"The Ultimate Gift"

Got a new camera?
Need to know how to use it?
We now offer...One-on-one photography coaching by Val Westover
Learn from Val Westover, renowned Orange County professional photographer.

With over 21 years experience as a professional photographer, Val Westover has taught and trained photographers all over the country.

Whether you want to learn how to take better pictures of your loved ones or learn the secrets of creating timeless pieces of art, take advantage of Val's vast knowledge and experience.
Sign up today for one-on-one coaching or for our monthly group classes.
Ask us if there is a participating photographer in your area.
This is the "Ultimate Gift" to accompany a new camera!
www.ValWestoverPhotography.comOrange County, CA. (949) 367-0077
Salt Lake City, UT. (801) 847-0440
All other states toll free (866) 363-6900
Happy Holidays from all of us at
Val Westover Photography & Partners!