November Newsletter | November 7th, 2011
Where do I begin? There is so much going on this month. Our new officers (2012) will be voted on at our next general meeting (tonight), our Thanksgiving Club ride is only a few weeks away, the jerseys have been recieved and are ready to send out, the Christmas party is only month away and we have already started planning for the 25th anniversary Meltdown next June! You cant ever get bored when your a part of the RUTS family!
Many have asked this year about how they can "give" to RUTS, so we have added a "donation" feature to the website. Check out the "members" section and you will find a couple of option for your family to give a tax deductable one time donation or a monthly offering to RUTS. If you and your family have been ministered to by this club and want to give back monitarily, now you can. Check out the new page here..
In His grip, Scott Burnett
2012 Club Officers. Our RUTS nominating committee will present the slate of 2012 officers at our general meeting, Monday November 7th, which will also be our Annual Business Meeting. Club trustees will address the health of the club and we will confirm (by vote) the officers presented. The slate of officers are as follows for 2012:
President: Scott Burnett Vice President: Danny Zierau Recording Secretary: Barbara Wiltsey Competition Chairman: VACANT Treasurer: Janet Harris D37 Representative: Julie Angell Correspondence Secretary: Bob Neilson Trustees: Sonny Harris & Eddie Walker, & Tom Moore
Save the Date
Saturday December 10th. 6pm
Calvary Chapel La Habra 1370 S. Euclid St. La Habra CA, 90631
RSVP to Tom and Lil Moore
@ (714) 871-8012
For the 25th anniversary of RUTS, we would like to invite all the former and inactive members to attend. It will be a REUNION of sorts. Please forward this email to anybody who was at one time a RUTS member! We will have a potluck dinner, time of worship, gifts for the kids and a great evening celebrating the birth of our Savior!
November Race RHR Endro
November 19th and 20th
This years RHR (Riders Helping Riders) fundraiser is an Enduro int he Johnson Valley. No pits, but it's sure to be a great D37 points paying event. Sign up with other RUTS members and ride this one together. Click the flyer above for more information! |
November Club Ride
Anderson Dry Lake, Johnson Valley OHV.
will find RUTS heading out to Anderson Dry Lake. Danny and Caprice Zierau will trail boss this three-day weekend club ride. There are no races in the area this weekend, as there has been in the past, so there will be lots of room to roam! Last years November club ride was coated just not he North side of South Anderson Dry Lake and Danny set up a poker run ride into the hills on the other side of Camp Rock road. We will post directions and exact location the week prior to the club ride. Come out and join us for some great fall riding! Camp will likely be marked in on Thursday, but check the message board or website for exact locations prior to heading out. Please don't forget to bring some firewood with you. If you have questions about any activities or the location, email Danny and Caprice at
rutsracer@yahoo.com |
Club Jerseys!! They are here!
If you ordered your jersey, contact Danny Ziereau to have it mailed to you! rutsracer@yahoo.com. If you have not yet PAID for it, send $60 to:
Sonny and Janet Harris
11837 Burgess Whittier, CA 90604
We ordered 10 extra jerseys, so if you DIDNT order one and you WANT one, contact Danny to have him hold you one while we still have some. The jersey will be available for pickup at the November Club Ride, the Chirtmas party, and Fremont Peak over New Years weekend. If your NOT going to attend one of those events, then Danny will mail it to you. |
Notes from the Prez:
There is a new video on the website that shares what RUTS is all about. We are making a second one that focuses on the RACING aspect of the club and we need the help of some of our racers. Next time you see Bible Bob Nielson hanging out at PITS, or video taping the start of a race, help him to get some good race footage. You can also help by telling him "on camera" what RUTS means to you. The racers video should be a great tool we can use to recruit more racers into the club! Thanks Bob for your work on the current video!
The officers are dicussing the location of our current general meetings (Buena Park) and are considering a new location for some of the meetings in the Inland Empire. We would move some of the meetings in hopes of attracting some of our High Dessert racing members. If you know a location or idea, please let one of the officers know. Our current plan is to have 3 "General Meetings" in 2012 somewhere in Riverside County. A large turnout will pave the way for more RUTS meetings in the I.E.
I have not been able to compile the motolympics results yet, but look for them in the NEXT newsletter. Thank you to all who particpated and especially to those who served with thier time. The highlight of the weekend for many was the newest event, the Mens Hill Climb Challenge. It was fun watching 20+ men climb a rather steep sandy hill, with 15 making it and 7 of them NOT. The final HEAD to HEAD race for the top 6 was especially fun to watch.
Congratulation to the winner, Abe Bauman, who also won the mens 36+ division. A final congrats to Nate Scott who took home the overall points winner trophy for the second year in a row. We might have to change the rules next year or Nate may win it again! Way to go Nate Scott, you are growing up to be one heck of a good rider, just like your daddy Tim.
Dont miss our next two club rides. Thanksgiving weekend and New Years Weekend. Both are goign to be alot of fun, the Burnett Family looks forward to seeing you there!
2011 Club Officers
A list current officers can be found on the website. Feel free to call or email them at anytime with your questions. List of 2011 Officers
Ride Schedule for 2011 This is the year to get out to the desert. Invite your friends to one of the upcoming rides / races! Ride Schedule Race Schedule
Our group page has lots of great info to share. Post a link to us on YOUR faceook page and lets spread the word.
RUTS is a 501c3 non profit corporation. Our mission is to be a light in the desert and to minister to the riders, racers and families that we come into contact with. Consider giving a donation to help keep RUTS moving forward. Any size donation is welcome.