
R i c h ' s   B o u l d e r   C o u n t y   R e a l   E s t a t e   R e p o r t 

Happy Holidays!  I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season.  Just a few quick thoughts on the market as we near the end of 2011.
Best, Rich 
Market Outlook 

Overall there were fewer sales in Boulder County in 2011 compared to 2010, but each city within the county varied somewhat.  The number of single family homes that sold in the City of Boulder was down 7.3%, but the median price was up 2.8%.  Throughout the rest of the county, sales of single family homes were up slightly (between 2% and 5%), but the median price was down slightly (between 3% and 4%).


The change in the number of sales of condos and town homes was more dramatic.  In most areas of the county, sales were down between 13% and 20%, with the exception of Superior which saw a decrease in sales of 41.9% and Longmont which saw an increase in sales of 6.4%.  Even with the dramatic change in the number of sales, prices were amazingly stable and basically flat throughout the county, including Superior where the median price dropped just 1.3%. I attribute the drop in condo sales this year over last year to the 2010 Tax Credit which drove up sales in 2010 at the lower end, which in our market means condos.


With low interest rates, buyers are remaining active in the market as we head into the Holidays. As a matter of fact, I have several clients who are eager to buy but the inventory is low in their desired area, so we are actively seeking sellers. In addition, I have two properties currently under contract that were not listed. In those cases, the buyer pursued the seller because the buyer could not find a property on the market that suited their needs. I feel that this is a good sign for an active market in 2012.  The current inventory is the lowest since 2000 and is helping to keep prices stable.


I hope you had a great year in 2011.  As always, I sincerely appreciate your referrals. Thanks for all of your support this year. I wish you and your family a Happy Holiday Season as well as a Healthy and Prosperous New Year!


By The Numbers 
For the latest statistics through November 2011 of Boulder County home and condo sales, with year-to-year comparisons, days-on-market statistics and more:  Market Stats
Buyer Needs
  • A single family home in Boulder in Rolling Hills, Devil's Thumb or Table Mesa up to $750k.
  • A single family home in Boulder somewhere between the Ideal Market and Columbine Elementary up to $475k.
  • A single family home with a large yard close to Shining Mountain Waldorf School in Boulder up to $1.2m.
  • I have an investor that wants a multi-family apartment building in central Boulder or on the Hill up to $2m.   

DEC 2011

Rich Gribbon
In This Issue
Market Outlook
By The Numbers
Buyer Needs
Great Buys

Great Buys


2665 Dakota Place $1,499,000

Beautiful home backing to Mt. Sanitas. 5 BR,
5 BA
+ office and 2 car garage



1000 Poplar Avenue $474,000

End unit in Wonderland Hill with beautiful

fenced yard. 3 BR, 3BA + garage




Investment Property 


932 Marine Street $639,000  Spacious Victorian close to CU and Pearl St.

5 BR, 4 BA + 3 car garage & off street parking. Leased to August 2012 for $3550


1048 11th Street $950,000  Uni-Hill beauty. 6 BR, 4 BA + living, family & dining rooms. Remodeled and easy to rent. Leased to August 2012 at $5,400/month.

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2425 Canyon Blvd. Suite 110 · Boulder, CO 80302
T: 303.441.5685  C: 303.931.6979   F: 303.449.8554