Entrust Enterprise Development, Inc. February 2012 Newsletter |
In six short days, Entrust's January Mentor Visit to Honduras completed the selection process for the 9 businesses in the program, included a coaching session with each one, forged a partnership with Rotary to launch a 2013 mentoring cohort, and kicked off the Local Mentor program.
These local mentors will meet with their assigned entrepreneur twice per month to coach, listen, pray and encourage. Entrust mentors will work closely with them to help the entrepreneurs improve their business decision-making.
Thanks for the many year-end contributions, bringing some needed momentum as we work toward expansion. In 2012, we'll strengthen our mentoring programs serving 18 businesses in Haiti and Honduras. Then in January 2013, we plan to add new cohorts of 9 in each country, doubling the number of entrepreneurs we are partnering with to create jobs for the poor. To do this, we'll need funding to hire a team leader for each country. To date, we've operated on a 100% volunteer basis! To enable our mission, your tax deductible donations can be given at ientrust.org or sent to the address below.
Please pray for our Haiti Mentor Visit on February 22-27, which will feature a customer service seminar by Orange City Chick-Fil-A franchisee Jamey Vance.
Evan L. Keller
Founder & Executive Director

Mayte to Teach a Marketable Skill to Uneducated at Her New Beauty School
Mayte does some sort of foil treatment (in the foreground) for Belize's Ambassador to Honduras while two of her employees (in the mirror) furiously use their hair dryers to help their client make it to work on time! After a strategy session on growing her salon and launching her beauty school, the Ambassador joined us for prayer (below).

Mayte has attained superb skill in her craft, exhibits sound business sensibility, is gently attentive in serving her clients, has a heart to build the capacity of others, and exudes a beautiful spirit that reflects Jesus. Taken together, these attributes make Mayte a veritable force for battling poverty and a great model for others. Ten unemployed ladies from her neighborhood are ready to enroll in her beauty school which will - with Entrust's partnership - open this year. This dream lights her eyes up! Gangs, Corruption, Extortion, Armed Robbery Why do you think the phone number is blacked out on Mayte's sign (at left)? No, she didn't change her number, nor did a competitor do it one night. A gang called a few times in an attempt to extort the "war tax" in exchange for not being killed. Separately, her salon keeps the door locked after a 2008 armed robbery. Along similar lines, Rudvin who runs a sign shop (see below) was told by a government official that his agency would award him the contract if personally given 25% of the revenue! Saul's pest control service is hampered by the gang practice of questioning home technicians ahead of robberies. Then add these challenges: Honduras has no postal service and the internet is sparingly used for business. And I thought running a business here was hard!
 Hector's Outrageous Vision for Honduran Job Creation!
My eyes instinctively widened when Hector Euceda told us he wants to create 2,000 jobs in the next 5 years to battle his country's dehumanizing underemployment woes. Even with his growing business, his accounting and business education, and his strong nationwide contacts, this will be a steep but inspiring challenge. Here is the progress he's already made in his business since Entrust's August visit:
Acting on Entrust advice, Hector instituted a bonus for employees who produce at least 24 pieces of furniture in 25 days. This has been effective in increasing production.
Acting on Entrust recommendations, Hector has included employee families in a few events (including company picnics with piņatas!). He believes this has improved employee morale and engagement.
Acting on several of Entrust's recommended changes (including hiring a production manager) has improved his cash flow, enabling him to hire another painter and buy much-needed equipment (without a loan!) for an additional painting station (pictured below). This in turn has solved the bottleneck at his painting station, allowing him to move his inventory quicker, which then freed up capital to reinvest.
Obviously, Hector is an eager learner and is quick to implement improvements in his business systems. That 's a good start. To create 2,000 jobs, he'll need much more, including: substantial increase in his 15% Tegucigalpa market share, production of the complete array of home furnishings (first additions being dining tables and entertainment systems), increased production efficiency, a large sales force, new production facilities in major Honduran cities beginning with San Pedro Sula (and significant financing to do so). Pray as we help him chart a strategic plan and take the necessary steps.
Will he reach his big, hairy, audacious goal? I can't say, but I'm confident he'll generate lots of jobs. You can help Hector and the other 8 businesses below by connecting us with experts in similar industries. Will YOU help Hector create 2,000 jobs in 5 years?!
Click the Captions Below for Business Snapshots
These Honduran entrepreneurs are combining amazing hearts for God and the poor He loves with entrepreneurial passion and creativity. I was deeply inspired at each visit to these nine businesses owned by members of Vida Abundante Church. So that our coaching sessions don't fade into mere memories, I write detailed Mentoring Guides (which volunteers translate) after each visit, with recommendations that both entrepreneurs and mentors can implement. Click on captions to see them...

Connecting with Top Rotary Leaders with History of Serving the PoorHoping to strike a partnership to launch another mentoring cohort, Debbie, Rafael and I visited one of Tegucigalpa's seven Rotary Clubs. I received the Real de Minas club banner in exchange for the banner I brought from my club - DeLand Breakfast Rotary. Afterwards, we met with Julio Villalta and Carmen Martinez (both pictured with me at right). He ended up being in charge of international projects for all of Honduras, and she's the upcoming District Governor overseeing Rotary in Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras! Their club helped to launch a micro-credit program that serves 1,000 poor families.They gave an enthusiastic "YES" to working with Entrust and Florida Rotarians to establish another Honduras mentoring program in 2013! |

 Wisdom from a Serial Entrepreneur
Marco Tulio (caught encouraging one of his employees above) quoted to us this Honduran proverb
about the importance of being attentive to one's business:
"The eye of the farmer makes the livestock fatter."
He also said of Entrust:
"You do the right thing, helping people work. When you just give charity, you make people lazy."