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read moreThe Top 10 Health Hazards According to ECRI
ECRI Institute has released its 5th annual list of Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2011. According to the institute, it updates the list each year based upon "the prevalence and severity of incidents reported to ECRI Institute by healthcare facilities nationwide" and other criteria.
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Read MoreIPads as Weapon in Medical Sales
Medical-sector companies are passing out thousands of iPad tablet computers to salespeople to spruce up their pitch to doctors, and at the same time giving Apple Inc. a crucial foot in the door to business customers.
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Read MoreBritain's Loo Awards Honor Best Bathrooms
"The toilets you will see today, the winning toilets, show the power of really wanting something good in this world and striving to achieve it."                                       
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Read MoreRobots in Pharmacy & Barcodes on Patients

After more than a year in the works, NYU Langone Medical Center launched last month a new, robot-assisted pharmacy. One of about two dozen in the nation, the pharmacy provides a glimpse into the hospital of the future.
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read moreCouch Potatoes Set World Record
Three fans survive the '24' marathon by watching the TV series for more than 86 hours in Los Angeles to win $10,000 and break a world record.
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Prescription Bottles; Design of the Decade
So it's no surprise that the Industrial Designers Society of America honored ClearRx with its
 Design of the Decade award, which recognizes the positive impact design has on businesses and the community. The society's judge panel unanimously agreed that the design was the most noteworthy yet.

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Music Cures What Ails You
In studies involving more than 200 intensive care patients, listening to music reduced anxiety and helped slow patients' breathing rates. More work is planned to determine if the type of music played is important. In most trials doctors had plumped for classical music, such as Mozart's piano sonatas, or easy listening. But it may be that for some patients other genres would work just as well, if not better.

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read more10 Communication Overload Tips
We used to complain about all the useless back-to-back meetings and being copied on hundreds of unnecessary emails. Now we long for those days. We used to say there's no such thing as over-communication. Now we'd do anything to make it stop.

Communication is out of control and it's taking all the fun - and productivity - out of work.

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Why Married Men Behave Better
It's a chicken-or-egg question: Does marriage curb antisocial behavior in men, or are less antisocial men more likely to get married? New research suggests the answer is both. Less antisocial men were more likely to get married, according to a study with twins. But, once they were wed, the marriage itself appeared to further inhibit antisocial behavior.

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