In This Issue
HFM Oasis Project
Featured Vendor: Baird Family Orchards
Community Booths
This Week at
the Market

71st Avenue Ramblers

Metropolitan Family Services

Northwest Down Syndrome Association

Tip of the Week

Reviving Greens

To revive wilting greens such as lettuce, collards, kale, chard, or broccoli, cut a quarter inch off the stem(s), and place the stem(s) in a glass of cool water. Store in a cool place like the fridge. Your greens should be revived in a day or so.

Featured Produce
Part of the beauty of farmers' markets is that our produce changes with the seasons. Stay current with weekly produce highlights here!

Heirloom Spicy Peppers
 (Gales Meadow Farm)

Gravenstein Apples
(Kiyokawa Family Orchards)

Culinary Lavender
(Dancing Light Ranch)

Baby Artichokes
(DeNoble Inc)

Alberta Canning Peaches
(Maryhill Orchards)
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The Local Dirt
The end of August signifies the beginning of the most abundant time of year. As hot weather crops such as tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant begin to wane, fall crops start to arrive and we see apples and pears at the market for the first time this season! With other tree fruit such as peaches, nectarines, and plums are still plentiful, there is hardly anything that you cannot find at the Hollywood Farmers' Market.

Kiyokawa Family Orchards begins their season this Saturday and Old House Dahlias will be here with blooming potted dahlias. Next weekend will be the final market of the season for Carl and Linda Kroll of Sylvan Valley Acres and Tanya Kern of Dancing Light Ranch. Make sure to stop by if you have not had a chance to try Sylvan Valley's tomatoes or Tanya's lavender yet this season.

Last weekend, two Hollywood Farmers' Market staffers took on new roles. Stop by the Information Booth to meet Molly Finnegan, the new Token Program Coordinator and keep an eye out for Lorraine Ferron, the new Community Volunteer Coordinator. Molly will be happy to sell you market tokens each Saturday using your Oregon Trail or debit card. Debit tokens are usable like cash at market and they make great gifts anytime of year. Lorraine would love to talk with you about volunteering at the market. There is lots of fun work to be done, so get in touch and get involved!

Also last Saturday, HFM customers donated over $300 to help the gardeners from Earl Boyles Community Garden whose work was vandalized earlier this month. Thank you so much for your generosity!

See you at the market!

Oasis Project: the Hollywood Farmers' Market to Serve Cully Residents
By Bob New, HFM Oasis Project Coordinator
The Oasis Project is an effort of the Hollywood Farmers' Market to create food oases in neighborhoods where access to healthy foods is limited by price or distance. This pilot project will increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables for residents of the Cully neighborhood during September through a mobile farmers' market.
The Oasis Project will sell fresh, local and sustainable fruits and vegetables from farming vendors of the existing Hollywood Farmers' Market. The mobile market will be open from 10:00 am to noon each Saturday in September, starting on September 5th at Hacienda Community Development Corporation's Villa de Sueños apartments. The mobile farmers' market is conveniently located on TriMet bus routes #7 and #72 at the corner of NE Cully Boulevard and Killingsworth Street.
The first 75 SNAP (formerly known as food stamp) customers each week will receive dollar to dollar matching funds of up to five dollars to supplement SNAP purchases. Everyone is welcome to make shop at the Oasis Project farmers' market. Volunteers from Hacienda CDC will help interpret for Spanish speaking and Somali residents.
The Oasis Project is hosted by Hacienda CDC and made possible through a generous Pacific Village Grant from New Seasons Market.
The mission of the Hollywood Farmers' Market is to celebrate the bounty of Oregon agriculture through the operation of a community-based farmers' market and other ventures that support small farmers and healthy urban neighborhoods. 
For more information or to get involved please send an email to the Oasis Project.
Featured Vendor: Baird Family Orchards

At Baird Family Orchards, we've been growing peaches for 25 years and have learned how to pick to perfection. We work hard to pick our peaches and nectarines at the perfect ripeness, with a beautiful tangerine-orange peel, not bruised and mealy or green and bitter, but delicious and ready to eat within a few days of picking.

Our peaches are big and juicy from thinning (picking off about half of our peaches and letting them drop early on, when they are the size of a grape) so all of the nutrients go to only a few peaches. This produces a larger, more flavorful peach.

This also means we don't need to over-water our fruit to get large peaches, because we know you want peaches to taste like a peach should, not flavorless and watered down. We have about 25 different varieties and are always looking for new better ones. That's why many times you won't recognize the name, but love the flavor.

We hope you will stop by the market and see what variety we've picked this week. We will continue to grow and sell various peaches through the end of September, each with it's own unique flavor. Find out which variety is your favorite. We've learned that each person has different taste buds and Marci, Mickel and Mary would love to help you figure out which peach will suit your palate. We must warn you though ... our peaches are addicting, just ask all of our faithful customers!

We want to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers for being so faithful, honest, and generous for all of these years. We appreciate the chance to serve you. 

Thank you,
Baird Family Orchards

Reprinted article, originally published August 25, 2007.
Community Booths
Learn more about the organizations tabling at the market each week in our community booth column.

Metropolitan Family Services
We help families realize their amazing strength.

Metropolitan Family Services invests in individuals and families that struggle with the many barriers associated with cultural and economic disparities including inadequate education, health issues, isolation, unemployment, and poverty.

We are dedicated to building stronger communities by providing services, connecting people with resources, and offering volunteer opportunities throughout the Portland, Oregon region.

Northwest Down Syndrome Association
The NWDSA mission is to create and nurture a loving and inclusive community celebrating every person with Down syndrome.

The NWDSA will accomplish this mission by empowering and supporting families and individuals who have been touched by Down syndrome. We will work to increase education, promote public understanding and acceptance, work toward full inclusion, and defend the civil rights of individuals with Down syndrome. Our vision also embraces professionals and the cross disability community. Our statement of values is the core of our organization and the basis for how we make decisions to support our mission. 

We believe that relationships are the cornerstones of our organization and that they should be both honored and nurtured.
The Hollywood Farmers' Market is open Saturdays, May through October from 8am - 1pm and November 7, 14, and 21 from 9am - 1pm. We are located on NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd).

For more information, check us out online at

See you Saturday!

Hollywood Farmers' Market