U.S. Green Chamber National Newsletter - October 12th, 2011
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In This Issue:
U.S. Green Chamber Financing For Green Projects
Turning The Titanic
A Slant Piece Without a Step Incline
otice of Public Hearing California Cap on GHG Emissions
Bright Green Future Conference
Captain Charles Moore & "Plastic Ocean"
U.S. Green Chamber Staff Member Spotlight
October Events
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U.S. Green Chamber Financing Green Projects Panel
Date: October 20, 2011 Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Green projects are an increasing percentage of new/current retro fit projects, and renewable energy projects have very attractive return on investment for your balance sheets. However, structuring secure and sustainable financing for green building and renewable energy projects requires more legal creativity and effort than financing other types of more traditional projects. 
The U.S. Green Chamber will be hosting a panel of expertise to discuss the possibilities, effectiveness, and guidelines for financing green project discussion Thursday, October 20th, 6-9pm at Mintz Levin. 

If your interested in finding out more about this event or if you would like to register click here 
This event is sponsored by 858 Graphics a proud member of The U.S. Green Chamber

Turning The Titanic 


Turning the Titanic with John Reaves

John Reaves, Ecovolve Partners, U.S. Green Chamber Advocacy Department Leader, San Diego attorney, and environmental policy expert introduces the Fee and Dividend program for addressing global climate change.   


John Reaves: I've often heard people say that the first third of your life you're growing up and getting educated. The second third of your life you're raising kids and developing your career, and the last third of your life you're wise enough to give back and able to give back. And maybe I had a bell go off when I was fifty but I realized that I'd developed a good set of skills as a lawyer and that I was involved in all the head-butting that comes with litigation in an adversarial system and I wasn't doing what I'd originally hoped to do which was to get involved with public interest and environmental areas, well that knock on the door came, so to speak, with my consciousness and I said "what the heck are you doing?"


To read the full article  click here

A Slant Piece Without a Step Incline 

carbon nation
Bravo Peter Byck. What so many others have attempted has finally been realized; a documentary about one of society's most pressing issues sans rhetoric.

Carbon Nation is a fun, easy to digest documentary created to enlighten and motivate the masses. However, unlike most independent, educational films this one is a call to action without the typical propoganda. Sure, the introduction includes many facts about carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are contributing to "global climate change" but it stops there.
To read the full article click here
Notice of Public Hearing California Cap on GHG Emissions & Market-Based Compliance Mechanisms

The Air Resources Board (ARB or Board) will conduct a public
hearing on October 20, 2011, to consider approval of the propose California Cap on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and Market-Based Compliance Mechanisms Program.

In accordance with ARB's Certified Regulatory Program under CEQA, the Board will consider for approval the Response to FED Comments prior to the Board taking final action on the proposed regulation. The FED also included a commitment to an Adaptive Management Plan for the cap-and-trade program. Adaptive management is a process of information gathering, review and analysis, and response that promotes flexible agency decision-making.


ARB Response to Comments on the Cap-and-Trade Functional
Equivalent Document

Proposed Adaptive Management Plan for the Cap-and-Trade


To read the full report with the protocols are part of the regulatory package click here 
Bright Green Future Conference 
University of San Diego will be hosting the Bright Green Future Conference with 11 tracks and more than 40 presentations by working professionals. Our very own David Steel, CEO of the U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce will be among the presenters. 
Tracks Include:
Green Jobs Workshop, Climate Change, Water,  Green Business, Zero Waster, Green Building, Food, and Business

Key Presentations: 
Clean Energy and National Security 
San Diego Food and Water Issues
San Diego Mayoral Candidates Forum 

Green Jobs Workshop all day Saturday! 
Where to find them, how to get them, and what you need to know.  


This two day conference that will be hosted at USD in the Hahn University Center, October 21 & 22


To register for this event or to learn more click here 

Captain Charles Moore  & "Plastic Ocean"
How a Sea Captain's Chance Discovery Launched a 
Determined Quest to Save the Ocean 

The Algalita Marine Research Foundation is hosting an event with Captain Moore, who will speak about his book that details 
his discovery and latest research of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
A collectors addition of the book will be available at this event, a pre-order signed copy is available. This event will take place Saturday, October 22, 2011 from 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. at the Encinitas Library. 
To RSVP for this free event contact [email protected] 
U.S. Green Chamber Staff Member Spotlight:
 Susan Bauman
Susan graduated from the University of Washington with a B.S. in Environmental & Conservation Biology and a B.A. in Spanish. She has taught Biology and Spanish at elementary, middle school, and college level courses. When she's not doing research, events, or blogging for the US Green Chamber she is traveling the world or surfing the local beaches of California.
Susan Bauman: "I came on board with the US Green Chamber of Commerce because I believe so much in the mission to educate and advocate for businesses that care about sustainability issues. I am thrilled to use my background in teaching and science to help develop programs and educational materials for the chamber.  As an avid outdoor enthusiast I believe that it is extremely important for ALL organizations to adopt sustainable environmental practices in order to preserve our local ecosystems."
Check Out Our Other Sponsored Events for October Here
Yours for a Greener Future,
Desiree Goehner
The U.S. Green Chamber Staff
 Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell. 
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989)

If you'd like to contribute content or have questions/suggestions for the newsletter please contact [email protected]