Sacred Offerings Newsletter
Awaken to the Perfection of You
In This Issue
SELF CARE: A simple chakras meditation
SACRED LIVING: Surrendering to the heart of time and money
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Monday, May 10,
9 am - 10:30 am

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May 6, 2010

I'm not sure about you, but May can be one of the busiest months of the year for me.  I have reminded myself to breathe... and breathe again... and again. 

Breathe in the scent of blossoms, breathe in the bustle of activities, and the sweet moments with my family.

Are you busy, too?  Can you remind yourself to breathe?

What about meditation?  Can you sprinkle meditation into your schedule?  I say you can. 

Why not take the time to focus on your chakras?  In this Newsletter, I offer a simple "Chakras Meditation." Or join me for my "Moving Meditation & Music for Women" class on Monday, May 10 from 9:00 to 10:30 am.  It is a sweet way to connect with your body and soul, and its by donation.

Welcome May with open arms, chakras and joy!
A simple chakras meditation
Too busy to meditate? Me, too!  When my twins were two years old, my life was busy, chaotic and often overwhelming.  I desperately needed meditation, but couldn't spare a minute... or so I thought.  One morning I decided to lay quietly in bed and do a chakras meditation.  It became my solace.

Simply stay in bed and imagine each of your seven major chakras.  Then visualize each one corresponding with the colors of the rainbow:
  1. Root - Base of spine - Red
  2. Sacral - Reproductive area - Orange
  3. Solar Plexus - Naval area - Yellow
  4. Heart - Heart area - Green
  5. Throat - Throat / neck - Blue
  6. Third Eye - Between eyebrows - Indigo
  7. Crown - Top of head - Violet
Feel free to add quiet music or light a candle.  Or feel free not to, as well.  The idea is to keep it simple and short enough that you will do it.

You can read my article, which includes a video about the Sacred Heart chakra on
What?  Yes, Trust! 

It's easy to Trust when things are going well.  Sort of like gratitude, it comes naturally during the "good times."  Life, as we know, has its share of both "good" and "bad times."  So how do we Trust when times are challenging?

Look at the overall pattern of your life.  With a brief scan of your past, you will see that you've been more fortunate than not; in general, things have worked themselves out, and when they didn't it was ultimately in your highest good, right?

Trust. And when in doubt, Trust some more.
Surrendering to the heart of time and money

It's in these spaces of confusion and uncertainty that I try to seek "meaning."

What I'm I "supposed to" do?, I wonder.

What do you want to do?, I hear.

Want?  I want the world!  My mind spins in and around wish lists that have been forming since I was a child.  Sure, I have outgrown some of the things I wanted in my youth, but there are certainly some things that have never changed. I want to live in opulence, contentment and joy!

So, why don't you?

I wish I could!

So, why don't you?

The frustration grows as my mind grasps at the other list... the one with all the reasons why I can't have those dear, sweet experiences in my life.

I don't have enough time or money! are the two things my mind has clumped together and turned into the greatest obstacle in the world.

Oh, I see.

I know I need more excuses! Sure, time and money are the biggies, but this didn't seem to be a good enough reason for lack, longing and such... so my mind digs deeper.

It searches, but all the other excuses seem piddly and really do tie into the two biggies. 

I just can't!  Life's not fair!, I insist.  Although I am alone, I feel the overwhelming desire to cross my arms, stomp my foot and plop down in a funk on the couch.

I hate being conscious enough to know I can no longer fool even myself.

Yet, the confusion reigns.  I am utterly wrapped into my mood of stubborn despair.

How can I live in opulence, contentment and joy with little or no time or money?

I hear laughter... a sweet laughter, I admit.

My heart knows I have already been doing so.  I whole-heartedly understand that opulence, contentment and joy are matters of perception.  I also know, though I try to avoid this truth at times, that time and money are also matters of perception.  All of these energies can be perceived, shifted and created into whatever I choose. 
(Read More)
Anais Nin
"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."
Blessings on your May, your Mother's Day, and our Mother Earth!
Sacred Offerings