Academy of Production Technology
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June 2011
In This Issue
New Resources
Certified or Licensed?
APT Puzzle Pieces Answer
NEC Class?
Upcoming Training Seminars


New Resources for the Entertainment 

Special combo price!NEC 2011 and Handbook
Soare's Book on Grounding
The grounding and bonding bible!
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Certified, Licensed, Bonded and Guaranteed

When I was in college, a friend of mine wrote a song called Maintenance Man, in which he was trying to convince the woman of his dreams that he was the right man to maintain her heart. The lyrics included the line; "Well I'm certified, licensed, bonded, and guaranteed..." It was the most soulful song that never went anywhere. 


I thought of that music when someone recently had a question about the difference between certification and licensing. The question stemmed not from a song, but a meeting in which a licensed electrician said that an entertainment electrician is not qualified to tie in power, only to "twist cams together."


What is the difference between a licensed commercial electrician and an ETCP Certified Entertainment Electrician? It's a legitimate question: Who is qualified to

perform which tasks? After all, we don't want unqualified people walking in off the street and doing live tie-ins. But is assertion that only licensed electricians are qualified to do live tie-ins correct?

To continue reading, click here.

APT Puzzle Pieces
Answer to Last Week's Quiz

Last month's quiz involved troubleshooting a video display system that exhibited mysterious flickering problems. Richie Mickan of LSC Lighting Systems in Australia turned in the best answer.


"I should preface this with a note," he said, "that I know nothing about video."


Neither do many of us who read this newsletter, but it turns out that the problem can be solved with little or no knowledge of video systems.


He went on to say, "But I do know that all the issues that affect DMX data will apply to a digital video feed."


And therein lies the solution to the problem. To read what Richie had to say about it,

click here.(Scroll down to Answer.)


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New NEC Classes?


Interested in an NEC class? 


If there is enough interest, we will schedule a class covering the National Electrical Code with a special focus on Article 520 - Theaters, Audience Areas of Motion Picture and Television Studios, Performance Areas, and Similar Locations, and Article 530 - Motion Picture and Television Studios and Similar Locations. Just click on this link and send a short message saying that you're interested and give us your location.


Upcoming Classes:


Austin, TX: August 15-17, 2011

University of California, Davis: August 29, 30, & 31 and September 1, 2, & 3

Texas State University San Marcos: January 9-11, 2012


"Great class. Completely exceeded my expectations." - Steve Fisher, Honolulu, HI


"...presented clearly and in the most common-sense way possible. It's really good to be able to cram so much knowledge into such a short period of time." - Michael Roche, San Marcos, TX


New classes have been added to the schedule of upcoming offerings. In addition to classes in Austin in August and Texas State University San Marcos in January, 2012, two classes will run consecutively at the end of August and the beginning of September. The classes are taught by ETCP Recognized Trainer and author Richard Cadena and because the course is an ETCP Recognized course, each hour of class time counts as recertification credits.


For more information or to sign up, click here.

Upcoming Classes

Austin, Texas, August 15, 16, & 17

University of California, Davis, August 29, 30, & 31 or September 1, 2, & 3

Texas State University San Marcos, January 9, 10, & 11, 2012


Richard Cadena
Academy of Production Technology
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