August 26th, 2010
Vol 4, Issue 18
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Market Updates                      
Did you miss The Local Dirt last week? Well, we missed you too. Unfortunately the Market Manager was too sick to get out of bed and there was no one else to write the newsletter. We hope you are glad it is back!

din din, Photo by Tim Gunther (
This Saturday, August 28th, is the first of our Market Lunch series. This is a fund raiser for the Fresh Funds Program, which increases the buying power of Oregon Trail (SNAP) customers at the market. It's an all Hollywood Farmers Market produce meal! To tantalize your taste buds, here is a preview of the menu:

crostini with chicken liver mousse omelette and brandied cherry

artichoke soup with dijon whipped cream

braised chicken leg with St. Germaine sauce and squash, pole bean, and plum salad

a taste of local cheese

salt-roasted peaches with white port ice cream

$30-$50 sliding scale for four courses and table wine & beer (and non-alcoholic options) on the sunny Moon and Sixpence patio (2014 NE 42nd Ave). Lunch begins at 1pm.

This program needs more money because it's so direly needed that the uptake on the program is at 400 percent of our predicted participation!

This is a unique chance to both dine with fellow Market-goers and to keep a great food access program going! Plus, the vendors have been generous with their produce, so we owe them our presence at the table!

RSVP now by calling Courtney at 971-544-1350 or send an email to

Kiyokawa Family Orchards starts the market this Saturday with apples and pears. Sadly, Packer Orchards had to end their season early due to employee issues and won't return until November. But not to worry! Confectionery and The Better Bean Company are back again this Saturday with their delicious locally made artisan treats.

Interested in joining the Hollywood Farmers Market Board of Directors? Read below for more information on how to get involved.

Thanks for all your support and see you at the Market!
Cooking Demonstration Recipe
Sweet Corn Biscuits with Honeyed Bush Berries and Creme Fraiche -- By Kristen Murray

blueberry and corn demo samples with scone in front
This dish is a treat in the morning, with your afternoon tea or to finish a wonderful summer meal! 

2 3/4 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup corn meal
1/2 cup raw sugar
2 teaspoon sea salt
2 tablespoon baking powder
10 tablespoon chilled cubed unsalted butter
3 farm eggs (Pine Mountain Ranch)
3 cups creme fraiche or sour cream
3-4 cobs of fresh corn, kernels only (Sweet Leaf Farm)
1. Put all the dry ingredients in a bowl, and rub in butter cubes with your fingers. When the mix is the consistency of sand, add eggs, and creme fraiche. When the ingredients are almost combined, fold in fresh corn kernels.

2. Roll out dough on a lightly floured surface to 2 inches thick. Take a jar or glass and cut out small rounds. Transfer to a greases sheet tray and brush the top with cream and sprinkle with raw sugar. Bake in a preheated oven at 325 degrees for 15-20 minutes, dependending on the size of the biscuit.
skillet full of berries and cornHoneyed Bush Berries
1/2 cup local honey (Nature's Best -- Oregon Honey)
2 pints of your favorite dark berries (huckleberries, marion berries, black berries, blueberries, boysenberries) (Unger Farms)
1. Caramelize the honey over medium heat until it bubbles up.
2. Toss cleaned berries in the sauté pan and gently toss to coat. When berries look glazed and are about to pop, remove them from the heat.
Creme Fraiche
4 cups heavy cream (Lady Lane Farm)
1/4 cup creme fraiche
2 tablespoon buttermilk*
1 lemon juiced
*Or milk with extra lemon juice added (Lady Lane Farm)
1. Mix all ingredients together. Place in a glass kristan murray and helperjar, cover with cheesecloth and let sit at room temperature for 3 days. Chill for 24 hours, remove the top skin and enjoy!
2. I use this recipe to make the biscuits and also to serve with the finished dish. 
Serve all three together. Bon Appetite!
BoardInfoWant to be more involved in the Hollywood Farmers Market community? Consider joining the Board of Directors!
Do you love the Hollywood Farmers Market?

Would you like to get more involved in your community?

The Hollywood Farmers Market is looking for enthusiastic Board members that can help the market thrive! Needed skills and expertise include leadership, legal, finance, marketing, food systems, staff management, public relations and general administration.

You are invited attend our September Board meeting on Wednesday, September 15th at 6:30PM at the Rose City Park Presbyterian Church (1907 NE 45th and Sandy Blvd) adjacent to the market, in room 8 on the ground floor.

If you wish to attend the September Board meeting please send an RSVP to Carollyn Farrar at For more information about the Hollywood Farmers Market visit our website or contact Carollyn at the above address.

Thank you for your interest and see you at the market!

This Week at the Market
Sons of Soil

Community Booths:

Metropolitan Family Service

Locally Grown Poetry:

Frances Payne Adler (10:30am) + Judith Barrington (11:30am)

Upcoming Events:
Market Lunch - 8/28
Locally Grown Poetry - 8/28
Cooking Demo - 9/11
Dot Survey - 9/18
Preserving Class: Canned Crushed Tomatoes - 9/18
Featured Products

August 28th, 2010


Amaranth Leaves
Delicious sauteed, cook as you would any other green, high in protein!
Blooming Goodies

Carrot Lime Ginger Popsicle
Need we say more?
Sol Pops

Sundried Tomato Chicken Sausage with Garlic & Feta
The newest sausage from
Buns on the Run

Poblano Peppers
Relatively mild pepper, known as Ancho Chile when in its dried form.Delicious roasted, grilled, or sauteed and piled high on a steak with onions. Add to salsa, or stuff and bake!
Deep Roots Farm

Ricotta Cheese
Hand scooped in the Italian style, delicious in crepes.
Jacobs Creamery
FFFresh Funds
Check here each week for updates on our fund raising efforts for the Fresh Funds Program, the Hollywood Farmers Market's SNAP (formerly known as food stamps) match program.

Fresh Funds Goal: $7,000
Amount Raised to Date: $3,728
Total Dollars Matched to SNAP Customers to Date: $3,972
Amount left in Fresh Funds: -$244
Amount needed to Reach Goal: $3,272

Every Saturday, SNAP customers can use their EBT card to withdraw SNAP dollars to be used on market fresh produce and goods. The Hollywood Farmers Market will match up to $5 in tokens to increase SNAP customer spending power at the market and reward healthy eating.

A big thank you goes to New Seasons Market for their generous $3,000 grant that got this program started. Now it is up to us to keep it going.

This match only lasts as long as we have funds for it. Please consider donating today! Call 503-709-7403 for more information.
Market Pics
Now is the time to can tomatoes.
tomato sign

Georgeous dahlias are at the market.
yellow dahlia

This dog is so pleased to be cooling off with the misting apparatus!
pitbull cooling off with the misting apparatus

Pickle time!
pickling cukes

Volunteers love all that Nourishment has to offer.
volunteers jane and vince

hfm_mapThe Hollywood Farmers Market is open Saturdays, May through Thanksgiving from 8am - 1pm. (November Markets begin at 9am).

We are located on NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd).

For more information, check us out online at

See you Saturday!

Hollywood Farmers Market
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