September 9, 2010
Vol 4, Issue 20
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Market Updates                      
Greetings Market Lovers!

The changing of the seasons is in the air and it is becoming a very busy time of year - in general and specifically at the Hollywood Farmers Market. We have a cooking demonstration with Courtney Sproule this Saturday. It is time for preserving and celebrating the harvest  and we are hard at work with our final two preserving classes and market lunches. The annual dot survey (9/18) is coming up in which we ask you to tell us what we're doing right and how we can change. The Crazy Eggplant Festival (9/25) and Oktoberfest (10/2) are right around the corner and are great excuses to celebrate the last vestiges of summer and the coming fall.

kales from gales meadow
But it's not time to relax yet, now is a great opportunity to get in the yard and garden to plant veggies for fall harvest, woody plants such as trees, blueberries and natives, and spring flowering bulbs.

THINK Unique Gardens will have a wide spread of native plants, shrubs, and other items perfect for fall planting. Gales Meadow Farm will have vegetable starts for fall and winter harvest and for overwintering this Saturday. Several kinds of kale, chard, broccoli, and winter cabbages will be available.

It is with sincere disappointment that I must announce the suspension of the Fresh Funds Program at the Hollywood Farmers Market. Until more funds are secured, September 11th will be the last day SNAP customers can receive matching dollars through the Fresh Funds Program.

This program has been very successful in increasing the capacity for low-income families to make healthy choices through the purchase of locally grown, fresh products at the market. Unfortunately, our fund raising efforts have not been able to keep up with demand.

If you are interested in donating to the Fresh Funds Program, please visit the Information Booth on market day. With our crowd counts averaging around 4,000 adults every Saturday, if every customer donated just $2 we would have more than enough funds for the entire season.

The Lost & Found is getting fairly full and will be purged of its contents soon. If you've been wondering what happened to your water bottle, coffee mug, sunglasses, or one of many other items, stop by the Information Booth this weekend to see if it has been turned in.

See you at the Market!
courtneydemoCooking Demonstration with Courtney Sproule
This week at the Hollywood Farmers Market Chef Courtney Sproule will treat us to a cooking demonstration honoring the end of tomato season with a dish featuring Clams with Sorrel Salsa Verde. (You'll have to come to the demo to find out where the tomatoes are in the dish!) Courtney is the brains and the brawn behind din din, a supper club that is open to the public, and emphasizes fresh local ingredients, clever pairings of food and drinks and a jovial dinner atmosphere. Courtney's dedication to local ingredients is clear, as she is constantly developing relationships with local farmers and artisans, and serves on the board of the Hollywood Farmers Market.

Cooking Demonstrations at the Hollywood Farmers Market in 2010 are coordinated in conjunction with Slow Food Portland, OR and are focused on affordable market shopping and simple meals. Special thanks to Gales Meadow Farm, Laurel Ridge Winery, Linda Brand Crab and Sweet Leaf Farmfor their donations of ingredients to this cooking demonstration.

Demonstrations are held at 10 am and 11 am on the second Saturday of every month from June through October.
This Week at the Market
Anna Paul & the Bearded Lady

Community Booths:

ANDEO International Homestays
Chess for Success
Slow Food Portland

Upcoming Events:
Dot Survey - 9/18
Preserving Class: Canned Crushed Tomatoes - 9/18
Market Lunch with Chef Robert Reynolds - 9/25
Crazy Eggplant Fest - 9/25
Featured Products

September 11th, 2010

jimmy nardello peppers

Jimmy Nardello Peppers
Italian sweet frying pepper, super delicious!
Gales Meadow Farm

Orange Honeydew Melon
Honey yellow sweet flesh, dessert today!
Winter Green Farm

Tokyo Rose Apples
Fresh early eating apple.
Kiyokawa Orchard

Garry's Meadow Fresh Chocolate Whole Milk
Grass fed - try a sample, it speaks for itself!

Lady Lane Farm

Peach Basil Cupcakes
Made with Oregon and Washington peaches and organic basil, these are the September special cupcakes at the market!
freshfundsupdateFresh Funds Program Suspended
The Fresh Funds Program will be suspended after the September 11th market.

Fresh Funds Goal: $7,000
Amount Raised to Date: $4,105
Total Dollars Matched to SNAP Customers to Date: $4,471
Amount left in Fresh Funds: -$366
Amount needed to Reach Goal: $2,895

Every Saturday, SNAP customers can use their EBT card to withdraw SNAP dollars to be used on market fresh produce and goods. The Hollywood Farmers Market will match up to $5 in tokens to increase SNAP customer spending power at the market and reward healthy eating.

This match only lasts as long as we have funds for it. Please consider donating today! Call 503-709-7403 for more information.

hfm_mapThe Hollywood Farmers Market is open Saturdays, May through Thanksgiving from 8am - 1pm. (November Markets begin at 9am).

We are located on NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd).

For more information, check us out online at

See you Saturday!

Hollywood Farmers Market
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