Tip of the Week
Peaches are a very easy and delicious fruit. They will ripen in a bowl on the
counter, and if you have a very good memory, a brown paper bag will
ripen them just a bit faster. However, in my experience, for many people the peaches are 'out of
sight out of mind' and they end up with spoiled peaches in the bag so I
don't bag my peaches.
You can extend the life of your peach once they
are ripe by refrigeration but you may lose some of the sweet flavor if
you leave them too long.
-- Leann Rowlett, Maryhill Orchards and HFM Board Member
Featured Produce
of the beauty of farmers' markets is that our produce changes with the
seasons. Stay current with weekly produce highlights here!
![vietnamese spinach](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs046/1101596792831/img/367.jpg?a=1102651849970)
Malabar - Vietnamese Spinach (Blooming Goodies)
Blue Crop Blueberries (Riley & Sons Blueberries)
Dancer Eggplant (Winter Green Farm)
Tropea Rossa Tonda (Gales Meadow Farm)
Lacinato Kale (Persephone Farm)
Has it been hot enough for you? The weather is supposed to cool off a bit by Saturday - just in time to stop by the market!
Many of our vendors will have ice cold drinks waiting while you stock up on vegetables, fish, and meat for the grill - and remember the peaches!
This week we welcome the green reggae music of Sons of Soil, and Crista will be here painting faces. We also provide free water at the Info Booth on the corner of 44th & Hancock where you can purchase tokens, tote bags, cookbooks, and tickets to see Joel Salatin. Yes, Joel Salatin is coming to Portland - see the story below for more information.
Also, check out the OPB story on tamale vendor Micro Mercantes that ran this morning here.
Headed to the Washington County Fair? Gales Meadow Farm is one of three Washington County farms featured this
weekend at the Fair by the Tualatin Valley Soil and
Water Conservation District. Visit to find out more about conservation practices at Gales Meadow Farm,
including efficient water management, nutrient management, no use of
pesticides, and the provision of wildlife habitat. The fair runs 10am
- 11pm every day through Sunday August 2 at the Washington County
Fair Complex in Hillsboro.
There is a lot going on this weekend. While you are out and about please remember to stay cool, hydrated, and protected from the sun!
See you at the market!
Joel Salatin Speaks in Portland to Celebrate Farmers' Markets!
Joel Salatin, the owner of Polyface Farm in Virginia, has been featured prominently in the book The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan, and in the documentary film Food, Inc. directed by Robert Kenner and currently playing at the Hollywood Theatre.
Joel is a well-respected farmer who epitomizes non-industrial food production. He raises pasture-fed livestock using holistic methods to develop emotionally, economically, and environmentally sound agricultural enterprises. Meat from his farm is sold by direct marketing to consumers and restaurants. A noted lecturer and author himself, his books include You Can Farm: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Start & Succeed in a Farming Enterprise, Salad Bar Beef, and Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal: War Stories From the Local Food Front.
Do not miss this rare opportunity to see him in person! Joel will be speaking on the importance of the plant-animal symbiosis to heal the landscape, the community, and the eater. He will discuss the importance of supporting local farmers through farmers' markets.
This event is Thursday, August 13th from 7 to 9pm at the Friendship Masonic Center, 5626 NE Alameda Street (located at 57th and NE Sandy Blvd). Parking is available across the street on Alameda and the Masonic Center is serviced by bus lines #12 and #71.
Tickets cost $25 and include pastries and light refreshments. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Hollywood Farmers' Market. Tickets are for sale at the Hollywood Farmers' Market Info Booth on NE 44th and Hancock Street, Saturdays from 8am to 1pm. Or you can reach the market at 503-709-7403 or by email.
Faces of the Market: Vanae Holland from Jacobs Creamery
The Local Dirt: What attracted you to working at the Hollywood Farmers' Market?
Vanae: I love the atmosphere, the freshness. Local, sustainable, love the people and the attitude.
LD: What is the most common question you hear?
Vanae: Is it homogenized or pasteurized? LD: And?
Vanae: It's not homogenized, and it's pasteurized lightly. The cows have no hormones and are pasture-fed.
LD: What is the oddest question you've ever received?
Vanae: People ask about the empty tubs. [Venae keeps empty tubs of cheese on display so that people can see the sizes. She keeps the cheese on lots of ice in the cooler so it doesn't spoil].
The other odd question is "is that from cows' milk?" since the Jacobs Creamery sign has a picture of cows in front of a barn.
LD: What is your favorite food at the market?
Vanae: Crepes, tomatoes, carrots.
LD: What do you do when you're off work?
Vanae: Go for walks with my son [Vanae's son, Zinedine, is almost 8 months old], go to parks.
LD: What is your favorite park?
Vanae: Forest Park, Jameson Square
LD: What is your favorite thing about what you sell?
Vanae: It's easy to sell because the flavor speaks for itself. It tastes good. Once I give people a taste, they buy it.
LD: What is something about you that's surprising?
Vanae: My favorite part of working at the market is tasting the samples before I put them out. I'll taste them throughout the day.
LD: Anything else you want to tell us?
Vanae: This is my favorite job ever!
Community Booths
Learn more about the organizations tabling at the market each week in our community booth column.
Hollywood Senior Center
The Hollywood Senior Center (HSC) is an independent non-profit community organization serving older
adults, their caregivers and the neighboring community through the
provision of education, information, health and wellness, recreation,
nutrition and social services. The HSC is committed to
assisting seniors in leading independent, secure,
healthy and fulfilled lives within their own community.
NW Mothers Milk Bank
The Northwest Mothers Milk Bank is a new non-profit organization
working to build a human milk bank in Portland. A milk bank screens,
collects, processes and dispenses donated human milk to provide to sick
and premature babies whose mothers cannot supply them with milk. With
a milk bank here, we will be able to reduce costs and increase access to
better meet the need. With our high breastfeeding rates, the
Northwest is a prime location to recruit donor moms. Learn more about
our efforts and how you can help us build a milk bank here in Portland.
The Hollywood Farmers' Market is open Saturdays, May through October from 8am - 1pm and November 7, 14, and 21 from 9am - 1pm. We are located on NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd).
For more information, check us out online at www.hollywoodfarmersmarket.org.
See you Saturday!
Hollywood Farmers' Market