June 3, 2010
Vol 4, Issue 7
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Market Updates                      
Many shoppers have been asking and this Saturday their wishes are answered - Unger Farms starts their season with strawberries this Saturday.

A big thanks goes out to those vendors that have continued coming to the market throughout the recent downpour of rain. It's because of these dedicated vendors that our market is able to start in May with such great variety!

Another big thanks goes out to the dedicated customers who also continue to shop at the market in the rain. We couldn't do it without you and are so impressed with you during the downpours.

See you at the market on Saturday!

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Recipe of the Week
Green Goddess Potato Salad


This recipe is adapted from a Gourmet Magazine recipe found on Epicurious.com.


The amounts listed make enough dressing for about ¾ lb. asparagus and 3 lb. small cooked boiling potatoes.


Cool the potatoes to room temperature. Cut, unpeeled, into big chunks.


Cook the asparagus until tender-crisp. Plunge into ice water to stop cooking. Drain, pat dry, cut into pieces about ½-inch long.


For dressing, pulse the following ingredients in a food processor until the dressing is pale green and herbs are finely chopped.

  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 3 tablespoons white-wine vinegar (or tarragon vinegar)
  • 3 green onions, chopped
  • 3 flat anchovy fillets, chopped  (or 2 teaspoons anchovy paste)
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
  • 2 teaspoons chopped fresh tarragon
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

In a large bowl, stir dressing into the potatoes. (I did this the day before to give the flavors more time to blend.) Gently stir in the asparagus.


Note: The original recipe called for green beans, cut into ¼-inch pieces, rather than asparagus. People commenting on the recipe successfully substituted yet other vegetables for the green beans, added cherry tomatoes, added cooked shrimp, etc. It seems to be a versatile recipe.

--Lianne Bannow, HFM Board Member

This Week at the Market
Sandy Saunders Band

Community Booths:
Heifer International Portland
Save Our Elms

Kids Entertainment:
Crista the Face Painter
Featured Products
June 5th, 2010

red leaf lettuce

Malawi Red Leaf Lettuce
Winter Green Farm

Aunt Molly's Ground Cherry
Garden Starts
Gales Meadow Farm

Red Anjou Pears
Market Fruit/Packer Orchards

2009 Laurel Rosé
Laurel Ridge Winery

Chatenay Carrots
Big 'B' Farm
Market Pics
Eating berries in a wagon - it doesn't get much better than this.
kid in wagon
HFM vendors have such impressive displays!
strawberries and peas in a neat pattern

hfm_mapThe Hollywood Farmers Market is open Saturdays, May through Thanksgiving from 8am - 1pm. (November Markets begin at 9am).

We are located on NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd).

For more information, check us out online at www.hollywoodfarmersmarket.org.

See you Saturday!

Hollywood Farmers Market
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