May 31, 2012
| Vol 6, Issue 13
We're getting closer and closer to summer and I can tell because more berries are coming into the market each week! Unger Farms is starting the market this week, adding to the strawberry offerings of Deep Roots Farm and Happy Harvest Farm. Liepold Farms and Thompson Farms will join us next week to fill up the market with those bright and beautiful berries.
Mocha Roma is back from vacation. Stop by and welcome them back! 2 Fruits will be absent this week, but don't worry they will return on June 2nd.
Have you had a chance to visit with our new farmers, Nicholas and Norma of N&N Amaro Produce? They specialize in Mexican produce and herbs, bringing unique items in throughout the season. Stop by and ask them about their farm!
Do you regularly bike to the Hollywood Farmers Market? If so, stop by the information booth at the corner of 44th and Hancock to fill out one of our new Bike to the Market punch cards. We'll keep your card at the info booth, and each week you can come back and we'll stamp it for that week. Get six stamps, and you win a coupon for savings at neighborhood bike shops Velo Cult, Hollywood Cycling, and CyclePath!
And lastly, read below to learn more about the Lloyd Farmers Market, our new weekday market. This dynamic market is year-round and starting next week will run two days each week of the summer season.
See you at the Market!
Lloyd Farmers Market Summer Kickoff Week
|  Last summer, you may remember reading here that Hollywood Farmers Market has taken over management of the Lloyd Farmers Market, a midweek market in the Lloyd District. The Lloyd Farmers Market, which runs Tuesdays year-round, is adding a Thursday market starting June 7th, giving you twice as much opportunity to grab delicious, fresh local produce during the week! Both Tuesday and Thursday markets will run from 10am to 2pm, at the Oregon Square Courtyard on NE Holladay St between 7th and 9th Aves (map). The Thursday markets will continue through September. The summer season kicks off with an opening week celebration on Tuesday June 5th and Thursday June 7th . Both days will feature live music, free raffles, delicious lunchtime edibles, fresh fruits and veggies, and all manner of wholesome farmers market fun. Some of the products available this summer at Lloyd will include apricots, asparagus, beets, blackberries, blueberries, bread, broccoli, carrots, cherries, coffee, corn, crepes, cucumbers, eggs, flowers, goat cheese, granola, grapes, greens, hazelnuts, honey, huckleberries, hummus, ice cream, jam, kale chips, melons, mushrooms, nectarines, nursery plant starts, peaches, plums, popcorn, prunes, raspberries, salads, smoked salmon, snack plates, strawberries, tea, and zucchini. Is your mouth watering yet? For our SNAP (formerly known as food stamps) customers, we're happy to announce that we will be extending our popular Fresh Funds program to Lloyd Farmers Market this summer! SNAP recipients can bring their Oregon Trail card to the Lloyd Farmers Market and withdraw tokens to spend on fresh local food. Starting in June, we will match those funds, dollar-to-dollar up to $5, to help increase the purchasing power of SNAP recipients and reward healthy eating. Big thanks to New Seasons Market for their generous grant that has allowed us to offer this program! The matching program will continue as long as funds are available.
You can sign up for weekly updates at our website - just go to www.lloydfarmersmarket.com and enter your email at the right side under "Subscribe to market blog updates" or like us on Facebook. |
At the Market
Music & Entertainment:
John Twist
Community Booths:
Center for Cultural Interchange and Greenheart
Portland SmartTrips
Upcoming Events:
Beet Festival! - Saturday, June 16th, all day
Featured Product
June 2, 2012
Organic Asparagus
ProFarm Produce
Do you prefer your asparagus in a fresh bundle or pickled in a jar? Either way, ProFarm has you covered. One frequent HFM customer, Rachel, loves that she never has to cut the woody ends off of her fresh, organic asparagus. ProFarm does it for you, so the stalk that you buy is tender all the way down.
Japanese Maple Trees
Dancing Light Ranch
Dancing Light Ranch will have two kinds of young Japanese Maple trees this week! A mature Laceleaf maple will give you that lovely, wilting canopy shape while the Bloodgood variety grows straight upward. Each of them will get around 6 feet tall.
Strawberry Rhubarb Sipping Vinegar
Sage and Sea Farms
Sage & Sea is back, and their first fresh flavor of small batch sipping vinegar of the season is strawberry rhubarb. She uses strawberries from Deep Roots Farm and Rhubarb from Peak Forest Fruit, both at the Hollywood Market. Sipping vinegars are made with fresh fruit, white vinegar and cane sugar. Stop by and try a sample of one of her tasty flavors mixed with soda water!
Duck Confit
This market season for the first time, Nourishment has duck confit! You can get it in your breakfast burrito, in tacos, or on chilequiles. The organic duck is roasted in its own fat and shredded. If your mind isn't blown just from imagining duck in a breakfast burrito, it will be once you try it for yourself!
Pink Lemonade Blueberry Plant
River Rock Nursery
Have you ever tasted a bright pink blueberry? River Rock Nursery has various types of blueberry plants, one of which is the loud-and-proud Pink Lemonade Blueberry. You can create a colorful border of blueberry bushes in your garden or yard! Not to mention the swirling colors in your jams and pies, enough to please the most serious of Lisa Frank enthusiasts. The berries will start out white before maturing to pink, and they are said to be "sweet with a firm, clear texture."
Days: Every Saturday, May - Thanksgiving 1st & 3rd Saturdays, December - April
Hours: May - October, 8am - 1pm November - April, 9am - 1pm
Location: NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd). In the Grocery Outlet parking lot!
For more information, check us out online at www.hollywoodfarmersmarket.org.
See you Saturday!
Hollywood Farmers Market