Central Northeast Neighbors has partnered with the Hollywood Farmers Market to continue the nutrition incentive program for SNAP (formerly known as food stamps) participants at the market. Every week, SNAP recipients are offered a dollar-for-dollar match up to $5 to spend on eligible products such as produce, meat, seafood, cheese, edible plant starts, and some baked goods.
This program fights hunger, helps neighbors in need, and supports a vibrant regional food economy. Even in a bountiful state like Oregon, hunger is a major concern for many Oregonians. According to the Oregon Hung er Task Force, Oregon "placed second highest among all states for a high percentage of hungry people" during the recent recession. Hunger can have long-term health consequences, leads to lowered academic success, lowered economic productivity, and creates greater reliance on social services.
The Oregon Hunger Task Force identifies three goals that will lead to lasting change in the fight against hunger in Oregon:
Goal 1 - Increase economic stability for people, communities, and the state.
Goal 2 - Cultivate a strong regional food system in Oregon.
Goal 3 - Improve the food assistance safety net.
Central Northeast Neighbor's Fresh Funds program at the Hollywood Farmers Market connects directly with Goals 2 & 3 through supporting farmers and regional food producers and by increasing food assistance at the Hollywood Farmers Market.
In 2010 the Fresh Funds program distributed more than $7,000 to neighbors in need. In turn, this program also supports our local economy. Through increased use of SNAP benefits at farmers markets, federal dollars that might otherwise be spent elsewhere go directly into the hands of our region's small farms and food producers. From helping out our neighbors to helping out our farmers, every facet of this program contributes to the success of our regional food economy and healthy urban neighborhoods.
We are very grateful for New Seasons Market's generous donation to the 2011 Fresh Funds program. This important program could not continue without their support. All contributions to the Fresh Funds program are now tax-deductible and every dollar in the fund helps increase the purchasing power of low-income members in our community.
Interested in Donting?
Checks can be made out to: Central Northeast Neighbors, HFM Fresh Funds.
Donations can be sent to: Central Northeast Neighbors, HFM Fresh Funds - 4415 NE 87th Ave, Portland, OR 97220.
A letter and Donation Receipt with tax information will be provided to you. Thank You!!!
Please stop by the market information booth to learn more.
New Seasons Market
Central Northeast Neighbors
Oregon Hunger Task Force