August 25, 2011
Vol 5, Issue 19
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Market Updates                       

first figs 2011As September draws near, many changes are in store for vendors at the Hollywood Farmers Market. While September is the most abundant month of the year, it is also when some vendors end their season and other vendors begin.


This Saturday will be the last market of the season for Glass Jade Nursery. Jackie will be wildly discounting prices on all her plants from herbs - both annuals and perennials - to her amazing selection of native plants. Be sure to stop by and wish her a happy fall and take advantage of the great deals at Glass Jade Nursery this Saturday.  


This Saturday is also be the last market for awhile for Rose City Pepperheads - the folks with all the amazing pepper jellies! Make sure to stop by and stock up as we are not sure when we'll get to have them back at the market.  


Next week, Kiyokawa Family Orchards starts the market and in addition to their amazing variety of apples and pears they will be bringing the last of their cherries for one or two weeks. Yum!


donutnectarinesProFarm Produce is only here for another three weeks so if you took advantage of last week's Groupon deal, be sure to stop by and collect your produce before they're gone again. 


Nature's Best--Oregon Honey, also known as "the honey people" are back at the market this Saturday. Sol Pops ended their season but don't worry! You can still get cool, sweet treats at the market as Ate-Oh-Ate now has the cutest hand-crank shave ice shave ice containersmachine at their booth. They are serving up the ubiquitous Hawaiian treat at their stand using syrups made from fresh local berries and fruit from the market.


Mocha Roma's Coffee Company, also known as the coffee truck, will be absent this Saturday but Nossa Familia Coffee will be here. Don't worry, we would never dream of depriving you of your caffeinated needs.


We look forward to seeing you at the market this Saturday!

Tip of the Week

brought to you by Robert Reynolds Chef Studio 


squash blossomsReally Fantastic Zucchini Blossom Soup

4 oz soft goat cheese

2-3 Tbsp heavy cream

1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

18 -20 zucchini blossoms


Mix the cheeses and cream together and use to stuff blossoms.


Arrange the blossoms carefully in an oiled non-reactive pan. Heat very gently with a lid on until they start to collapse and give up some water (2-3 minutes).

In a separate pan, heat 2 cups Your Famous Chicken Broth [link].  When the broth is hot, add 1 cup chopped herbs (2 parts parsley, 1 part chives,  and1 part tarragon).


Place 4 or 5 blossoms in the bottom of each of 4 bowls  Carefully ladle some of the herbed chicken broth over the blossoms and serve immediately.

At the Market

Music & Entertainment:

Secret Surprise


Community Booth:

Vibe of Portland 

Grant Community Garden Project 


Upcoming Events:

Cooking Demonstration with Kristen Murray - Saturday, September 10th, 9:45 and 10:45 am

Annual Customer Dot Survey - Saturday, September 17th, all day 

 Market Pics   

colorful peppers



gorgeous orange tomatoes

gravenstein apples

seth from persephone 

blue flowers
Every Saturday, May - Thanksgiving
1st & 3rd Saturdays, December - April

May - October, 8am - 1pm
November - April, 9am - 1pm

NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd). In the Grocery Outlet parking lot!

For more information, check us out online at

See you Saturday!

Hollywood Farmers Market
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