Entertainment Technology & Design
To amuse, educate, and instill excellence in the live event production industry.
In This Issue
Qurious Quotes
Advanced Training at LDI
The Road Down Under
Video Vault
Open Aperture
Qurious Quotes
Greek Aphorism
"Vita brevis, longa ars." (Life is brief, art is forever.)

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Modern Electrics for the Advanced Tech at LDI Las Vegas
Entertainment Electricity, Power Distribution, and Controls
Las Vegas

September 24, 25, 26, 2012

Entertainment Electricity, Power Distribution, and Controls
Los Angeles 
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Modern Electrics for the Advanced Tech at LDI 2012

Advanced Training at LDI
APT class Technology is rapidly changing the way we distribute and use power. New devices like LEDs and video displays are non-linear loads, which create harmonics and sometimes affect the power factor in adverse ways. This class will explore advanced topics in power distribution including phase relationships, harmonics generation, power factor calculations, and more. Attendees should be familiar with the basics of electricity including Ohm's law, circuits, and three-phase power.


Topics to be covered:

  • phase relationships and how they affect circuits
  • harmonics: what they are and how they impact power distribution systems
  • power factor: what it is and how it affects our systems
  • load calculations for single-phase and three-phase systems
  • and more...


Target Audience:

  • intermediate and advanced electricians, technicians, engineers, consultants, systems integrators, systems designers

About the instructor:

Richard Cadena is an ETCP Certified Entertainment Electrician, and an ETCP Recognized Trainer. He is the author of "Electricity for the Entertainment Electrician & Technician," "Automated Lighting: The Art and Science of Moving Lights," and other lighting books. His background in electrical engineering combined with his experience in theatrical lighting informs his unique perspective on entertainment technology.


For more information, click here.

The Road Down Under

CX Roadshow
CX Summer Roadshow
APT is hitting the road down under in 2013. Richard Cadena will be joining the CX Road show, offering electrics and control systems classes from Perth to Brisbane next February, 2013. The classes will be offered in the following locations:

  • PERTH Thursday 14th February Perth Hyatt
  • ADELAIDE Monday 18th February Adelaide Convention Centre
  • MELBOURNE Wednesday 20th February Melbourne Convention Centre
  • CANBERRA Friday 22nd February National Convention Centre
  • SYDNEY Monday 25th February The Concourse
  • BRISBANE Wednesday 27th February Brisbane Convention Centre
For more information, visit or email us.
Why Video is NOT a Fad
If you want a future-proof your market skills, learn to program, design, engineer, tech, or otherwise work with video. Video is not going away any time in the near future. Here's why. 
DTS at PLASA 2012 London
DTSDTS spins me right 'round, like a record baby. Click here to see. 
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September 20, 2012
Open Aperture                                                         
Automated Lighting Pioneers
Automated Lighting Pioneers
photo courtesy of Jeff Alder
"While I was visiting with Dan English at the Morpheus Lights booth at LDI sometime in the mid-2000s, he proudly pointed to the huge floor full of moving light vendors showing off their wares by shining every gobo pattern and color imaginable and wiggling them around and around, back and forth, and all sorts of directions not previously available through mass production prior to Morpheus/ShowCo's Panaspot/VariLite Revolution of the early '80s, or at all since the early attack of four Fantasee Cyklops in the early 70s.  

"Dan reminded me about a long truck ride we took together in the late '70s headed back to our shop in Los Gatos, California after a long day lighting a Pablo Cruise concert when we were both working for Morpheus Lights.  He laughed about how I wouldn't shut the F' up, babbling on through the long, late night ride about these new-fangled Cykloptical contraptions my hippy friends back in Michigan had developed that would change the entire industry of concert lighting. 'And look at the world now, Jeff.' Dan went on, 'Moving lights are everywhere.'

"He was talking about the time back in the late '70s when I was the babbling messenger who got to deliver the game-changing future of stage lighting through Morpheus Lights by way of Grand Funk's lighting designer, Stefan Graf and his close friend and Grand Funk's top road tech, Jim Fackert."


To continue reading, click here.

What is PPE? Glad You Asked
Electrical PPE

"The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)...suggests that an employer is required to insure that a worker has the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) for protection from each  possible hazard in the process or from all equipment associated with each active process (see 29 CFR 1910.132(a)). If workers provide their own PPE, the employer is responsible for making sure that the PPE will provide the expected protection.


"In Section 1910.132(d), OSHA suggests that...the workers must be trained to be able to select and wear PPE that will afford protection from each hazard identified in the hazard assessment. Workers must know how to inspect and maintain the PPE. Section 1910.132(f) indicates that workers must understand the limitations of specific items of PPE. OSHA requires each employer to certify that each employee required to wear PPE be trained to understand how to use the equipment. The employer is required to document the date and subject of the training for each employee."


- from "A User's Guide to Electrical PPE" by Ray A. Jones and Jane G. Jones


For more information, click here.

BlackTrax at PLASA 2012 London
This little piece of technology sits at the intersection of automation, robotics, networks, computers, video, audio, motion control, and more. It won a PLASA New Product Innovation Gold Award. To see it in action, click here. 
ShowLED at PLASA 2012 London
ShowLED Animation HD
This effect is not new but it's still stunning. It's a low-res LED display covered with heavy diffusion and it's called ShowLED Animation High Output. Click here to see the video.
Lift Turn Move at PLASA 2012 London
LTMThis is the trifecta of technology-motion controlled truss, trolleys, and winches. Click here to see it in action.
We would love to hear from you. Please email us and let us know how we're doing.
Richard Cadena