In This Issue
Native Bees on the Farm
Community Booth Spotlight
Featured Vendor
This Week at
the Market

The Underscore Orkestra

Beaumont-Wilshire NET


KHITS 106.7

Tip of the Week
Bonnie and Clyde

Chard and Cilantro are unlikely partners in crime. Both have very unique flavors, which combine for a party in your mouth. They work well together in soups, frittatas, and sautes.

- Seth Belber, Persephone Farm
Featured Produce

Part of the beauty of farmers' markets is that our produce changes with the seasons. Stay current with weekly produce highlights here!

rainier cherries
Brandywine Tomatoes (Sweet Leaf Farm)

Rainier Cherries (Baird Family Orchards)

Tomcot Apricots (Maryhill Orchards)

Violetto Italian Artichokes (DeNoble)

Windsor Fava Beans (Winter Green Farm)
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The Local Dirt
KHITS 106.7 will be at our market this Saturday, from 8 to 10 AM. Be sure to get here early for your chance to win one of many fabulous prizes, including a "Party Pack" from Linda Brand Crab and a large 'Black Rose' Aeonium from Think Unique Gardens!

Native Bees on the Farm 
Part Two of Two

bumble beeBy Mace Vaughan and Lisa Schonberg, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation

Continued from last week...

Establishing a healthy population of native bees on your land
Native bees (pictured, photo courtesy of Mace Vaughan) need three resources: nesting sites, a variety of flowering plants, and a refuge from insecticides. All of these resources can occur in small patches or in marginal areas, such as around ponds, fence-rows, or field margins; crops close to wild habitat may already be visited by significant populations of native bees.
Hollywood Farmers' Market vendor Persephone Farm has been an innovator in creating habitat for native pollinators and other beneficial insects on their farm. They have put in habitat such as insectaries and hedgerows of native plants to support native pollinators, and have seen the benefits of increased pollination of their crops.

Ensuring adequate nest sites is easy; try to protect already existing sites on your property where native bees can nest. Ground nesting bees (different from yellow jacket wasps) like untilled, well-drained, and somewhat bare soils. Other bees nest in old snags or the center of pithy twigs. You can make artificial nest sites for native bees by boring holes in lumber or creating patches of bare soil with sparse vegetation.
Providing forage areas may be as simple as leaving weedy borders or allowing cover crops to bloom. Growing patches of native flowers also helps to attract valuable pollinators. Ideally, a farm should always have something in bloom, from early in the spring until the fall. If nothing else, forage patches should include flowers that bloom before and after the crop for which you most need pollination. Many of our native bees are active as adults longer than the typical bloom period of most crops, so they will only reproduce successfully and be there to pollinate your crop if they can find flowers before and after that crop is in bloom.

Finally, if pesticides - even those approved for organic operations - must be used, growers can still reduce their impacts on pollinators in simple ways. For example, apply pesticides just after dark when bees are no longer visiting the field (pest insects often remain on the crop during the night) and never apply insecticides to plants in bloom, even weeds that grow around field margins. Switch to pesticides that are less toxic to bees and adopt appropriate integrated pest management practices for selected crops.
A more productive and sustainable future
With a small effort on the part of growers, our native bees may improve pollination for a variety of crops. Farmers can provide a haven for native bees that will result in greater crop yields and lower costs for renting pollinators, and will provide pollination when honey bees are scarce. Native bee habitat can also support honey bees and other beneficial insects, shade irrigation ditches and streams, conserve water, reduce erosion, buffer winds and beautify your farm.

For information on reducing bee poisoning click here. For more information on pollinators and other invertebrates, check out Help bees by participating in The Great Sunflower Project.
Community Booth Spotlight

MetroPaintLearn more about the organizations tabling at the market each week in our community booth column.

MetroPaint is a high quality, affordable, 100 percent recycled latex paint produced in Portland, Oregon, since 1992. Metro sells recycled latex paint in 5-gallon pails and 1-gallon cans.

Beaumont-Wilshire NET
The Beaumont-Wilshire

Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) is a group of citizens trained by the Portland Office of Emergency Management and Portland Fire & Rescue to provide emergency disaster assistance within their own neighborhood.

Featured Vendor: Riley and Sons Blueberries

blue crop blueberries Marie Riley, of Riley and Sons Blueberries, has been fielding questions for weeks about when blueberries will be ready. Typically, Fourth of July weekend marks the first big harvest, but the cold spring has pushed that back to mid-July.
Marie grew up in the Hollywood District in Portland. She moved to Aurora with her family in 1965 to try her hand at blueberry farming and to keep her two boys out of trouble. They have now been farming for three generations, and their booth at the Hollywood Farmers' Market is proof. Marie's twelve-year old grandson, Andrew, has been at the market for three years and nine-year old Eric started rising at 5:30am this season.
Riley and Sons Blueberries has been at the Hollywood Farmers' Market since its second year. They started with just blueberries and have since added other berries to extend their season. While you anxiously await the arrival of Early Blue, Blue Crop, Blue Ray and Berkeley blueberries, you will find strawberries and raspberries from neighboring farmer Doug Albeke at their booth.
When asked why the blueberry crop is so late this season, Marie tells a story about bees. Each year, at the end of April or beginning of May, bee keepers place four to five hives at one end of their blueberry fields. This takes place when the plants show their first blossoms, and the timing has to be just right or the bees take interest in other flowers, neglecting the blueberry crop. This spring, the temperature rarely rose above 50 degrees and the honey bees didn't leave the hives to pollinate. Wild bumble bees are more apt to work in cold weather, however there weren't many bumble bees flying over their fields this season.
Each year brings unique challenges and the return of many loyal customers. Marie is especially proud of the relationship they have cultivated with their u-pickers over the years. Third generation customers are no strangers at their farm. "We have watched their families grow up and they have watched ours," says Marie Riley. They have even stayed connected with families that have moved away from Oregon. One family living in Boise plans their vacation to Oregon around the blueberry harvest. Another in Salt Lake City makes their return every two years and picks 300-400 pounds of blueberries to take back with them!
Those interested in u-pick options should call ahead to check availability at 503-678-5761. Riley and Sons Blueberries is located in nearby Aurora, less than a mile off the freeway. From Portland, take I-5 south to exit 282B. Turn right, then go 7/10 mile to the farm on your left.

The Hollywood Farmers' Market is open Saturdays, May through October from 8am - 1pm and November 1, 8, 15 & 22 from 9am - 1pm. We are located on NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd).

For more information, check us out online at

See you Saturday!

Hollywood Farmers' Market