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Volume 3, Number 35
  September 2, 2009
In my continued efforts to share the Gospel with the City of Carrollton, I covered 41 more houses this weekend. In the process I had 8 one on one conversations and gathered six more prayer requests. We also filled the cart again with donated food for Metro Crest Social Services. This brings the totals to 236 houses reached, 61 one on ones and 39 prayer request gathered. Please continue to pray for the efforts of reaching the City of Carrollton for Christ. Please see the detailed update on our BLOG.

I've talked about making my own t-shirt for awhile. Over the weekend I mentioned it to my wife. She asked what I wanted. I told her I thought we could find a place online to print it. She decided to make it for me! (Thanks, Honey!) So today, was my first day to wear my new t-shirt. Read the details on our BLOG.

Continuing the look at the 3:16's of the Bible, this week I have written about Exodus 3:16 and surrounding verses. Please see the BLOG for the details.

We have not one, but two new Gospel tracts that will be going out in the October tract club mailing. If you are not already a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club, why not enroll online today. If you are a member, please invite your friends to join!
Simple Ways to Share the Law and Gospel
envelopes Envelopes and Computers
Here are a couple of ways to make sharing the Gospel easy. Neither requires you to even talk to anyone or hand them anything. Check this out.

First, here is a use for all those postage paid envelopes that come in the mail. Rather than throw them out, save them. At our house, we have a basket where we collect them all.

Please read the rest of the article on our BLOG!
Bezeugen Tract Club
jerad What Others are Saying
Jerad Shipman, Eldorado, Texas writes:

We appreciate the tracts that you guys have sent through the mail. I want you to know that they are being used frequently. A guy in my church has specifically asked for the "Get Out of Hell Free" tracts stating that they are a hit at his job. He said that there are two pastors that work with him who really liked them. He has been giving them to a lot of people there. The same tracts have also been used in door to door evangelism, and have even been distributed to Jehovahs Witnesses on one occasion. I thank God for your services to your brethren, and most of all to the Lord. May the Lord continue to use you and your family for His glory.

If you are not already a member of the Bezeugen Tract Club, why not enroll today!
Life Conversations Call
Life Conversations Call Cross Pollination Ministries
My friend Brad Aldrich was instrumental in my learning to witness. In fact, the first time I went to a mall to witness was with him to train about 20 students from the University of Nebraska. Brad has recently started a program called Life Conversations Calls. On these calls, up to six people call in to a conference call bridge. They are then able to ask questions of Brad and role play with him to practice witnessing. This is a great opportunity to get some one on one training. The calls will take place next Tuesday, September 8th at the following times (all Central time zone so adjust for your area of the country):

10:00 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm
1:30 pm
2:30 pm
3:30 pm
4:30 pm
5:30 pm
7:30 pm
8:30 pm
9:30 pm
10:30 pm

Dial in  number: 605-475-4825
Access code: 515794

Each call lasts for 30 minutes. You can check out a two minute video introduction to the Life Conversations Calls on the Cross Pollinations Ministries website.

Enjoy! Tell Brad that Carl sent you!
Basic Evangelism Training Seminar
class 2009 Schedule

Statistics say that less than two percent of professing Christians share their faith regularly. Why? As we have polled people the overwhelming answer is FEAR! Some people are afraid that they don't know what to say. Some are afraid that they will be asked a question they don't know the answer too. Some are afraid of embarrassment. We can help!

The Basic Evangelism Training Seminar is a two hour seminar to provide effective and Biblical training to show you in a practical way how to share your faith in Jesus. The next scheduled session is tomorrow night in Pilot Point. Please come join us. The following dates are scheduled for the remainder of 2009:

September 17 - Carrollton
October 15 - Pilot Point
November 19 - Carrollton
December 17 - Pilot Point

Each session is scheduled for 7-9PM. The Pilot Point sessions are held at the Hot Grill Steak house. Join us 30 minutes in advance and have dinner with us!

In addition to these dates, we are available to schedule a session at your church, Bible study, small group, house, retreat, etc. For more information, including links to directions to the locations and times, please see the Bezeugen web site. I hope to see you at a seminar this fall!
Evangelism in the New Testament
EITNT A Plea for Biblically Relevant Evangelism
Jon Speed has written an excellent book on Evangelism in the New Testament. The second printing has just come out. And we have a fresh supply of the books that we'd like to send you for FREE! All we ask is that 1) you have not already received this book from us, 2) you will read it, 3) if you like it you will pass it on to your pastor or a member of your elder board and 4) if you don't like it you will pay the postage to mail it back to us so that we can give it to someone else who will enjoy it. If you are interested, please email me your address. For book details see One Million Tracts.
Prayer Requests
We appreciate your prayers

  • Pray for wisdom and strength in how to reach Carrollton, TX with the Gospel.
  • Pray for Duane Seaberg's visit Dallas (Sept 3-8) and then his trip to Atlanta, Houston, Eldorado and return to Dallas on September 28!
  • Pray for Basic Evangelism Training Seminar dates for the rest of 2009
  • Pray for scheduling of one more movie night this year.
  • Pray for revival in the church.
  • Please pray for Moses in Uganda as he continues to take mission trips and share the Gospel. Please pray that the tracts we mailed over two months ago will arrive soon so that they can be used there.
  • Please pray for evangelist named Belmon in Cameroon (I meet him on Facebook). His specific request is for financial support as he goes out on mission trips in his own country. We also shipped him about 500 Gospel tracts last week. Please pray they arrive quickly.
Bezeugen is on YouTube
New videos online
Please check out our videos on YouTube. On the YouTube page you can subscribe to the Bezeugen videos and receive an email every time we post a new one!

Don Wharton has a wonderful song about Evangelism called If You Don't Go. Don was gracious enough to give me permission to use the song to make a video. The video is online. Please check it out.
Thank you for your support and partnership in the Gospel.

Please remember that we have Free Evangelism Resources available for you on our web site. Choose from a number of books and DVDs.

Please use the link at the bottom of this email to forward this email to your friends and ask them to subscribe to the Bezeugen Blast!
God Bless,

Carl Kalbfleisch
Bezeugen Ministries
Witnessing Events
and Calendar

Monday's and Thursday's at lunch: witnessing at Valley View Mall, Galleria Mall, Gravevine Mills Mall, Irving Mall or Brookhaven College. If you would like to join us, please contact me for the specific location and time for a given day.

September 5 - Carrollton for Christ - AM. Please RSVP for details if you plan to join us.

September 5 - witnessing and open air at Oklahoma-BYU game in Arlington, TX. We will arrive in Arlington at 3PM and witness and open air preach until kickoff at 6PM. If you would like to ride with us from Carrollton, please let me know. We will leave Carrollton at 2PM and be back at approximately 7:30PM. If you are planning to meet us there please let me know so we can meet you.

September 6 - Project Ezra at Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, Plano, TX. 10-10:45 AM.

September 6 - First Monday prayer meeting is on Sunday! Please RSVP for logistics if you plan to attend.

September 7 - Open Air, witnessing and tract distribution in Dallas near the JFK 6th floor museum. Time is TBD. Probably leave Carrollton around noon. Please email for details and to work out logistics.

September 12 - witnessing and open air at Oklahoma-Idaho State game in Norman, OK. This game is a 6PM kickoff. Plan to meet at the Greek House in Norman at 2:30 and have a sandwich. Then head over to campus and do open air, one on one and tract distribution. Please let me know if you can attend so we can look for you at the Greek House.

September 17 - Basic Evangelism Training Seminar in Carrollton from 7-9PM

We appreciate your prayers. Please come join us!!

We appreciate your prayers. Please come join us!!
See all witnessing events:
Memory Verse
Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, O house of Israel?'.

Ezekiel 33:11 (NIV)
More Memory Veres Online: