Winter 2010
In this issue:

Holiday Open House
Brighten Your Future
WatchGuard Calendar
Stop Your Drama in 2011
Business Continuity Tip
Cartoon & Quote

Eleven Ways to Stop Your Drama in 2011
by Marlene Chism

1. Stop comparing yourself to others.
You are unique and so is the next person. As my algebra teacher used to say, you can’t compare an apple with a Billy-goat. Instead appreciate your blessings and compliment others on their skills, abilities and attributes. Comparing yourself is just drama. If you want to improve in some area, go ahead and take action, but quit using other people as the benchmark for your success.

2. Stop engaging with negative people.
Negative people are all around, but you don’t have to have the last word, nor do you have to point out to them how negative they are. Instead of engaging, or trying to change them or their point of view, simply smile knowingly and respond with vague statements

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Why Cloud Computing May
Brighten Your Future

used with permission from the Microsoft Small Business Center

Small businesses often face a sobering reality: they know there are technology applications that could make their business more efficient, but the cost of implementing and maintaining the IT hardware and software is prohibitive. That's where cloud-computing can actually bring a sunny forecast. By shifting the IT infrastructure and management burdens to a third-party, cloud-based provider, a small business can get enterprise-class technologies delivered as a subscription service.

Recycled Energy Development (RED), a small business that helps industrial manufacturers convert their waste energy into recycled electricity and heat, faced just such a dilemma.

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 Business Continuity Tip
Build a team.

It's a tall order to expect one person to efficiently develop a comprehensive recovery plan by themselves. After all, they have to account for every reasonable interruption across the entire business. There are just too many moving pieces. There is power in numbers and at worst, two heads are better than one. Assembling a team will give you the ability to share information, brainstorm, and create a natural sounding board to bounce off ideas.

During an actual recovery, having a team provides additional advantages. If the team leader is not available, others will be familiar with the plan and can execute it. This built-in redundancy to your recovery response helps ensure a quick and efficient return to business as usual.

 Quote of the Quarter

Remember, if Christmas isn't
found in your heart, you won't
find it under a tree.

Charlotte Carpenter

 Just for Laughs


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