Market Updates | Six more markets until the end of the season. Start planning your Thanksgiving meals now and get your goods from the Hollywood Farmers Market. Pine Mountain Ranch is taking orders for Thanksgiving turkeys and their order list is almost full! Their turkeys are all natural, pasture raised, and free of hormones and antibodies. Processed on the ranch by Alan himself, they have a number of heritage breeds you can choose from - Grey Slate, Bourbon Red, Black Spanish, Naragansett, and Royal Palm. Heritage breeds are $7.99/lb and non-heritage breed broad-breasted turkeys are $5.99/lb. Deck Family Farm is also taking orders for their heritage breed turkeys - also pasture raised and all natural. Call the farm at 541-998-4697 for more information or visit their booth this Saturday.
Another reminder about the season schedule. We are open until Thanksgiving! Our last market will be November 20th, and our hours in November are 9am - 1pm, starting one hour later than normal. What happens if you forget and show up at 8am instead? Our volunteer setup crew will gladly put you to work!
Last week was the final week for Maryhill Orchards and their delicious peaches. Lucky for us apple and pear season is in full swing and the varieties of both at the market are wide and varied. The Village Crepery and Frog Meadow Farm are both back at the market this Saturday.
Only one week to go before our final Market Lunch of the season. Next Saturday, October 23rd, at 1pm, Chefs Anthony Cafiero and Greg Mistell will create a delightful lunch as our final fund raiser of the year for the Fresh Funds Program.
This four-course lunch costs only $30-$50 sliding scale
and includes a beverage of your choice - wine, beer, and non-alcoholic
options are all available. Feed yourselves so others may feed themselvesand celebrate the bounty of the season at the same time. All proceeds will benefit the Fresh Funds Program at the Hollywood Farmers Market. Purchase tickets at the Information Booth or call 503-709-7403 to reserve a seat at the table! Big thanks to Albina Community Bank for helping make these lunches happen.
See you at the market!
Pumpkin Pie for Everyone!

that season again, when chilled and damp guests are greeted with the warm smells of
toasted nutmeg, allspice and baked pastry dough. Pumpkin Pie has a
cozy-factor that is nearly unbeatable, which is why the 3rd Annual
Pumpkin Pie Contest is gracing the Hollywood Farmers Market on
November 6th.
the pie contest needs you to make it happen.Whether you have the
recipe that won your aunt the blue ribbon in the state fair, or
you've never baked a pie before, your pie will be welcomed and adored
at the Pumpkin Pie Contest. Grab a squash this Saturday at the market
and give yourself a practice run. Points will be awarded for
deliciousness, creativity and visual appeal.
Happy Baking!
Contest Rules
� Pies
entered for judging must be made with fresh pumpkin (or other squash)
purchased at the Hollywood Farmers Market. Please list the farm's name
and type of squash used.
� Pie
crust and filling must be prepared and baked by the person submitting the pie
for judging.
� Entries
must include entry form and original recipe listing all ingredients and
method in order to be considered for judging.
� Pie
plates will not be returned to contestants, so we encourage you to submit
pies in a recyclable pie plate.
� All
pies submitted for judging become the property of the Hollywood Farmers
Market and may not be returned to you in time for dessert.
� Entries
will be accepted from 9am until 10am. Judging will begin promptly at
10:30am, with winners announced at 12:00 noon. |
Alfred Novacek's Sauerkraut Recipe
We heard from a number of folks who could not view the sauerkraut recipe in last week's edition of The Local Dirt. Here it is again, in a different format:
Alfred Novacek's Sauerkraut Recipe
Mix together 5 lbs shredded cabbage and 3 Tbs pickling salt. Put mixture into a stone jar and tamp until juiced. Cover with cabbage leaves. Put a plate and a weight on top to submerge leaves in juice. Store at 60-70 degrees for three weeks. Periodically check top for film/scum and remove if found.
A fermented vegetable product, Alfred's sauerkraut is healthy and delicious. And it's a super simple recipe with only two ingredients!
Pick up some cabbage at the market this Saturday and try it yourself. If you start the process now, you'll have plenty of practice before Thanksgiving. You can also try a blend of cabbage and shredded root veggies, or use red cabbage for a deep and beautiful sauerkraut.
This Week at the Market
| Music: Sons of Soil
Community Booths: Portland School Project Sons of Norway
Upcoming Events: -Wednesday, October 20th, 6-8pm: Portland Fermentation Festival. Ecotrust Building, 721 NW 9th Ave. All ages, open to the public, $5.
-Saturday, October 23rd, 1pm: Market Lunch with Chef Anthony Cafiero of Tabla and Chef Greg Mistell of Fleur de Lis Bakery. Lunch will be held at the Moon & Sixpence, 2014 NE 42nd. Tickets are $30 - $50 sliding scale. Email or call 503-709-7403 to reserve a seat at the table.
-Saturday, October 30th: Haunted Hollywood Walking Tour at the Hollyween Farmers Market. Tours leave from the Info Booth at 9,10,11, and Noon. Free and not scary.
-Saturday, October 30th: Pet and Family Costume Parade at the Hollyween Farmers Market. 11am, all ages, free. Prizes awarded for the best costumes.
Fresh Funds Program
| Fresh Funds Goal: $7,000 Amount Raised to Date: $6,219 Total Dollars Matched to SNAP Customers to Date: $5,680 Amount left in Fresh Funds: $539 Amount needed to Reach Goal: $781
Every Saturday, SNAP customers can use their EBT card to
withdraw SNAP dollars to be used on market fresh produce and goods. The
Hollywood Farmers Market will match up to $5 in tokens to increase SNAP
customer spending power at the market and reward healthy eating.
This match only lasts as long as we have funds for it. Please consider donating today! Call 503-709-7403 for more information.
Queen of the Sun
| The Hollywood Farmers Market is a proud sponsor of the hit documentary Queen of the Sun. Haven't had a chance to see it yet? You are in luck but time is running out.
It's the final week for "Queen of the Sun: What are the bees telling us?" to
play at the Hollywood Theatre in Portland. Don't miss your last chance
to see this important, timely & uplifting film from the director of
The Real Dirt on Farmer John. Queen of the Sun is a profound,
alternative and inspiring look at the global honeybee crisis. Check
theater for tickets & showtimes.  |