Full Moon


We all must travel the distance of a lifetime in this body.  If we do not care for it, how can we reach our goals? - Swami Kripalu


This specialized series-based class is on hiatus until the fall. 

But...don't fret....we have options for you!  If you have been attending Gail's classes
  • Use your prenatal experience and knowledge in any All Level, Foundation Flow, or Iyengar Style Class. Unless your doctor says it's okay...do stay away from Heated and Power Classes

If you haven't attended Prenatal

  • Gail is offering Private Sessions to get you started.  After 1 - 3 sessions, you will have enough prenatal experience and knowledge to use in any All Level, Foundation Flow or Iyengar Style Class.  Call the studio at 603-548-0105 to arrange your private sessions NOW! Please check with your Health Care Provider first.

We already have 6 prepaid/preregistered with more than a month to go!  The last 6 spaces will go fast, so if you have been sitting on the fence, hop off and get signed up!

Visit our workshop page to register.


Candle Light Yoga

Friday, March 23rd

Join Julia from 6:00 - 7:00 pm for this very special class where we flow to the soft glow of candle light and then gather after for food, drink, and networking within our community!


St.Jude Children's Research Hospital

Next Saturday, March 24th, is the Fitness For a Cure Show that raises thousands of dollars every year to find cures and save children.  My grandchildren, Bela and Gannon Fast, perform in the show every year...which is how I got involved.  One more week to put your donation in the glass vase on the counter and be a part of something bigger.


Groupon and February Special Expiry Dates Are Just Around The Corner!!  

April 2011 Pass Expiry Date -  April 18, 2012 
November 2011 Pass Expiry Date - May 23, 2012
February Special - Expiry date - April 30, 2012

Yoga and Insurance
Did you know that some health insurance providers and/or companies reward you for doing yoga?? It's true!  Check with yours today to see if you are missing out on your reward and what documentation we can provide to put money back in your pocket.


A direct quote from one of our regular students:

"I can't tell you how much I love coming to your studio. I took a Pilates class on Monday at my gym, great workout, BUT the mirrors in the room and lack of ambiance was a huge turn off- Even when I finally move down to Andover I will still come back to your place! "

                                        ---Thank you Khara !!


Not convinced that yoga enhances running.....or basically any other sport or fitness routine you do?  Read this great blog by Sage Roundtree a yoga teacher, endurance sports coach and athlete, and author of books including The Athlete's Guide to Yoga and The Athlete's Guide to Recovery

Guys have the world to gain by practicing yoga. So what's holding them back?

-----By Andrew Tilin

An interesting read about men and yoga...why you don't come, why you should come, how you will benefit and a perspective from one who has tried it and loves it!

Full article in Yoga Journal.

Believe it or not....we have men at Self Awakening Yoga Studio!  Granted there are more women, but the men who finally cross to the light side...stay!  So...put your fear and/or ego aside and see what awaits!

"Men walk in needing a challenge," says Judith Lasater, who has authored six yoga books during her 35 years as a teacher. "Women often come to the mat seeking refuge."

TAMMYMeet Tammy Kennelly, a Salem resident, who has been practicing at Self Awakening Yoga Studio since it opened way back in 2006.   


Tammy teaches Power Yoga on Thursday evenings and All Level Heated and Unheated on Sunday mornings.  


Learn why she teaches, what yoga style influenced her and what she currently working on in her personal practice. 


What inspired you to become a yoga teacher?

Yoga changed my life. I started my practice with the intention of easing anxiety but was instantly drawn to the physical benefits - or so I thought.   I realize now that you don't have to fully "get it" when you start - just keep showing up. After years of practice, I've learned that within the physical practice IS the practice. Presence, breath, sitting with challenge, has truly transformed how I carry myself - that, I had to share.


What are your classes like and what styles of yoga or teachers are you most influenced by?

I tend to lean towards "power" yoga in my personal practice as well as my teaching style. I find personally that the best way to challenge my edge is in a challenging pose. Sometimes we have to be in those places of discomfort to see ourselves and to understand how presence and breath can serve us in our lives.


What are you currently working on in your own yoga practice? Do you have a favorite pose?

My ongoing focus is always on presence. I still get amazed at the shift in experience, on and off my mat, by being in the moment and out of my head. Holding a pose a little longer or trying an arm balance with complete presence and awareness (and a sense of humor!) is where I like to challenge myself.  


My favorite pose at the moment is probably Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III), but every practice is different. Any pose where I get a sense of feeling grounded, open, and strong.

Warrior III 

Self Awakening Yoga Studio


Barbara Sterling, Owner
352 South Broadway (Route 28)
Salem, NH 03079

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