Tip of the Week
Planting Basil
We are all anxious to plant basil, but basil does not do well until the nights are staying above 55 or 60 degrees. If it is planted outside now, it will not grow and chances are good that the slugs will enjoy it before you get a chance. If you do buy basil now, plant it in a pot and bring it inside at night.
- Anne Berblinger, Gales Meadow Farm
Featured Produce
Part of the beauty of farmers' markets is that our produce changes with the seasons. Stay current with weekly produce highlights here!
Crimson Rhubarb (Peak Forest Fruit)
Diamante Strawberries (Deep Roots Farm)
Oregon Sugar Pod II Snow Peas (Happy Harvest Farm)
Snow Pea Leaves (Blooming Goodies)
Sweet Slice Cucumbers (Sweet Leaf Farm) |
At the end of last season, you asked us to include more information about seasonal produce in The Local Dirt. In response to that request, we have created a Featured Produce section on the left with weekly produce highlights. We are happy to offer this new addition and hope you enjoy it!
Mushroom Hunting
 by Nicolette Purcell
With the ever-growing popularity of farmers' markets nationwide, we "localvores" are not alone in our quest for fresh, responsible, local foods. Recently, I had an opportunity to up my local eating ante by entertaining my hunter-gatherer side. Equipped with a primal, go-get-it-myself attitude and a basket, I was shown the art of mushroom hunting by Mark Des Marets, from Deep Roots Farm.
With baskets in hand and Morels on our minds, a crew of 10 was off to the Gorge. For success, I knew what I had to do: look low, watch my feet, and don't get discouraged when my "mushroom" is a piece of moss. This turned out to be simple, practical advice that landed me, and the rest of the crew with baskets full of dinner.
Throughout the hunt Mark offered tips and advice on the best places to look for these forest treats. Under ferns, logs, and other hidden places were ideal, but I quickly realized that the best place was actually ten steps ahead of wherever Mark was. He's amazing. He says he looks for textures and color more than shape and can clearly distinguish a mushroom from moss at a fifteen-foot distance - and he had a basket to prove it. By the end of the day, so did I.
When I got home I couldn't help but feel one step closer to my plate. I went to my neighbor's house and traded for some of his urban chicken eggs. As if I needed another reason to love this town, I found it: The building of a community from the ground up; from seed to stalk, spore to 'shroom, and neighborhood market to table. |
ACLU and Hollywood Theatre
Every week at the Hollywood Farmers' Market, market-goers are given the opportunity to learn more about organizations doing important work in our community. These Community Booths offer information and valuable resources related to the Hollywood Farmers' Market core values of Civic Participation, Community, and Education.
ACLU of Oregon
The Oregon Affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a non-partisan organization dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of civil liberties and civil rights. The ACLU works on many different issues and uses many different strategies in its work. Please stop by their Community Booth this Saturday to find out more about current issues and to become involved!
Film Action Oregon/Hollywood Theatre
Film Action Oregon (FAO) is a non-profit organization located in the Hollywood District of Portland, Oregon. In 1997, the organization purchased and began the restoration of Northeast Portland's historic Hollywood Theatre. FAO focuses on supporting, educating, and engaging Oregonians interested in learning more about filmmaking and the growth and development of film and video in Oregon.
The Hollywood Theatre currently draws more than 40,000 people each year and depends on 150 volunteers for daily maintenance and operation. This summer, FAO is working on Project Youth Doc, a documentary video program for, by, and about youth.
Project Youth Doc (PYD) is a summer video documentary program for youth ages 13-15 years old taught at the Hollywood Theatre. Students accepted into the program complete an intense course in documentary video production taught by professional filmmakers, using pro production equipment, industry standard lighting, sound gear, HD cameras and state of the art Final Cut Pro equipped Macs.
Working in small teams, students will go through the process of producing, filming and editing a short documentary from start to finish. Completed projects will be screened for family, friends and community members at "Docupalooza 2008" to be held at the historic Hollywood Theatre in NE Portland on August 22nd. Please stop by Film Action Oregon/Hollywood Theatre's Community Booth this Saturday and find out how you can become involved!
Join PYD this summer and tell your story. |
Featured Vendor: Think Unique Gardens
 Suzanne Brillat of Think Unique Gardens began her farmers' market career at the Sandy Farmers' Market in 1997, selling produce and four varieties of tomato plants. She still grows the Oregon Spring, Willamette, Kootnai and Seletz tomato plants that she brought to market twelve years ago. In addition to tomato plants, you will find a variety of eggplant, cucumbers (only the burpless kind), zucchini and squash at her booth. When asked about her non-edible plants, Suzanne will tell you that she likes unique plants that are a little on the red side, have a black tint or produce beautiful flowers.
Suzanne's specialty is to grow something for everyone. Her tomato plants include those that thrive in shade, wet soil, dry soil, as well as heirlooms, European and Russian tomato varieties. Her mission? To help customers grow tomatoes. As customers describe seemly adverse conditions for planting and growing tomatoes, she hands them a variety that will thrive in that very environment. She has even started selling basket tomatoes to meet the needs of apartment dwellers.
Stop by her booth and you will see Suzanne jotting down notes from time to time. If Suzanne doesn't have an answer to your question, she will research it and give you an update on your next market visit. This sharing of information goes both ways, she says, as she has learned a lot from her customers over the years. This connection, this synergy between customers and vendors, is what keeps Suzanne coming back to the Hollywood Farmers' Market year after year. She describes the market as an extended family. "We transform the space on Saturday. We protect it. And it works."
The Hollywood Farmers' Market is open Saturdays, May through October from 8am - 1pm and November 1, 8, 15 & 22 from 9am - 1pm. We are located on NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd).
For more information, check us out online at www.hollywoodfarmersmarket.org.
See you Saturday!
Hollywood Farmers' Market