2012 NRA WISCONSIN State Convention
The convention will include a Gun Show. Admission to the gun show is $5, or is free with an NRA or Wisconsin FORCE membership card. Weekend seminars include: NRA Instructor Updates, Policies and Procedures for NRA Certified Instructors (You MUST have Instructor Card), NRA/ILA Hunting Policies with Darren LaSorte, 2012 State Association activities including: Women's Programs Issues, Personal Protection, Ranges, and much more. The weekend will feature the Annual State Appreciation and Awards Banquet, the Wisconsin FORCE Annual Membership Meeting, and the Funding the Future-Friends of NRA workshop.
Click here for the complete flyer!
Wisconsin FORCE Annual Meeting by Paul Baumann
The Wisconsin Firearm Owners, Ranges, Clubs, and Educators, Inc. will hold its annual membership meeting on Sunday, February 12, 2012 at the Plaza Hotel, 201 N. 17th Ave., Wausau WI, at 9:00AM.
All members are urged to attend.
Wisconsin FORCE Annual Meeting Agenda by Paul Baumann
The agenda for the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Firearm Owners, Ranges, Clubs, and Educators, Inc., to be held February 12, 2012 at 9:00 AM at the Plaza Hotel in Wausau WI, shall be as follows:
- Call to order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Secretary Report- Gary Nichols
- Treasurer Report- Kim Laughland
- Membership Report- Gary Nichols
- Board of Directors election results
- Presentation of Persons of the Year award
- Presentation of Club of the Year Award
- Proposed Amendment to the By-laws
- Wisconsin FORCE Dues Changes
- President's report and open forum.
Wisconsin FORCE Proposed Change to Bylaws by Paul Baumann
The Wisconsin Firearm Owners, Ranges, Clubs, and Educators, Inc. Board of Directors recommends that the following item be added to the bylaws of the association: Any Wisconsin resident that is actively serving as a NRA Board of Director, shall be considered an ex officio member of the Wisconsin FORCE Board of Directors. These members are considered valuable advisors to the Board as such will have full voting rights and the right to make or second official motions.
This amendment to the bylaws will be voted on at the Annual Meeting on February 12th at 9:00AM at the Plaza Hotel, Wausau, WI.
From the desk of the Pres... by Jeff Nass

2011 was a very good year for Wisconsin gun owners and civil rights advocates. Working with those that support our constitutional rights, we have restored many that had been lost. 2012 looks to be another busy year. Hopefully, it will continue to be successful for freedom loving Americans. This year's convention will be bigger and better than ever, including a gun show. I hope to see all of you there. This month's picture is from the signing of the Castle Doctrine: Seated: Governor Scott Walker. Standing: Scott and Kathy Maves (Hunters Rights Coalition), State Senator Leah Vukmir (R-Wauwatosa), Joe Koback (SCI Central President), Jeff Nass (Wisconsin FORCE President), Annette Olson (United Sportsmen of Wisconsin), Greg Kazmierski (Natural Resources Board Member), Darren LaSorte (NRA), Scott Meyer (United Sportsmen of Wisconsin), Andy Pantzlaff (United Sportsmen of Wisconsin).
Teach Freedom - Jeff
On the Range by Jeff Nass
Once again I have been contacted by a member that says his club is hiding. They refuse to have a sign marking their location. Clubs across the country think they are hiding because they do not tell people they are there by having a sign out front. This may be true if you are the "ABC Suppressor Club," but otherwise your neighbors know you are there. Posting a nice sign promoting your club as an asset in your community will help keep your range open. Having a safe, convenient place to site in their deer rifle is good, but it is more important that you get the families in the neighborhood to appreciate your presence. You may be running a safe, well run range, but you need to show your neighbors. Hosting youth and women's sport camps is a great way to get the local families out and see how safe you are. When your neighbors hear gun shots, it should remind them of the great day they had at the range, not instill fear of the unknown. Please send pictures of your clubs sign to president@wi-force.org Range Tech Jeff Nass Ph: (920) 687-0505 president@wi-force.org
1. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. 2. Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. 3. Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use. 4. Always treat a firearm as if it were loaded. |

Legislative by Jeff Nass On January 10 in Green Bay and on January 11 in Madison, leaders from across the State, invited by Governor Walker and led by Wisconsin's Deer Trustee, Dr. James Kroll, met to discuss how to revive our hunting heritage, focusing on the whitetail hunt. The attendees included the major hunting, conservation, and firearms organizations along with representatives of the DNR. Dr. Kroll's approach is to conduct a review in an organized and scientific manner. His first action was to appoint two individuals to aid in this analysis, much in the way scientists undergo peer review in journal publications and research planning. Drs. Gary Alt and David Guynn are two men who are at the top of their game in deer science and management and have agreed to serve in this capacity. Dr. Kroll met with DNR staff to acquire information and data pertaining to their activities and history in deer management in Wisconsin. This meeting produced boxes and many gigabytes of information and data. Discussion in our meetings ranged from how to manage the areas that had excessive or minimal deer population and how to restore the whole hunting experience. The "hunt" was the goal, trophies and meat being secondary, and a large number of individual kills as a negative.
Many felt that restoring trust in the DNR could be accomplished if the DNR would actually work with and recognize the asset of having 600,000 boots on the ground. Another well received suggestion was incorporating hunting heritage in both Hunter Education courses and in the public school system. Wisconsin FORCE would also suggest that firearm safety be taught in grades K-12, age specific, and firearms use and the Second Amendment be part of the middle and high school curriculum. Suggestions were also made to use existing reports on crop damage requests and deer / automobile incidents to aid in the management of the deer herd. Suggestions were also made to manage smaller areas with extreme herd problems and not have large units that can include both extremes.
The next step in Dr. Kroll's plan is to meet with the Native Americans who also have a significant stake in the future and heritage of deer hunting. By the end of March a compilation of the findings, which will include the issues and problems with the current management by the DNR, will be completed. Three geographically targeted Town Hall meetings will be held presenting these results to the public. These meetings will solicit input and solutions to solve the issues. These meetings will look to get honest input and suggestions for solving problems, rather than airing complaints. Dr. Kroll believes in the wisdom of the Wisconsin landowners, hunters, and citizens to find innovative ways to develop a long-term, effective strategy to assure the future of the Wisconsin hunting heritage and the white-tailed deer. The final report will be sent to Governor Walker and Legislature in July. Dr. Kroll is dedicated to seeing this report implemented!
Wisconsin State Outdoor Smallbore Rifle Championship
By Jerry Stevens
On August 13th & 14th 2011 competitors from around the state converged on the Appleton Rifle & Pistol Club for the 2011 Wisconsin State Outdoor Smallbore Rifle Championship. Congratulations to the guys at the Appleton Rifle & Pistol Club for a great job.
State Champion - Mike Aeberhard 1143-35
State Junior Champion - Crystal Reynolds 1093-25
High Master - Mike Aeberhard 1143-35
High Expert - Crystal Reynolds 1093-25
High Sharpshooter - Nick Learn 1071-24
High Marksman - Taylor Buckley 976-5
High Woman - Crystal Reynolds 1093-25
This is the sixth year in a row that Mike Aeberhard has won the State Champion title and the third year in a row that Crystal Reynolds has been the State Junior Champion. A big congratulations to both for a job well done! Editors Note: This article was submitted last fall but got lost in my email basket. My appologies for not running it last month. |
Coming Events
 Friends of NRA Banquets
For dates, locations and information CLICK HERE
Get out and support your local Friends organization. Have a great time and support our shooting heritage!
Jan 20-22 NRA Indoor Open Pistol Sectional
Southport Gun Club, Kenosha WI.
Contact Ron Settle (847) 596-2963 after 6PM
Jan 28 2012 FROSTY IRON 22 cal rifle silhouette match. 9:30AM Start.
Beloit Rifle Club, Contact Dennis Loertscher (608) 756-0968 or
Jon Flora (608) 921-6064 For info or to sign-up.
Feb 10-12 2012 NRA Wisconsin State Convention, Wausau, WI See full advertisement above
Feb 12 Wisconsin FORCE Annual Meeting, Wausau, WI
See Official Notice above
Each month we try to list events coming up in the near future. However, in order to list them here, someone has to tell us about it! Send us the information and we will get it listed. Send the information HERE.
The Parting Shot! by Paul Baumann, Editor
"Wisconsin FORCE Disbands Due to Lack of Leadership"
That could be a headline for an article in the not to distant future. It seems that no one wants to step up and do their share for the Association. In the next issue of the Hunter Marksman you will receive a ballot that lists just two names for the three open positions on the Board of Directors. And, those two nominees are already serving as Board members. It appears we couldn't find a single additional member that was willing to put in a little time to serve the Association. It seems that the only thing some people have time for is to complain about the way those that do serve, do things.
We all like to have a place to go to shoot, we all want someone to be our voice in Madison, and we seem to all want someone else to do that for us. Ranges, Clubs, and State Associations don't run themselves, and we can't just pay people to do it for us. There is work for every talent and skill level. Please step up and support your club and association with your time and talents. You might find it is as rewarding as pulling that trigger itself.
Will "Wisconsin FORCE Disbands Due to Lack of Leadership" be a title for an article in the near future? The answer is up to YOU!
See you around the range...Paul
If you like what you see, pass it on and encourage your friends to join our mailing list and Wisconsin Force. See you next month when we pull the next "Trigger". |