June 16, 2011
Vol 5, Issue 9
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Market Updates                       
Berries, cherries, and peas are in abundance at the market this Saturday!

arissa from deep rootsUnger Farms and Liepold Farms are excited to start the market this Saturday. Maryhill Orchards will have the first cherries this Saturday and Baird Family Orchards will start the market with cherries next week on June 25th. Sage & Sea returns this Saturday with drinking vinegars and it might be the last Saturday for awhile for Abby's Table, so please stop by and try their dips, fresh veggie packs, and fruit parfaits. Abby's Table products are all natural, vegan, and gluten-free! It's delicious food that your body loves.

Last Saturday at the market, Ellen Laing from the Robert Reynolds Chef Studio prepared a gorgeous three-part meal of pan-seared rockfish with garlic aioli and snap-pea/potato salad. Everything was prepared simply, especially the rockfish - just quickly seared with a bit of oil and finished with salt! She also showed how easy it is to make aioli by hand with a mortar and pestle. See below for the recipes. The next cooking demonstration will be Saturday, July 9th.

The Master Gardeners return to the market this Saturday and Friends of Family Farmers will be here as well. These are two great organizations doing important work with local foods. Please stop by their community booths to learn more!

See you at the market!

    Cooking Demonstration Recipes

by Ellen Laing       

Potato & Snap Pea Saladpotato pea salad
Serves 4-6

1 lb potatoes
1/2 lb snap peas (about a pint and a half)
2 tsp. white wine vinegar
1 tsp. dijon mustard
1/2 tsp. sea salt (and 1 tsp. for blanching water)
1 Tbsp. minced shallot (or shallot scapes)
2 Tbsp. chopped parsley
(optional 1 Tbsp chopped tarragon and/or chives)
3 Tbsp olive oil
Finish with salt & black pepper to taste

Wash potatoes and place in pot (whole with skins on). Cover with cold water and slowly bring it to the bubbly stage - not a boil, but a bare simmer. The more slowly you cook the potatoes, the more uniformly they will cook. Keep the water at a bare simmer and start to check the potatoes by poking them with a toothpick after about 20 minutes.

Depending on the size of the potatoes, it may take 30 or 40 minutes. While the potatoes are cooking oh-so-gently, prepare the other elements of the salad:

1. Snap the stem end from the snap peas and cut to desired size - you can keep them whole if you like, or cut them in half diagonally.
2. Mix together the white wine vinegar & mustard in a small bowl.
3. Mince the shallot & parsley. When the potatoes feel like they give evenly from the skin to the center, remove them from the water with a slotted spoon and set aside. Keep the water from the potatoes to blanch the peas.

Turn up the heat under the potato water until it's boiling, and add 1 tsp. of salt. Toss your prepared snap peas in the salted water and stir gently. Remove them just when they're uniformly bright green - it only takes about 30-40 seconds. If you go longer they end up a sad, tired green. Take them out and plunge them into cold water to cool. Drain them.

The potatoes should now be cool enough to handle but not cold. Chop them into the size that you like - again, you could leave them whole if you've got wee baby potatoes, or you can cut them into bite sized pieces, whatever floats your boat. Put them into a bowl big enough for the entire salad. Sprinkle with 1/2 tsp. salt & the vinegar-mustard mixture. The flavors meld & penetrate into the potatoes better if you add them when the potatoes are warm...but adding the oil at the end is best because it prevents the 'soggy salad'.

Mix in the snap peas, shallot and parsley (or other herbs). Drizzle with olive oil and taste. If you like, finish with some more salt and black pepper.

Garlic Scape Aioli
Serves 4-6

Garlic scapes are the stem and flower bud of the garlic plant. Farmers remove the scape in the spring in order to prevent flowering, because the plant will then concentrate its energy reserves on producing bigger cloves of garlic. Scapes can be eaten raw or cooked, and they have a lovely mild, fresh, ʻgreenʼ flavor. Traditional aioli is simply garlic,salt and oil. But I like the flavor of the mustard, egg yolk & lemon...and it makes the emulsion (of garlic & oil) a little less finicky.

This recipe could be made with a food processor orgarlic scape aioli immersion blender, but it would be a good idea to double the recipe in order to create enough volume for the machine to work with. Machine technique is pretty much the same. However, doing it by hand in a mortar & pestle only takes about 5 minutes and itʼs immensely satisfying. Itʼs delicious with fresh bread, spring turnips, radishes, potatoes, fish...almost anything.

2 Tbsp garlic scapes, finely chopped
zest of one lemon
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. dijon mustard
1 egg yolk
1 tsp. lemon juice
1/4 tsp. white pepper
1/2 C. fine quality olive oil
(additional lemon juice and/or warm water)

In a mortar & pestle, put the garlic scapes, lemon zest, salt & mustard. Mash them all together so that it starts to look a pale green color and there arenʼt pieces of garlic that are too big.

Add the yolk, lemon juice & pepper, and mash it uniform. Start dripping in the olive oil while mixing, slowly at first, working your way to a steady drizzle.

If you accidentally add too much oil and you can see it start to separate, just stop pouring and give your stirring a boost for a second, and continue. If you don't want to use all of the oil, that's fine - it'll just be a little thinner and have more of a pronounced garlic flavor. It should be pretty thick and a much paler green than what you started with.

Taste & adjust the flavoring as necessary - maybe a little bit more lemon juice or salt...and you can thin the consistency with a little bit of warm water at the end if you like.

Pan Seared Rockfish
Serves 4

Rockfish (Rock Cod or Pacific Snapper) is a common Pacific Northwest fish that is firm and lean with a delicate flavor. Fillets tend to be fairly thin, cook quickly and have a nice flake to them.

1 or 2 Rockfish fillets, cut into playing card size servings
1 tsp.(ish) canola oil
finishing salt (i.e. Maldon)

Heat a heavy skillet (cast iron is great) to med-hot. Have a pre-heated plate on hand to serve the fish.

Drizzle in your skillet just enough oil to lightly coat the bottom - it should quickly spread and shimmer, but not smoke. Gently place the fish serving side down in the skillet. For very thin fillets, cook on only one side - remove when the fillet is almost entirely opaque, but not very firm.

Flip the fish as you move it from the skillet to the warm plate. The combination of the warm plate and a little rest will continue to cook the fish. If the fillets are a little thicker, you may want to flip and cook it on the second side. Flip when the white has extended about halfway up the thickest part of the fillet.

Be careful not to overcook the fish - watch it turn color, and press on it with your finger from the edge to the middle as it cooks. It's easy to tell when the fish is done by the resistance - compare the thinner edges (much more firm, more well done) to the middle (softer, more sponge-y).

Remove it when the middle of the fillet still has a little give to it and rest for a few minutes. Sprinkle with finishing salt. Salting after cooking emphasizes the delicate flavor of the fish.
At the Market

Music & Entertainment:

Na Mesa   


Community Booths:

Friends of Family Farmers 

Master Gardeners  


Upcoming Events:

Fest O' Pesto - 6/25, all day


Photo Contest - Month of July 

 Tip of the Week
brought to you by
Robert Reynolds' Chefs Studio

Potatoes - Potatoes are best when they are cooked in their jackets. Place potatoes in a pot, cover with cold water, bring to a boil and immediately turn it down to a simmer. Cover with a lid. Cook them slowly so that the potatoes don't split. Test them at about 20 minutes by poking a fork into the middle of the potato.  If the fork meets no resistance, the potatoes are done.  Peel if you wish, mash them, dice them, slice them, etc.

 Market Pics   





    Community Booths     

Every Saturday, two community organizations provide customers with information about unique projects around the city and add to the community feel of the market. Organizations represent many different interests, from local food initiatives and healthy living advocates to conservation groups and youth empowerment agencies. 


Friends of Family Farmers is a grassroots organization building a strong and united voice for Oregon's independent family farmers, food advocates, and concerned citizens who are working to foster an approach to agriculture that respects the land, treats animals humanely, sustains local communities, and provides a viable livelihood for family farmers. It is their belief that every person- urban and agrarian, farmer and eater- has the ability to make choices that can help regenerate our food system. They are a state-wide non-profit that promotes sensible policies, programs and regulation that protect and expand the ability of Oregon's family farmers to run a successful land-based enterprise while providing safe and nutritious food for all Oregonians.  Through education, advocacy, and community organizing, Friends of Family Farmers supports socially and environmentally responsible family-scale agriculture and citizens working to shape healthy rural communities. Join them every month for InFARMation (and Beer!), explore new and beginning farmer resources on iFarm Oregon, sign up for their informative Barnyard Newsletter, or just browse their website to learn more about their mission and programs.

The Oregon State University Master Gardener Program is an Oregon State University (OSU) Extension Service program that educates Oregonians about the art and science of growing and caring for plants. This program also facilitates the training of a highly educated corp of volunteers. These volunteers extend sustainable gardening information to their communities through education and outreach programs. The master gardeners will be answering customer's gardening questions at their booth throughout the market. Come by if you have a garden-related question!


The views expressed by the organizations in the Community Booths are those of the organization and its representatives and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, the Hollywood Farmers Market.

hfm_mapThe Hollywood Farmers Market is open Saturdays, May through Thanksgiving from 8am - 1pm. (November Markets begin at 9am).

We are located on NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd).

For more information, check us out online at www.hollywoodfarmersmarket.org.

See you Saturday!

Hollywood Farmers Market
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