Tip of the Week
Grilled Oysters
shells under running water. Place on hot grill, cup side down to hold
in juices. When done, oysters will steam around the edges and open
(they practically shuck themselves). Add your favorite sauce and enjoy!
-- Dawn Gilson, Gilson Marine Farms
Featured Produce
of the beauty of farmers' markets is that our produce changes with the
seasons. Stay current with weekly produce highlights here!

Black Bell Eggplant (Winter Green Farm)
Mexican Roja Garlic (Persephone Farm)
White Lady Peaches (Maryhill Orchards)
Triple Crown Blackberries (Thompson Farms)
Greek Pepperoncini (Hassing Farms)
What a wonderful time of year - there is so much produce in season it is hard to know where to start!
You can begin by checking out this Saturday's cooking demonstration with Sophie Rahman. Sharing her knowledge and experience of cooking with spices and herbs from the Indian sub-continent, Sophie will use fresh produce from the market to demonstrate a delicious and satisfying meal.
Please consider voting for the Hollywood Farmers' Market as America's Favorite Farmers' Market! Visit this link and type in '97213' in the zip code search box. Then vote! If everyone on this list votes for Hollywood magical things could happen...
Remember to buy tickets to see Joel Salatin of Polyface, Inc. He will be speaking in Hollywood on Thursday, August 13th from 7 to 9pm. Tickets
are $25 and can be purchased at the market Info Booth this Saturday from 8am to 1pm. You can also reach the market
at 503-709-7403 or by email to purchase a ticket.
See you at the market! |
Hollywood Farmers' Market
Board of Directors Recruitment
Do you love the Hollywood
Farmers' Market?
Would you like to get more involved in your community?
The Hollywood Farmers' Market is looking for enthusiastic Board members that
can help the market thrive! Needed skills and expertise include leadership,
finance, marketing, local food systems, staff management, public relations and
general administration.

You are invited attend our September Board meeting on Wednesday, September
16th at 6:30PM at the Rose City Park Presbyterian Church (1907 NE 45th and
Sandy Blvd) adjacent to the market.
If you wish to attend the September Board meeting please send an RSVP to
Carollyn Farrar.
For more information about the Hollywood Farmers' Market visit our website or
contact Carollyn.
Thanks for your interest and see you at the market!
Cooking Demonstration with Sophie Rahman by Sophie Rahman, HFM Volunteer
My passion and love for good food goes back to my memories of childhood
trips with my father to the local market in the bustling city of Karachi. The market was awash with vendors hawking
their fresh produce, stalls overflowing with an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, and
jute bags piled high with colorful and pungent spices of all kinds. I will never ever forget those amazing sights
and smells.
Cooking demonstrations give me an opportunity to use
my creativity and skill in preparing a dish that is satisfying and tasty. Eating well and healthy is very
important to me, and I focus on foods that are fresh and have nutritional value. That is why I love buying produce at my local farmers' market. If you are lucky, you
even have the opportunity of talking with the person who lovingly planted and
harvested the produce, and they may share with you that they picked those beans
that very morning while you were fast asleep in bed.
Nothing gives me greater pleasure than choosing the produce
I want for my demonstration. Armed with
my shopping basket and sense of excitement, I visit each stall - tasting, smelling
and talking to each vendor to determine what is the freshest, most-pleasing, and
nutritional dish that I can create.
The cooking demonstration is not only about the dish I am
preparing, it is also about the connection with the market-goers, who are eager
to learn something different and to learn about the myriad of
spices that are used in cooking Indian food.
This is what I enjoy the most - sharing my knowledge and experience of
cooking with spices and herbs from the Indian sub-continent.
Learn more about the spices and techniques used in preparing
a tasty 'curry dish' and experience the diversity of Indian cuisine by joining
me for Indian Cooking Classes. For details of costs, and a schedule of classes, please email me.
You can get a flavor of Indian cooking at my next cooking demonstration at the Hollywood Farmers' Market this Saturday, August 8th at 9:45 and
I look forward to seeing you at the Hollywood Farmers' Market!
Featured Vendor: Persephone Farm by Jeff Falen and Elanor O'Brien, Persephone Farm
When we started Persephone Farm 22 years ago, soil maps
indicated we would be working with one of the best soils in Oregon. We quickly learned that we had moved
onto a heavy clay soil that was slow to dry in the spring and eager to form
clods at any time of year. For years, we struggled to plant by April 1st.
More often than not, tens of thousands of greenhouse starts were discarded for
lack of dry ground. And, even when crops were planted early, cold soils resulted
in poor growth. Compounding the
problem was a stubborn, and perhaps foolish,
wish to minimize our use of non-renewable, non-recyclable plastics. This
commitment foreclosed the option of growing crops to maturity inside plastic
greenhouses, as is commonly done in Western Oregon. Conventional wisdom says that bringing produce to market early is an essential
element of success. Success looked like a dim prospect.
After years of regrets (did we purchase the wrong place?)
and disappointment (drowned crops and discarded starts), we gave up trying to
plant early and came to realize that the limits of our soil and the
restrictions imposed by our own efforts to use resources sustainably were a
profound gift. We discovered the meaning of seasonality and learned to thrive
within the constraints of nature. We found joy and fatigue in the hurried pace
of a five to six month growing season when the exuberant tide of life sweeps us
up in her onrushing current. We found peace and sweet rest in the long winter
nights while the land lay easy beneath gentle rains. And a farm name chosen
largely on a whim came to symbolize a belief that life and land are enriched
when we learn to work within the natural boundaries of the seasons rather than
pursue the notion that we should have whatever we want, whenever we want it.
Thankfully, our customers too, have accepted and welcomed
our seasonal produce.
Reprinted article, originally published August, 2007
Community Booths
Learn more about the organizations tabling at the market each week in our community booth column.
Western States Chiropractic College
The mission of Western States Chiropractic College is to educate
students in the art, science, and philosophy of chiropractic; to
cultivate those skills and attitudes that will foster clinical
decision-making based on established chiropractic procedures,
scientific knowledge, integrity, and a genuine concern for humankind;
and to prepare its students for their role as primary care physicians,
competent in diagnosis and in the chiropractic management of patients'
health care needs. The College is also committed to sponsoring active
research, programs for post-graduate education, training for related
health fields, and services which benefit the general community.Metropolitan Family Services
Metropolitan Family Services
invests in individuals and families that struggle with the many
barriers associated with cultural and economic disparities including inadequate education, health issues, isolation, unemployment, and
poverty. We are dedicated to building stronger communities by
providing services, connecting people with resources, and offering
volunteer opportunities throughout the Portland, Oregon region.
The Hollywood Farmers' Market is open Saturdays, May through October from 8am - 1pm and November 7, 14, and 21 from 9am - 1pm. We are located on NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd).
For more information, check us out online at www.hollywoodfarmersmarket.org.
See you Saturday!
Hollywood Farmers' Market