October 4, 2012
| Vol 6, Issue 31
This Saturday, Harriet Fasenfest, author of A Householder's Guide to the Universe and Preserving with Friends, will be at the market from 9:00 to 12:00 to share information on food preservation, root cellaring and anything else you want to know about. Have questions about food preservation or living as an urban homesteader? Want to start but don't know where to? Ask the Preserver! Plus you'll find the best of the preserved harvest in the market this week, including berry jams (even foraged berry!), vinegar pickles, dried beans, roasted nuts and maybe even roasted peppers!
Also this week, Mt. Hood Organics starts the market! You know it's really fall when you can bite into one of their delicious biodynamically grown apples. Camas Country Mills is also back in the market with their large variety of grains (including gluten free!) for all your baking needs. Look for them in the southeast corner near Sweet Leaf Farm. It's Village Crepery's last week. Stop by to wish them a happy winter and enjoy one more crepe. And just a reminder, Dragonfly Forge comes to the market on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month, so bring your knives next week.
And there's more this Saturday! Community booth Impact NW will be holding a canned food drive, collecting non-perishable food items. You can find their booth near the southeast corner of the market, opposite Happy Harvest Farm. For more information about Impact NW and the canned food drive, go to www.impactnw.org or call 503-988-6887 x268.
And then after the market, head up to Grocery Outlet's Petstival from 10am - 1pm! This 6th annual event features a dog costume contest, pet photos and root beer floats!
Last Saturday's Crazy Eggplant Day was a celebration of all things aubergine, with delicious eggplant demos from chefs Amie Edelstein and Sarah Broderick. Several lifelong eggplant-haters were even converted after trying the sampled dishes! See below for recipes for Roasted Eggplant, Feta & Walnut Salad, and Market Moussaka.
See you at the market!
Roasted Eggplant, Feta and Walnut Salad
Chef Amie Edelstein
As summer ends and the cool fall days begin, I like to mix the lingering sweet produce with deeper, heavier flavors. This salad, meant to be eaten warm or at room temperature, combines sweet eggplant with smoky pimenton, earthy cumin, and toasty walnuts. The tangy feta and lemon juice round things out perfectly.
Serves 2-3 as a side
2 medium eggplants (the larger globe varieties work best), cut into ½" inch cubes (Sun Gold Farm) sea salt ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1 teaspoon honey (Nature's Best - Oregon Honey) ½ teaspoon pimenton, or smoked paprika ½ teaspoon ground cumin ¾ cup whole walnuts 1 medium clove garlic, pasted (see note) (Gales Meadow Farm) ½ to ¾ cup parsley (Persephone Farm) ½ cup crumbled feta (or other salty, tangy cheese) (Alsea Acres Alpine) lemon juice finishing olive oil fleur de sel
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F. 2. In a medium bowl, toss the eggplant with a couple good pinches of sea salt. Let it sit for a bit to draw out the bitterness. If you have super-fresh farmers market eggplant, feel free to skip this step. 3. While the eggplant is sitting, whisk together the olive oil, vinegar, honey, pimenton, and cumin. Pat the eggplant cubes dry with a clean dish (or paper) towel, then toss them in the dressing until evenly coated. Spread them on a rimmed baking sheet and roast in the oven, stirring them occasionally, until soft and golden (about 35-40 minutes). When they're done, remove them from the oven and set aside to cool a bit. 4. While the eggplant is roasting, spread the walnuts out on another baking sheet. Toast them in the oven until lightly browned (about 5 minutes). Check them frequently - you don't want to burn them. Remove them from the oven, let cool, then coarsely chop them. Set aside. 5. Finely chop the parsley, then mix will with the pasted garlic to create a persillade. 6. In a large bowl, toss the roasted eggplant with the chopped walnuts, feta, and persillade. Make sure everything is evenly distributed. Finish the salad with a good squeeze of lemon juice, a drizzle of finishing oil, and a sprinkle of fleur de sel. Toss again and serve.
Note: To paste the garlic, first finely chop it, then mash it against the cutting board with the side of your knife blade until you have a smooth paste.
Amie Edelstein moved to Portland 6 years ago and although she liked to cook before, she found herself inspired by the beauty and abundance of local produce and food. Her mission is to help people eat better by cooking and eating seasonally and locally. After honing her technique at the Chef Studio, she now teaches private and small group classes focused on fresh, seasonal cooking and loves helping people try new foods and improve their culinary skills.
Market Moussaka
Chef Sarah Broderick
This dish is a super delicious way to feature the wide variety of products available from local farms at the Hollywood Farmers Market. The ingredients are also widely available at your local grocery store. It's a great dish to bring to a potluck or as the main course for a dinner party. Everything except the topping can be made the day before and kept in the refrigerator. Bring it to room temperature, top with the sauce and bake.
For Eggplant/Lamb Roughly 2/3 cup of olive oil 1 large onion, finely chopped (Winter Green Farm) 3 garlic cloves, minced (Winter Green Farm) 1.5 lbs ground lamb (Deck Family Farm) ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon ¼ teaspoon ground allspice 3 jars of your home-canned sauce tomatoes OR 20+ fresh romas OR three cans of whole tomatoes, 1 drained, 2 with juice (Winter Green Farm for the fresh tomatoes) 1.5 teaspoons dried mint 3-4 lbs medium eggplant (Winter Green Farm), cut into ¼ - ½ inch-thick slices
For Topping 2 ½ Tablespoons unsalted butter 4 Tablespoons all-purpose flour (for GF option, use 3 T sweet white rice flour and 1 T tapioca flour) 1 ½ cups whole milk ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg Freshly ground black pepper 1 ½ cups crumbled feta (Alsea Acre Alpines) 1 large egg plus 1 large egg yolk (Persephone Farm), beaten 1/3 cup grated parmesan or other hard tasty cheese
Heat some olive oil (3 Tablespoons or so) in a large heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium-low heat. Add onion and cook, stirring, until softened, 4-5 minutes. Add garlic and cook for another 1-2 minutes. Add the lamb, increase the heat to medium, and cook, breaking up the ground lamb into little bits. Cook lamb until it turns entirely brown and there is no more pink. Stir in cinnamon and allspice, add tomatoes, mint, and salt & pepper to taste. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until the sauce has thickened, about 20 minutes. Stir occasionally to ensure the bottom doesn't burn!
Meanwhile, prepare your eggplant. There are two ways to do this. The easiest and healthiest way is to broil the eggplant. Oil a couple of baking sheets, arrange the eggplant slices into one layer on the sheets, then brush each slice with olive oil. Broil eggplant about 4 inches from the heat until they turn a golden brown, 3-5 minutes. Turn the eggplant slices, brush again with olive oil, and broil another 3-5 minutes until golden brown and tender. Remove from broiler, reduce oven temperature to 400 degrees.
The other way to prepare the eggplant is to fry the eggplants on each side in a non-stick pan. Arrange the eggplants on a cutting board (or other flat surface) one layer thick and brush with olive oil. Heat a pan to medium-high heat and add eggplant slices one layer thick in the pan with the olive oil brushed sides face down. As they cook, brush the other side of the eggplant slices in the pan. Flip after about 3-5 minutes. This process achieves the same results but is more time consuming because you have to do it in batches. It also may lead to using more oil if you aren't careful. Only use this method if you don't have baking sheets. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
Oil a 13x9 baking dish. Arrange half of the eggplant slices one layer thick on the bottom of the pan, slightly overlapping. Spread lamb mixture over the eggplant and cover with the remaining eggplant slices, slightly overlapping each other.
For the Topping:
Melt butter in a small saucepan with a heavy bottom over medium-low heat. Add flour and cook, creating a roux. Add the milk in a slow stream, whisking constantly. Bring to a boil, whisking. Reduce heat and simmer, still whisking, for 2-3 minutes. Add feta and cook over low heat, still whisking, until cheese is mostly melted. Do not let it boil after this point! Add ground nutmeg and season with salt & pepper. Let cool, covered, for 4-5 minutes. Add the beaten egg mixture to the sauce in a slow stream while whisking. Pour sauce evenly over eggplant and lamb and sprinkle with grated hard cheese.
Bake Market Moussaka for about 30-35 minutes until it is beautiful and bubbling. Let it stand for 10-15 minutes before serving.
At the Market
Music & Entertainment:
Sam Cooper and the Earthquakes
Community Booths:
Master Recyclers
Impact NW
Upcoming Events:
Ask the Preserver, w/ Harriet Fasenfest - Saturday, October 6th, 9:00 to 12:00
Hollyween Family and Pet Parade - Saturday, October 27th, 11:00 am
Featured Product
October 6th, 2012
Take Two Tomato Juice
2 Fruits
The best way to force one tomato, one carrot, half an apple, half a beaver dam pepper, and a squeeze of lemon into a lightweight accessible container is to get a Take Two Tomato juice at 2 Fruits... otherwise the trial is bound to be messy. This special blend offers Vitamin K, Potassium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin B6 in a zinger beyond compare featuring Sweet Leaf Farm and Gales Meadow Farm.
Pink Banana Squash
Sun Gold Farm
Named for their shape and sweet yellow flesh, Sun Gold's pink banana squash are typically the length of at least 10 bananas and the width of a whole bunch! But don't let the size intimidate you, this squash is super sweet and tender. It's delicious roasted, as baby food or even in beer (brewers only please)!
Marathon Broccoli
Happy Harvest Farm
Broccoli is here and in abundance at Happy Harvest Farm. This season, they feature marathon broccoli. It's a sweet variety with beautiful bright emerald beads and is great in soup. The recommendation from the farm is blue cheese broccoli soup, yum.
Sungold Cherry Tomatoes
Thompson Farm
These sweet little bite sized treats are still around for at least one more week. The pints gleam with reddish orange glow that says fall, but the taste is all summer! And as always, the tomatoes at Thompson Farm are grown without the use of any sprays.
Sandwich Breads
Gabriel's Bakery
Gabriel's is probably best known for their bagels or maybe their delicious and generously portioned pastries, but one of the best products from this baker is their quinoa sandwich bread. Like all their sandwich breads, it's made with sustainable grains and no preservatives and it toasts up real nice. Other types of sandwich bread include Walnut Bread, Molassis Bran and Sunflower Seed.
Tip of the Week: Planting Garlic
Anne Berblinger Gales Meadow Farm
It's time to plant garlic for a harvest next July. Garlic does best in the Portland area when it is planted in October or November. Gales Meadow Farm will have "premium heads" of garlic suitable for planting over the next few weeks at the Market.
Preparation of the bed
The soil should be loose and weed free. Garlic should not be planted in an area where only grass has been grown in the past. If that's all you have, use a container that is at least 8 inches deep this year, and prepare a spot for next year with a summer cover crop. If you have good garden soil, spreading about an inch of compost on the soil and digging it in will provide all the nutrients that garlic will need to establish good roots and send up a few healthy leaves. Over-feeding in the fall will result in a plant that grows too fast and is vulnerable to frost.
Break the head of garlic into individual cloves just before planting. Make sure you don't have double cloves, All the cloves in a hardneck head can be planted. Don't bother with the tiny inner cloves of softnecks, unless you want "garlic scallions" in the spring.
Push the cloves into the ground so that the top is about an inch below the surface. Four inch spacing is ideal for full size garlic and two inch spacing for garlic scallions. Make sure that the cloves are planted right side up with the pointed end at the top and the root plate at the bottom.
Care of the garlic patch
The garlic will emerge from late November into February. If there is a deep frost, the tops may freeze, but don't worry, the roots will be fine. Keep the patch free of weeds.
At the end of February, when we start to have more daylight, feed each plant with a pinch of blood meal. Do that again in mid-April.
As long as it continues to rain (which it will) through the end of May, the garlic does not need to be irrigated.
Harvest and Drying
Harvest the garlic when most of the leaves have dried and turned brown. Dig it, don't try to pull it. Leave the tops on until the garlic is thoroughly dry, at least three weeks after harvest. Tie it in bundles and hang it in a dry airy spot out of direct sunlight. Save the biggest and best heads for your next garlic planting.
Days: Every Saturday, May - Thanksgiving 1st & 3rd Saturdays, December - April
Hours: May - October, 8am - 1pm November - April, 9am - 1pm
Location: NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd). In the Grocery Outlet parking lot!
For more information, check us out online at www.hollywoodfarmersmarket.org.
See you Saturday!
Hollywood Farmers Market