This Season at the Market
You can expect to find:
Farm fresh produce, meat, fish, eggs, pasta, nuts, baked goods, cheese, flowers, plants, and delicious prepared foods.
Music from different artists every week.
Non-profit community booths providing information and resources.
Cooking demos on the second Saturday of each month beginning in June.
Tip of the Week
Each week, we ask our vendors for a tip to pass along to our customers.
We will continue that tradition this year, but thought you might also have some wisdom to share!
Do you have a favorite recipe? Cooking method? Storage technique?
Respond to this email and you could see your name in lights! |
Mark your calendars! The Hollywood Farmers' Market is getting ready to launch our twelfth market season! We have been working hard to get ready for opening day and hope you can join us on Saturday, May 3, 2008.
The market will be open every Saturday from May until Thanksgiving. Our regular season hours are 8am to 1pm, with the November markets beginning one hour later.
 Hollywood Farmers' Market opens May 3rd!
by Trish Hamilton, HFM Board Member
The days are getting longer, birds are singing and neighbors are venturing out to work in their gardens - a sure sign of spring. Another welcome harbinger of the season is the opening of the Hollywood Farmers' Market. Starting in less than two weeks, the bounty of our region will once again reward our patience over the long winter months.
Beginning Saturday, May 3rd the market will offer a wonderful variety of fresh local produce, cheese, meat, fish, bakery items and garden plants. This time of year shoppers can expect to find tender lettuces and greens, radishes, carrots, scallions, asparagus, beans, peas, and strawberries as well as tempting plants to brighten the garden. In addition, food vendors and live music make this a great place to take your family and reconnect with neighbors.
Speaking of neighbors, the Hollywood Farmers' Market would like to welcome a new addition to the neighborhood. Grocery Outlet will open soon in the building formerly occupied by Value Village. It has been a pleasure for the board and staff of the market to work with Dave and Jill Reilly, managers of the local Grocery Outlet operation, during this transition. Dave is a local resident and grew up in Hollywood. Please stop by to see the store when you're at the market.
Join your neighbors on May 3rd from 8am to 1pm to stock up on delicious local produce, meet the farmers and artisans that bring us this treasure, and celebrate the bounty of our community.
Volunteer Orientation
Have you ever thought about what it takes to make the market happen? The Hollywood Farmers' Market depends on volunteers like you! From market-day responsibilities to behind-the-scenes operations, we have volunteer opportunities for people of all types.
To learn more about the Volunteer Program and changes for the upcoming season, please come to the 2008 Volunteer Orientation, this Saturday, April 26th from 12-2pm. The orientation will take place at the Rose City Park Presbyterian Church, located on the corner of NE 44th and Sandy, adjacent to the market.
The Hollywood Farmers' Market opens May 3rd and we're excited for the return of our star volunteers! We can't do it without you. See you Saturday!
Please RSVP to Sarah Broderick, our Community Volunteer Coordinator, at 503-803-7279 or email |
Volunteer of the Year
by Steve Lasky, 2007 Volunteer of the Year
In January 2000, I quit my job as a photographer for the New Orleans Times Picayune and moved to Portland with my wife Kathy. That spring we started shopping at farmers' markets and the Hollywood Farmers' Market became our regular Saturday destination. Kathy was soon recruited as a volunteer greeter and not long afterwards I was roped into helping with the chronically understaffed breakdown crew. After a few years, the poor guy who had been packing all the market's stuff into the shed retired from the duty, leaving me as the new shed packer.
Years later, I still spend many Saturday afternoons packing the market's bulky equipment into storage at the end of the day. For some reason, this has garnered the attention of market staff who named me "Volunteer of the Year" for 2007 and presented me a plaque with my name on it to astound friends and family alike. I promise to not let this go to my head.
Over the years, I have worked with volunteers as young as five and as old as, well, it's not polite to ask, but as long as you are willing, there will always be something that needs to get done. One gentleman who has been with us for years is quite happy to break down the market in the forty degree rain with his aluminum walker. My now four year old son (see photo) was happy to help out last season, although his contribution might be better labeled a hindrance.
I am convinced that for the market to function well we need plenty of eager volunteers for the market day shifts, not the least in my mind being breakdown. And remember, while attending or working at the market, please wear practical shoes.
The Hollywood Farmers' Market is open Saturdays, May through October from 8am - 1pm and November 1, 8, 15 & 22 from 9am - 1pm. We are located on NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd).
For more information, check us out online at
See you Saturday!
Hollywood Farmers' Market