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In this Issue
:: 2012 Club Officers
:: Viewfinders Race this weekend!
:: Motolympics
:: RUTS Jersey - ORDERING soon!
October NewsletterSept 26th, 2011 


 Our 26th annual Mike Tarter memorial Motolympics ride is coming up this month! With 4 kids myself, I have to say this one is my favs. We hope you will join us at Soggy Dry lake for a weekend of fun, fun and more fun. This year were adding the men's "Sand Hill Climb" to the list of events! If your not participating in this one, you will at least want to spectate! Its sure to be ...."eventful". Motolympics is a great event to invite a friend from church, neighbor or family member who hasnt yet experienced RUTS. To add to the excitement, 100's MC is holding the a National Race at North Anderson dry lake on Sunday. Play on Saturday, Race on Sunday! What more could you ask for? Fun for everybody. Check out the flyer for more details! 

In His grip,

Scott Burnett

PS. HELP WANTED!!! If you can asssit with Motolypics, please contact me @ (much appreciated!)  10 events means 10 event assistants needed.

2012 Club Officers.  Our RUTS nominating committee has determined that we are looking to fill 2 officers positions this year. Corespondance Secretary and Compition Chairman. If you are interested in serving your club this year in one of these positions, or ANY other position, please contact Tom Moore @ (714) 871-8012. The correspondance secretary is tasked with handling the club roster, new membership application and our incoming mail, the competition chairperson is in charge of collecting the event sign in sheets and compiling the points for our year end awards given at the Christmas party. We have 6-7 officer meeting per year where club business, race details, membership and accounting are taken care of. If you would like to connect more with your RUTS family, this is the way to do it! Prayerfully consider serving for ONE year on the RUTS board of officers. You wont be sorry you did. 


Viewfinders Race this weekend
Saturday and Sunday 

This weekends race will be a Grand Prix with a 2 hour scrambles on Sunday. The location fo this race is awesome. The Ridgecrest fairgrounds. Look for the RUTS flags when you arrive. On Sunday at the scramble,w e will have full RUTS pits. RACE FLYER


Scott Burnett will be pit captain on Sunday. Saturdays GP race will not have pits.


October Club Ride
Mike Tarter Memorial Motolympics
Oct 22nd and 23rd.

On Saturday: A full day (and we mean FULL) of activities. From opening ceremonies @ 9am to awards, bible study, campfire and an out outdoor movie night till bedtime, this event has something for everybody. Kids are sure to sleep soundly on this night our of sheer exhaustion. Get your bikes tunes up before you arrive because you wont want to miss a single activity.
On Sunday: We will let our racers head off to Anderson Dry lake, while the rest of us take a leisurly 12 mile beginner level "round the mountain" @ 10am. Rhinos. Jeeps, Quads and kids will have fun as we head out together for a 2 hour group ride. Here is a flyer to share with friends! FLYER
Club Jerseys!!
Get yours while you can.  RUTS Jersey


We have started our 2011 order list. We have 10 people on the list and need at least 15 more so we can place an order. Price will $60. RSVP to Danny Zierau.

2011 Club Officers

A list current officers can be found on the website. Feel free to call or email them at anytime with your questions. List of 2011 Officers

Ride Schedule for 2011

This is the year to get out to the desert. Invite your friends to one of the upcoming rides / races!    Ride Schedule        Race Schedule  


Our group page has lots of great info to share. Post a link to us on YOUR faceook page and lets spread the word.


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