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In this Issue
:: 4 Aces Race
:: February Club Ride
:: Meeting tonight at Fuddruckers
February Newsletter
Feb 6th, 2012


 We hope the New Year has started out good for you and your family.  We have the upcoming ride / race schedule on the website as well as the 2012 race pit captain schedule. Check them out, get out your calendar and start planning your ride / race trips. Our Feb ride is at Ocotillo and we have pits scheduled for this coming weekend @ Red Mountain. 

 We have a general meeting tonight in Buena Park and hope to see many of you there. We look forward to seeing you out in the dez in 2012.

 In His grip,  Scott Burnett

Race next weekend


4 Aces @ Spangler Hills

Pit Captain: Scott Burnett

We will have our trailer there and will be camping on Pit Row. 9am start time. BBQ lunch for all! Stephens Mine Road off Trona Road


February Club Event

Ocotillo Wells SVRA

Traiboss: Kevin "Ahoy" Malloy Feb 17th-19th    Google MAP

Camp site is off the S22 on the NORTH side of the OHV area. 3.5 miles from the 86 freeway at Salton Sea

If you have questions about any activities or the location, email Kevin at or call him @ (951) 316-0826

Club General Meeting tonight 
Join us for dinner at Fuddruckers in Buena Park
The first Monday of each month, we meet for fellowship and club business. Our discussing include club activities, rides, races, Meltdown and of course Jesus! All trailbosses are asked to please attend the meeting PRIOR to their club ride to pass out maps, answer questions and inform the club of the planned activities. Tonight we will be reviewing our recent racers meeting (Jan), Feb club activities (a race and a ride) and starting our planning of Meltdown 25, which is coming up on June 9th-10th, 2012. We hope you will join us, its a great time of dinner, fellowship and motorycle talk! MAP and menu

2012 Club Officers

A list current officers can be found on the website. Feel free to call or email them at anytime with your questions. List of 2012 Officers

Ride / Race Schedule for 2012

This is the year to get out to the desert. Invite your friends to one of the upcoming rides / races!    Ride Schedule        Race Schedule   


Our group page has lots of great info to share. Post a link to us on YOUR faceook page and lets spread the word.




 donateRUTS is a 501c3 non profit corporation. Our mission is to be a light in the desert and to minister to the riders, racers and families that we come into contact with. Consider giving a donation to help keep RUTS moving forward. Any size donation is welcome. 



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