July 21, 2011
Vol 5, Issue 14
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Market Updates                       
We have a lot of exciting news this week! Did you know the Hollywood Farmers Market is going year-round this season? We are also in the process of acquiring another nearby market. See below for details!

This week, new vendor Kimberly Farm starts the market. The folks at Kimberly Farm are graduates of the Adelante Agricultura program and farm at the La Esperanza Educational Farm in Forest Grove.

La Esperanza Educational Farm is 12 acres of land within the Forest Grove city limits where graduate farmers of the Adelante Agricultura sustainable farm training course have the opportunity to put their farming knowledge and skills to practice by managing their own small farming business. Farmers are leased ¼ acre plots and have the option to collectively market produce through direct marketing opportunities such as the Forest Grove Farmers Market and New Seasons Market Days.


Adelante Agricultura is the sustainable farming program of Adelante Mujeres. Adelante Mujeres is a nonprofit that provides education, career and economic development, and support services for low-income Spanish-speaking women and their families. The overall goal of Adelante Agricultura is to provide resource-limited Latino immigrant farmers and farm workers with the training and skills necessary to farm using organic methods. Adelante Agricultura supports these farmers in establishing their farm businesses and their eventual transition to other locations as independent farmers.


We are very happy to welcome Kimberly Farm to our market and are excited to help support the important work of Adelante Agricultura. Please look for them at the market tomorrow and give them a warm welcome! 

Announcing our 2nd Annual Summer Pie Contest! The contest will be held on Saturday, August 6th, so pick out some fruit and berries this week at the market for practice. The pie contest needs y to make it happen! Points are awarded for deliciousness, creativity and visual appeal. Stop by the Information Booth on the corner of 44th & Hancock for an entry form and a copy of the rules, or check back in next week's The Local Dirt. Happy baking!

Abby's Table returns to the market this Saturday filling in for Sage & Sea. The Better Bean Company will also be back at the market filling in for Happy Campers Gluten Free Baking. Lastly, Fatdog Mustard will be back at the market filling in for Confectionery. All three absent vendors will be back at the market next Saturday.

See you at the market! 

lloydfm Exciting Changes for Hollywood Farmers Market

It's a very exciting time for Hollywood Farmers Market. Beginning August 1, 2011, Hollywood Farmers Market (HFM) will assume management of Lloyd Farmers Market (LFM), a mid-week year-round market in the center of the Lloyd District. Acquisition of this market will enable HFM to increase the number of customers it serves and to provide expanded farm-direct opportunities to local vendors.


Additionally, this year Hollywood Farmers Market will go year-round with its first winter market scheduled for Saturday, December 3, 2011. The market will continue to setup in the Grocery Outlet parking lot on NE Hancock Street the 1 & 3 Saturdays from December to April from 9am - 1pm.


Lloyd Farmers Market is a weekly year-round (excepting certain holiday periods) market, open Tuesdays from 10am - 2pm. LFM is also open every Thursday, same time, during the height of berry season, June through September.


The Lloyd market serves hundreds of employees who work in the Lloyd district as well as nearby hotel guests & chefs, visitors to the State of Oregon building, and residents of the Sullivan's Gulch, Irvington, Eliot, and Kerns neighborhoods. It offers a tranquil environment compared to the bustling Saturday Hollywood Farmers Market with a smaller footprint and no music. Under the cover of a large gazebo, Lloyd Farmers Market is a pleasant market to shop in the rain.


The Lloyd Farmers Market began in 2007 as part of a grant to promote active living and healthy worksites. The market has most recently been owned and operated by Eamon Molloy, who also manages the successful Hillsdale Farmers Market in SW Portland. Eamon approached the Hollywood Farmers Market about taking over management of the Lloyd Farmers Market earlier this year.


"As Portland's oldest neighborhood market, Hollywood Farmers Market has the experience to further the growth and success of the Lloyd Farmers Market. Adding debit and EBT services is a big plus to this market. Many of the current Lloyd shoppers are regulars at the Hollywood Farmers Market, making the merger a natural one as well. I will miss working in the Lloyd District but I leave knowing that the market is in good hands," said Eamon Molloy.


Hollywood Farmers Market will recruit additional farmer vendors to fill out Lloyd Farmers Market. HFM management will also add a token machine in order to process debit and SNAP (formerly known as food stamps) transactions, enabling more customers to shop the market.


Lloyd Farmers Market is located under the gazebo in the Oregon Square Courtyard on NE Holladay Street between NE 7th Ave and NE 9th Ave in front of the 7th Ave MAX stop.


The other exciting news is that Hollywood Farmers Market will go year-round on the 1 & 3 Saturdays from December through April. The pilot winter market will set up in the Grocery Outlet parking lot and will be open from 9am - 1pm.  


Hollywood Farmers Market customers and vendors have long asked for an opportunity to keep the market going all year long. "We are happy to respond to demand with a pilot winter market and look forward to serving customers in multiple locations all year long," said market manager Sarah Broderick. "Many of our farmer vendors employ cutting edge season extension techniques and many others are experts at storing winter crops. We are confident that a small winter market at our current location will showcase much of what is available during Oregon's winters and will prove to be a successful venture."  


The Hollywood Farmers Market is located on NE Hancock Street between 44 & 45 Avenues, one block off Sandy Blvd. It is open every Saturday from May - Thanksgiving and the 1 & 3 Saturdays, December - April. Market hours are 8am - 1pm from May - October, and 9am - 1pm from November - April. Dogs are welcome in the market after 10am.

At the Market

Music & Entertainment:

Sandy Saunders Band  


Community Booths:

Sauvie Island Center 

Andeo International Homestays  


Upcoming Events:

Raffle - all of July! 

Photo Contest - all of July!    

Summer Pie Contest - Saturday, August 6 

 Featured Products

July 23, 2011  

White Strawberry Starts 

Glass Jade Nursery 

These strawberries are slightly milder in flavor and do not throw runners. Slice up some white strawberries along with your red ones and toss with a bit of balsamic!  



Gilson Marine Farms 

You can get them fresh in the shell or smoked in five zesty flavors. From Netarts Bay, considered the cleanest bay on the west coast because there are no rivers feeding into its pure ocean water.


Romanesca Zucchini 

Big B Farm 

Frank says, "It's Italian, it's gotta be good."


Chipotle Red Beans

The Better Bean Company 

This variety is only sold at farmers markets, and is spicier than their other red beans.



Deep Roots Farm 

There are many kinds of blackberries, but only one Marion. Kimberly suggests making a sauce from them to put on pancakes. Or you could use them for your entry in the upcoming summer pie contest!

 Tip of the Week

brought to you by Robert Reynolds' Chefs Studio 

Early Tomatoes - Early tomatoes (otherwise known as the tomatoes of 2010, the-year-the-summer-forgot) are far less sweet than those that come later in the season.These early tomatoes are great sliced and sprinkled with brandy and salt.  The brandy adds a nice fruity sweetness that has not yet developed in the tomatoes.

 Market Pics   

cute band members staring at berries together

chiogga beets

cherries at feeleys farm

deep roots cukes

lilies at the market

sweet leaf tomatoes

summer squash

Every Saturday, May - Thanksgiving
1st & 3rd Saturdays, December - April

May - October, 8am - 1pm
November - April, 9am - 1pm

NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd). In the Grocery Outlet parking lot!

For more information, check us out online at www.hollywoodfarmersmarket.org.

See you Saturday!

Hollywood Farmers Market
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