CLEA Bulletpoint

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Don't Miss the Children's Annual Scholarship Deadline

Applications must be postmarked:

April 2, 2012 


Click To Download Information Packet & Application 


Enjoy value added benefits compliments of your LTD and LTC Plans.

All CLEA Participants, their families and friends are eligible for significantly discounted rates from
California Administration Insurance Services,
Liberty Mutual, CALSTAR,
Enterprise Car Rental and
Cardiovascular Diagnostic Center.


Click here to learn more


NPFBA Long Term Care Ad

Long Term Care (LTC) Plus  

Applies to:

Long Term Disability  

LTC Plus is a new CLEA benefit that will be effective June 1, 2012. LTC Plus covers up to $3,000 per month in Nursing Home expenses and up to $1,500 per month in either Assisted Living or Home Health Care for up to 5 years.

This benefit will not protect you after retirement so joining the NPFBA Long Term Care Plan is still a good plan for protecting yourself against LTC costs during retirement. If you join now your benefit will be larger when you need it.
Visit to learn more.

Upcoming Events/ 


If you have something you'd like to advertise, please send an email with the information to [email protected].  

Publication is at CLEA's discretion.  

March 2012   
News Flash -
Plan Benefit and Rate Changes

Review the following letter sent to CLEA Directors and to familiarize yourself with these important Plan changes. 


To: CLEA Directors

From: Dave Boffi, President

Date: March 21, 2012


As many of you are aware, on March 9, 2012, the full Board of Directors of CLEA voted to accept a $5.00 rate increase effective May 1, 2012 and accepted numerous LTD Plan benefit enhancements approved by the Executive Board (visit to review your new Benefits). This is the first rate increase in over 15 years and was determined to be a fiscally responsible step, now and into the future, for the health of the Plan and maintenance of a healthy Plan for the long term.


The Executive Board wants to impress on all Plan Participants that CLEA is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive LTD Plan available statewide to law enforcement personnel. Granted, you have a choice in your LTD coverage, but CLEA provides the most coverage when it is needed by your disabled members. Since 1985, CLEA has paid over $76 million in benefits and provides greater benefits than the PORAC I&B Trust LTD Plans!


We have attached an update for you regarding the pending lawsuit against the PORAC I&B Trust and/or Myers Stevens Toohey & Co.  (View Summary) We understand that some of you may be contacted by representatives of the PORAC I&B Trust who may attempt to mischaracterize the CLEA LTD Plan, this rate increase, or the reduced benefit levels provided under the PORAC I&B Trust Plan. I ask you to allow members of the CLEA Executive Board and/or our administrators to address any LTD benefit comparison before you consider any such comments. Most of you have been in CLEA for many years and we believe you owe it to your members to understand all the facts in any comparisons of the plans. For over 26 years CLEA has been the #1 choice based on its benefits and exemplary service but clearly politics have come into play and in some cases to the detriment of some Participants, through loss of comprehensive benefits, when they adopt the PORAC I&B Trust LTD Plan. These losses of benefits include:

  • significantly lower dollar protection for disability and death,
  • lower percentage of salary protection,
  • no "LTC Plus" benefit,
  • lower and restricted death benefits,
  • highly restrictive musculoskeletal and connective tissue coverage,
  • highly restrictive rehabilitation requirements,
  • lower minimum monthly benefits,
  • loss of return to work incentive benefits and
  • loss of group representation.

In most every case where CLEA representatives have had the opportunity to provide comparison points to the PORAC I&B presentation, CLEA has retained its participating groups and obtained new PORAC I&B groups. Please do your members a true "economic favor" and get all the facts since there are tremendous differences between the LTD benefit Plans and they deserve full and transparent disclosure.


Thank you for your continued support and participation.




Dave Boffi, President - (707) 799-3968

Kevin Mickelson, VP North - (916) 997-3044

Darin Ryburn, VP South - (818) 929-6584

Joe Chirillo, CFO - (310) 497-5182

Mario Yagoda, Secretary - (818) 262-6661

Jerry Hall, Chairman of the Board - (408) 460-1375

Is Diet Soda Linked to Heart, Stroke Risk?  

SodaStudy Suggests Connection Between Drinking Diet Soda and Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke


Feb. 9, 2011 (Los Angeles) -- You may feel less guilty if you opt for diet sodas over sugary beverages, but drinking them regularly may raise your risk of heart attack and stroke, a study suggests.


In a nine-year study of more than 2,500 people, those who drank diet soda daily were 48% more likely to have a heart attack or stroke or die from those events, compared with those who rarely or never drank soda.


Click Here to Read More at WebMD


By Charlene Laino, WebMD Health News. Reviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD
� 2011 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.

Keeping Things in Perspective

LECSFBy Commander Josef Levy, Long Beach Police Department and President of the Law Enforcement Cancer Support Foundation  


It seems like its human nature to complain. Although we are educated human beings, many people like to complain. You know that family member, friend, co-worker or partner who always manages to see their glass half empty instead of half full. The people who seem to spread this negativity like a contagious disease. Now I will take some ownership and admit that I have been guilty of complaining from time to time, but let's try to keep things in perspective. Webster's defines perspective as looking through, or seeing clearly. I would like to share my perspective based on a recent experience.


On June 18, 2007, I was at a work function, attending a dinner, when I received a message on my Blackberry from my wife Lysa. The message was actually a question, "When are you coming home?" Now, you need to understand that my wife rarely questions my whereabouts or inquires when I'm coming home, unless there was an important reason. After replying to her, I ultimately arrived home. In the back of my mind, I knew I was expecting some biopsy results from a recent exam. Weeks prior, my doctors located a 1 centimeter nodule on my thyroid. I was not terribly worried because I was told by doctors that the majority of these nodules are non-cancerous. However, when I arrived home, I was informed by my wife that my two doctors had called with some bad news. Lysa then told me "Joey, you have cancer". Read more...


Upcoming Events

Children's Scholarship Program Application Due      

Date: Postmarked April 2, 2012 

More Information:

National Police Week      

Date: May 12-18, 2012 


California Peace Officers' Memorial Ceremony     

Date: Candlelight Vigil - May 6, 2012 - dusk;
Enrollment Ceremony  - May 7, 2012 - 10:30 am 

Location: 10th Street & Capitol Mall, Sacramento 

More Information:


If you have an event you'd like us to include, please send an email to [email protected].