This Week at the Market
Free Range
Paws to Freedom
Master Recyclers
Joe the Balloon Man
Tip of the Week
Don't plant your basil outside too early! Wait until the ground warms up and it is reliably over 50 degrees at night.
-Sarah Laughlin, River Rock Nursery |
We hope you can join us this Memorial Day weekend. Help us officially usher in the summer with food, flavor and festivities.
Located on NE
Hancock between 44th and 45th Avenues in Portland, Oregon, the Hollywood Farmers' Market is open
8 AM to 1 PM on Saturdays from May through
October. We will also be open November 3, 10 & 17 from
9 AM to 1 PM.
Help support the market by forwarding this e-newsletter to friends and family!
Memorial Day Menu

Do your Memorial Day plans include a BBQ or picnic? Plan your menu with the help of HFM vendors.
Sturm's Berry Farm: Make tasty Smoothies with frozen Marion berries, blueberries,
or blackberries.
Sweet Leaf Farm: Grill
Sweet Spanish Onions (walla walla) or Zucchini. Slice them
length-wise and grill for 15 minutes, being careful not to char
them. Grill zucchini for 10 minutes.
Buns on the Run: Boil raw
sausages for 8 minutes to seal in the juices and protect your grill
from getting messy. Then grill for 8 minutes on both sides.
Briney Sea Delicaseas: Wrap Salmon in foil with lemon and seasonings. Grill on each side for 3-5 minutes until flaky.
For additional recipes, stop by the information booth to purchase From
Asparagus to Zucchini: A Guide to Cooking Farm-Fresh, Seasonal Produce,
3rd Edition for $19.95 or 2 for $30. This cookbook is an indispensable,
nationally renowned resource for people who want to make the most of
local and seasonal produce.
Joe the Balloon Man

Joe Mishkin has been entertaining children and adults every season at
the Hollywood Farmers' Market since it was in its original location at
Washington Mutual. Joe says, "I've been entertaining folks there
for years and years and now its one of my favorites".
He not only creates fun and imaginative balloon hats and animals, he
makes a connection with each child that keeps them coming back, even
when the line is stretched halfway across the market. Look for Joe the
Balloon Man once a month throughout the season by the entrance on 44th
Avenue. Check out Joe's other upcoming performances on his website at |
Featured Vendor: Deep Roots Farm

Located in the heart of the Willamette Valley between Corvallis and Albany, Deep Roots Farm
is celebrating our 10th Anniversary season! We are a fresh-market
produce farm, specializing in tomatoes, bell peppers, melons, sweet
corn, green beans, sugar snap peas, broccoli, Asian cucumbers, Yukon
gold potatoes, and strawberries - though we grow a wide range of other
crops throughout the season. We are committed to selling our produce
directly to market shoppers and independent retailers, creating
meaningful relationships with the people who prepare and eat the
produce we grow.
We pride ourselves on practicing environmentally responsible
agriculture. Through scientific data, ecological accounting, community
integration, and good ole fashioned common sense, we feel we are
legitimately making progress toward production that can truly be
Come see Mark and Eilif this weekend. They'll have more strawberries,
sugar snap peas, Asian cukes, crispy carrots, and gigantic heads of
lettuce to share with you.
Thanks to everyone in the Hollywood neighborhood for supporting our family's farm!
-The Bolsters: Aaron, Kimberly, Kaia, & Arissa
For more information, check us out online at
See you Saturday!
Hollywood Farmers' Market