anxiety they show when you're not home. But never punish the dog.  He or she is not exacting revenge.  The dog is having a panic attack and is fearful of abandonment.

 You can manage the behavior in several ways:

* Give your dog an hour of exercise and play before you leave for school or work (long walks, play fetch, tug-o-war, hide 'n' seek, practice "sit" "down" & "stay")

* Vary your routine in preparing to leave the house (from dressing, packing your lunch, picking up your keys).  Ignore your dog for a few minutes before you leave, and when you return.  Once the dogs are quiet and relaxed, talk to and pet them in a quiet voice

* Create a safe room (or confine with baby gate) where damage can be minimized.  If your dog is crate trained, you can provide a comfortable, safe haven with the door open or closed.  Don't force the crate if the dog shows increased anxiety as if you're using isolation as punishment

* Provide a variety of interactive toys, filled with kibble and treats (e.g., Kongs, IQ Treatballs, Busy Buddy toys (e.g., Kibble Nibble) from Premier, Buster Cube, Everlasting toys from Starmark, Treat Stick, West Paw's Tux) and hide them throughout the room.  Remove them immediately when you come home

* Leave a radio or TV on when you're not home.  Dog TV (Cox Cable channel 2635, TimeWarner Cable channel 148) is a great option

* Another dog may or may not help.  One dog may sleep peacefully while you're gone, and the other may pace and be painfully anxious until you return

* Take your dog to work with you, if possible

* Hire a dog sitter or dog walker on days you're delayed

* Take your dog to a doggie daycare facility

* Enroll your dog in a dog obedience class with a certified trainer using gentle, positive methods, and practice the skills in your house, in your yard, and at the park.  The San Diego Humane Society conducts a variety of programs targeting problem behaviors, and has animal behaviorists on staff for helping solve your problem

* Sign up for a dog sport or activity, such as Fly Ball, Agility,
Herding, Carting, Trieball, or use "" to find or start a like-minded group of dog lovers to provide new and stimulating activities for you and your dog

* See your veterinarian to rule out any physical problems that may be making your dog look or act lethargic or depressed (broken teeth, infection, hypothyroidism, pulled muscle, arthritis).  Ask about prescription medications to help alleviate anxiety (more than just calming or sedating them)

* In severe cases of separation anxiety, when your dog is very destructive or you're concerned he might hurt himself, consult a Certified Animal Behavior Veterinarian, such as locals Dr. Patrick Melese,  or Dr. Stephanie Schwartz,

 With time, patience and practice in different methods of calming and desensitizing anxious behaviors, most dogs with separation anxiety can find relief from their misery.  A bored dog just needs more exercise, mental stimulation, and better toys. 
Can Dogs Get Poison Ivy?
 Yes, any dog can be allergic to poison ivy or poison oak, but only suffer from the toxicity if they ingest it, or if the oily resin, called urushiol, touches their skin.  Most dogs with fur are protected from this happening.

 The main concern with a dog running through fields with poison ivy or oak, especially in the spring and summer, is that they come in contact with you, your clothing, furniture or automobile, and transfer the toxic resin to your skin.

Poison Ivy   If your dog has eaten leaves from the poison plant, monitor them for vomiting, lack of appetite or diarrhea.  Hospitalization with intravenous fluids may be necessary. Activated charcoal may be administered if it is suspected that more plant material is present in the stomach.

 Poison Oak can be a shrub or vine.  It turns red in late fall.  It's most commonly found in the southwest U.S., and touching the leaves, stems or roots can transfer the urushiol to you or your dog. 

 If you suspect you or your dog has come in contact with either of these poisonous plants, the best remedy is to wash your dog within 15 minutes of contact, using a strong shampoo or dishwashing detergent (such as Dawn) to remove the oily sap.  Wear gloves, and leave the shampoo on for 10 minutes and rub every inch of the dog's surface (careful to avoid the eyes and nose).  If your dog does suffer from severe skin eruptions and itching, give him an antihistamine (such as Benadryl) and see your veterinarian as soon as possible. 

 If you come in contact with either plant, shower immediately and wash all your clothes.  If you're severely affected, you'll need to see a doctor for prescription medicine (such as prednisone) to relieve the itching, dry out the blisters, and avoid a secondary skin infection.  Most over-the-counter treatments are not very effective.

When hiking through woods or chapparal, keep your dog on leash and stay on clear paths or trails.
The best advice is the old adage: "Leaves of 3, let them be." 
Happy Mother's Day!

photo of Jane & Mindy and their pets

Jane & Mindy (with Chipper, Juno & Zydeco)

"If a dog jumps in your lap, it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing, it is because your lap is warmer."
- Alfred North Whitehead