Featured Vendor: Gales Meadow
Rene and Anne Berblinger began farming in the Gales Creek Valley in western Washington County
in 1999. David Knaus joined us full-time in 2006. We produce more than 200
varieties of great tasting, beautiful vegetables and herbs. Many of our
varieties are heirlooms.
Early in the season, Gales Meadow Farm sells starts of tomatoes, eggplant,
peppers, lettuce, squash, cucumbers, chard, and culinary herbs. We have more
than 30 varieties of tomatoes, more than 20 sweet and hot peppers, and 10 kinds
of eggplant.
As the season progresses, we offer the best familiar summer
and fall vegetables and many unusual varieties. Stop by our booth, ask
questions, get recipes, and share your recipes with us!
Our newest product is micro-greens, cultivated by David.
It is a mix of the tiny first leaves of lettuce, arugula, mizuna, tatsoi,
cabbage, broccoli, rapini, and other leafy greens. It has an amazing taste and
texture and great nutrition.
Our farming practices build the soil and provide habitat for wildlife
including native plants, insects, birds, and microbes. We have been certified organic by Oregon Tilth since 2001.
Restaurants which use our products include Genoa, Kinta, Caffe Mingo, Nostrana and
Fleur de Lis Bakery. And those fabulous Ruby Jewel Treats . . . the mint
and lavender for the ice cream come from Gales Meadow Farm.