Featured Products
August 7th, 2010

Black Cherry Tomatoes Winter Green Farm
Shallots Blooming Goodies
Marionberry Jam Baird Family Orchards
Dry Cured Salami Deck Family Farm
Market Berry Danish Fleur de Lis Bakery
Fresh Funds
here each week for updates on our fund raising efforts for the Fresh
Funds Program, the Hollywood Farmers Market's SNAP (formerly known as
food stamps) match program.
Fresh Funds Goal: $7,000 Amount Raised to Date: $3,353 Total Dollars Matched to SNAP Customers to Date: $3,048 Amount to Reach Goal: $3,647
Every Saturday, SNAP customers can use their EBT card to
withdraw SNAP dollars to be used on market fresh produce and goods. The
Hollywood Farmers Market will match up to $5 in tokens to increase SNAP
customer spending power at the market and reward healthy eating.
big thank you goes to New Seasons Market for their generous $3,000
grant that got this program started. Now it is up to us to keep it
This match only lasts as long as we have funds for it. Please consider donating today! Call 503-709-7403 for more information.