Paul BakerEchoes of Silence:
One People, One Planet
with eco-minstrel and activist
Paul Baker Hernandez

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
12:00 to 1:30 PM
Community Change
14 Beacon Street Suite 605, Boston

Paul comes to us from Nicaragua where he has founded Echoes of Silence, a network of "artists with broken nails" who support community health, education, ecological and cultural projects, and with whom he continues to write irreverent songs about cell phones, dictators, Starbucks, and more.

Join us as Paul shares songs, stories and conversation about environmental, racial and economic justice in both English and Spanish.

Once a hermit monk, isolated in the snows of Scotland, PAUL BAKER HERNANDEZ now lives in a Managua shanty town. During his extraordinary life journey he has led an invasion of Queen Elizabeth's private castle to protest nuclear weapons, sung "We Shall Overcome" for 300,000 people as justice and peace warm-up act for Pope John Paul II, joined Joan Jara and Inti Illimani in events reclaiming the stadiums used by Pinochet as torture/extermination camps in Chiles, and fought alongside Salvadoran exiles attacked by death squads - in Los Angles.

His only weapon was and remains the unique "green guitar he secretly cobbled together from an old drawer, a broken table leg and a retired toilet seat while his fellow monks were at prayer. He weaves Flamenco guitar, Gregorian chant, protest and Latin American song together moving people to build peace through justice.

Please bring your lunch. Beverages will be provided.

RSVP at 617-523-0555 or

$5 contribution requested. All proceeds go toward Echoes of Silence.

Community Change Inc.
14 Beacon Street Suite 605
Boston, Massachusetts 02108