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Volume 4, Number 29
  July 21, 2010

On Sunday we had another encounter with an atheist at Arbor Hills while reading Project Ezra. The amazing thing was not that he called the police, but what happened after we went home. I hope you'll read about it in the BLOG.

On Saturday we had a great time witnessing at the Rough Riders minor league baseball game. We stood with the cross, preached the Gospel and handed out over 500 tracts. Read about it in the BLOG.

On Monday, Byron, Todd, David, Eric and I had some wonderful one on one witnessing encounters at Valley View Mall at lunch.

Thursday night in Pilot Point, we presented our 30th Basic Evangelism Training Seminar. Five people attended. We were all greatly encouraged. The next seminar is August 12th in Carrollton. Online enrollment is coming next week.
Bezeugen Tract Club

Niagara Falls TractAugust Tract Club Mailing
The August tract club mailing went to the post office on Tuesday, July 6th. We've seen the Post Office deliver these bulk mailings in a week to three weeks. So, members, watch your mail box. We pray that you enjoy the new Bucket List tracts that are enclosed. I've sure been enjoying handing them out.

We have developed a new tract for witnessing at the state fair. These will be in the September mailing. We are also working on a new "name ten" tract that we hope you will enjoy.
Need more tracts? 
Do you need extra tracts for your summer vacation travel plans? Marv at One Million Tracts is offering to print any of our tracts for you. He is offering 250, 500 or 1000 of our tracts for $15, $20 and $30 respectively. Please see the announcement on the BLOG for details. Many thanks for Marv for providing this service. If you are going to St Louis, you might consider ordering our "Gateway to the West" tract. If you are going to Niagara Falls, you might ask Marv about his tract for that!

The tract club is growing rapidly. We now have over 480 members in 41 states (plus members in Canada). Who do you know that you could refer to the Bezeugen Tract Club? See complete list of remaining states in the BLOG.

Have you joined the Bezeugen Tract Club Facebook Fan page? We now have over 100 fans!

Find us on Facebook

We have in place the infrastructure to grow both in the US and Canada. Please refer your friends to the Bezeugen Tract Club.
Door to Door Ministry
Door Hangars- 1400 distributed!!!!!

We got out three times last week on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday to distribute the door hangars in Carrollton. So far over 1,400 of them have been distributed. There are several entries in the BLOG about the first distribution efforts.

We also have mailed door hangars to over 30 of you that have requested them to start a door to door ministry in your neighborhood. I hope to have a map of locations available soon.

If you'd still like to get 100 door hangars to get started with your door to door outreach in your neighborhood then please let me know.
Prayer Requests
We appreciate your prayers
  • We have located a neighborhood near Carrollton, TX where we can have the US Post Office deliver nearly 2200 door hangars for us for a very reasonable fee. Pray for wisdom and timing of when to do this.The post office will not deliver the door hangars so we are going to look into making a post card.
  • Pray for the growth of the tract club. Pray also for the finances to keep this going, growing and free. We need approximately $1.50 per month per member to fund this effort.
  • Pray for an idea that Mande has that could bring funding to the ministry.
  • Pray for development of two "million dollar bill" tracts for outreaches at football games this fall.
  • Pray for Jon, Ruth, Eldon and team for the outreach at Niagara Falls on July 22.
  • Pray for our friend Belmon in Cameroon who has announced his wedding date, July 24th. He is marrying Missionary Lilian.
  • Pray for Moses in Uganda. We got a report from his brother that he was seriously injured in the bombing in Kampala during the World Cup final.
Thank you for your support and partnership in the Gospel. Your prayers are appreciated.

Please use the link at the bottom of this email to forward this email to your friends and ask them to subscribe to the Bezeugen Blast!
God Bless,

Carl Kalbfleisch
Bezeugen Ministries
Witnessing Events
and Calendar

We now have a separate mailing list for the complete list of witnessing events. If you are interested in receiving this email with the complete list of events so that you can participate in the events or provide prayer support, then please send me an email and I will add you to that distribution. A partial list of witnessing events is provided here.

The Bezeugen Calendar is now on Google. You can import it into your own calendar. Or visit the calendar on our web site.

Monday's and Thursday's at lunch: witnessing at Valley View MallGravevine Mills Mall, Irving Mall or Brookhaven College. If you would like to join us, please contact me for the specific location and time for a given day.

Thursday, July 22 - witnessing at lunch at mall 11:30-1PM.
Saturday, July 24- Door to door in Carollton, TX

Monday, July 26 - Witnessing at lunch at Grapevine Mills Mall. 11:30-1PM

We appreciate your prayers. Please come join us!!

Need more witnessing opportunities in the Dallas / Fort Worth area? Check The Lost Cause Ministries BLOG.
Memory Verse

And he said, "What comes out of a person is what defiles him. 21For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, 22coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. 23 All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person."

Mark 7:20-23

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